an increase in the national birth rate, the nation's population rising almost 20% in a decade, began during the end of WWII and peaked in 1957, the baby boom reversed the nation's long pattern of decline from the depression, and increased consumer demand and expanded economic growth, the rapid expansion of suburbs and suburban population, helped stimulate growth in several important sectors of the economy (automobile industry, housing industry, construction of roads), the theory of economics that by varying the flow of government spending and taxation (fiscal policy) and managing the supply of currency (monetary policy), the government could stimulate the economy to cure recession and dampen growth to prevent inflation, 1950s, post WWII, public and professional economists, believed that it was possible for the government to maintain permanent prosperity, made it possible for government to regulate and stabilize the economy w/out intruding directly into the private sector made the postwar economy a source of national confidence, big business in post war American companies join together to create even larger corporate entities, changing from single industry firms to diversified conglomerates, transformed American industry and buisness, a new kind of relationship between large labor unions and employers, workers in other large unionized industries wer receiving generous increases in wages and benefits, in return the union tacitly agreed to refrain from raising other issues, this contract had the support of the National Labor Relations Board, but some workers wanted more control, the technological advances that followed limited worker's control, a merger of the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations, the union of the two great labor movements survived as tensions were put aside, a union of united "hardworking men and women", became the subject of a congressional investigation, its president David Beck charged with misappropriation of union funds, the union had spearheaded the industrial movement in the 1930s (sit down strike), became tainted with suspicions of corruption and violence, kills and stops the production of bacteria, 1920s and '30s the drugs began to impact the medical world, increasingly popular in the 1950s and '60s, a particularly important advance in medical science, for they were capable of fighting infections that in the past had been untreatable, an antibacterial organism reformed to become a powerful drug, 1928 - Fleming discovered the organism's antibacterial properties, 1941 - first human trials of the drug, 1948 - available to doctors and hospitals, American laboratories took to developing methods for the mass production and commercial distribution of the drug, a form fo a virus incapable of causing disease but capable of triggering antibodies in vaccinated people that would protect them from contracting the disease, developed in the first half of the 20c, growing in numbers and uses, in 1950s there was dramatic progress, helped protect populations from diseases (influenza, yellow fever, tuberculosis), an effective vaccine against polio, was provided free to the public by the government, a particularly dramatic postwar triumph, virtually eliminated polio from American life and much of the rest of the world, chemicals used to protect crops form destruction by insects and protect humans from insect carried diseases (typhus and malaria), changed farming and disease control, only later where some pesticides to have long term toxic effects on animals and humans, a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screen, first commercially viable televisions in 1940s, began to broadcast programs over large areas, changing American news and lifestyle, Universal Automatic Computer, developed initially for the US Bureau of the Census, was able to handle both alphabetical and numerical information easily, used tape storage and was faster than its predecessor, designed to predict the results fo the 1952 election, the first significant computer of the 1950s, the machine's election predictions helped publicize the machine, became a critical breakthrough in public awareness of computer technology, a bomb that derives it power from fusion (the joining of atomic elements with heavier ones), the fusion is capable of producing explosions of vastly greater power than earlier fission bombs, 1952 - US detonated the first Hydrogen Bomb, the development of the bomb gave considerable impetus to a stalled scientific project in both the US and Soviet Union, scientists sought to develop rokets and missiles capable of traveling the new weapons, the centerpiece of space exploration, created through a new agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and through astronauts, became a modest effort to make travel in near space easier and more practical, astronauts heros, project competition between US and Soviets, program boosted US aeronautics industry and created many useful, universal, technologies, an earth orbiting satellite, launched by the Soviet Union into outer space, the US had yet to preform similar feats and the American government reacted to the announcement with alarm, and began encouraging and funding efforts to improve scientific education in the schools and to create more laboratories and to develop America's own exploration of outer space, as a result of increased prosperity,variety and availability, society increased their absorption of goods, the increase in consumption changed the culture of society, advocated for more wants rather than simply the necessities, the American life emerged, credit used by people for personal needs, as indicator of consumer spending and demand, helped develop consumer culture through the development of credit cards, revolving charge accounts, and easy-payment plans, an amusement park new Los Angeles that recreated many of the characters and events of Disney entertainment programs, the Disney technique of turning an entertainment success into an effective tool for marketing consumer goods transformed marketing and consumerism, appropriated $25 million for highway construction, spreading thousands of miles of concrete roads across the national, providing links to every major city, was one of the ost important alterations of the national landscape in modern history, the highways reduced travel time and made trucking a more economical way to transport goods, contributed to decline of railroads, began is drive-in restaurants, places where customers could be served and eat in their cars, or on the road/on the go, first drive in appeared in the 1920s, but in the 1950s fast food chains emerged, was encouraged by the automobile, the restaurants transformed travel and eating out, neighborhoods consisting of several thousand simple houses, with identical interiors, and only slightly varied facades, each perched on its own concrete slab, a result of William Levitt's use of mass-production techniques to construct a large housing developments, came to symbolize the new suburban growth by meeting an enormous and growing demand for housing, these towns began to appear across the nation, a movement supporting the equality of women and men politically, economically, and socially, the experiences of the 50s worked to diminish the power of feminism, but it also helped create conditions that only a decade later would create the most powerful feminist movement in history, those staying out of the workplace from the pressure of being a housewife, would involve in public work and organizations to promote feminism and the women in the workplace laid the groundwork for the demands of equal treatment, television shows that portrayed families in which most women were mothers and housewives striving to serve children and please their husbands, reinforced gender roles and what the norms of the middle class family "should be", a organized movement advocating for environmental protection, 1950s, the movement developed with the rebirth of the Sierra Club and the issue of Echo Park, the issues of the 50s and the emergence of environmentalism was an important impetus to the dawning of environmental consciousness that woud become important a decade and more later, phrase repsented a commitment o making higher decation and training ground for specialist in a wide variet of fields, coined by the chancellor of University fo CA at Berkeley to describe the institution's diversity, represented the expansion of university curricula to provide more opportunities for students to develop specialized skills, moving the nation into a more educated working environment, a group of young poets, writers, and artists known as the "beats" who wrote harsh critics of what they considered the sterility and conformity fo American life, the meaninglessness of American politics and the banality of popular culture, the most caustic critics of bureaucracy and of middle class society, were the most visible evidence of a widespread restlessness among young Americans, an actor who played moody, alienated teenagers and young men with a streak of self-destructive violence, reflecting the way he lived his own life, Rebel Without Cause (1955) East of Eden (1955) Gian (1956), was a particularly vivid sign ans symbol of the unfocused rebelliousness of American youth, a style of music, pioneered by black rhythm and blues traditions with the icon of Elvis, appealed to the youth because of its pulsing, sensual rhythms and its hard-edged lyrics, a powerful sign of the restiveness of American youth was the popularity of rock'n'roll, owed its fame to radio and television, transformed popular music in American and gave an indirect voice to some of the anxieties and pent up impulses of young people, a book by the socialist writer Michael Harrington which chronicled the continuing existence of poverty in America, the conditions he described were not new, only the attention he was bringing to them was, the book created a sensation out of reality, inner city neighborhoods that were vast repositories for the poor, the population was largely full of racial and ethnic minoriteis, they remianed so poor itne h midst of growign affluence, the ghettos developed/grew between 1940-1960, represented the poverty rich sector of society that was often forgotten about during the economic bliss of the middle class in the 50s, the principal policy response to the poverty in inner cities was the effort to tear down building in the poorest and most degraded areas, and in some cases provided new public housing for poor city residents, after WWII, in 20 years the project destroyed 400,000 buildings and the homes of 1.5 million people, the project was better at eliminating the blights than at helping the poor, for it didn't always replace the housing with housing, but rather commercial real estate, Supreme Court case considering the legal segregation of a Kansas public school system, the Court rejected its Plessy v. Ferguson which ruled separate but equal, issuing public schools to be DEsegregated, and the Brown decision was the culmination of may decades of effort by black opponents of segregation, and helped spark a growing number of popular challenges to segregation in the South, a group of African American students who were enrolled in Little Rock Central HS, who faced a angry white mob that tried to prevent the implementation the mob was supported by Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus, but Eisenhower had to respond, sending the National Guard to restore order and ensure the school desegregated and allowed the students in, When the Court made the Brown v. Board decision, Eisenhower's administration was not eager to commit itself, but the Little Rock Nine made him feel compelled to act, a social protest in Montgomery, Alabama that demanded the bus system to end segregated seating, resulted from Rosa Parks arrest, as a result, black workers who needed to commute to work formed car pools and walked, Rosa Parks arrested December 1, 1955, 1956 Supreme Court decision ends boycot, the boycot put an economic pressure on the bus companies and local merchants, the Supreme Court declared segregation in the public transportation to be illegal, and the boycott ended, the boycott established a new form of racial protest, a Baptist pastor, and son of prominent Atlant minister, powerful orator , and gifted leader, headed the boycott and civil rights movement, his approach was based on nonviolence, his words, wisdom and leadership lead the civil rights movement ,was the most influential and most widely admire black leader in the country, the act of protesting with nonviolence, came form Henry David Thoreau's doctrine, a part of Martin Luther King Jr's approach to the civil rights movement, encouraging African Americans to engage in peaceful demonstrations, allowing themselves to be beaten and arresting, responding to hate with love, provided federal protection for blacks who wished to register to vote, it was a weak bill, with few mechanisms for enforcement, but it was the first civil rights bill of any kind to win passage since Reconstruction, it served as a signal that the executive and legislative branches were beginning to join the judiciary and the federal commitment to the second reconstruction, Republican President Eisenhower runs for reelection against Democrat Stevenson, Eisenhower wins reelection, and his administration is staffed with men drawn from the same quarter as those who had staffed in the 1920s - the business community, Eisenhower was the least experienced politician but was among the most popular and politically successful presidents of the postwar era, Congress still Democrat controled, Congressional hearings to investigate the charges of McCarthy for attacking Secretary of the Army Robert Stevens and the armed services in general, among the first congressional hearings to be nationally televised, this devastated McCarthy for the public saw him as a villain, the Senate condemned him for conduct unbecoming a senator, Eisenhower's secretary of State John Foster Dulles's foreign plan, in which the US would responding to communist threats to its allies to by using conventional forces on local conflicts, but by relying o the deterrent of massive retaliatory power (nuclear weapons0, the doctrines reflected Dulles's inclination for tense confrontations, pushing the Soviet Union to the brink of war in order to exact concessions, French troops became surrounded in a disastrous siege at the Village of Dien Bien Phu, and only American intervention could prevent the total collapse of the French military effort, Eisenhower and Nixon refused to permit direct American military intervention in Vietnam and the French defense of Dien Bien Phu collapsed the settlement of that conflict marked the end of Frech commitment to Vietnam and the beginning of an expanded American presence there, after years of Zionist efforts and a dramati decision by the UN, Israel proclaimed independence, Truman recognized the Jewish homeland the next day, and the Palestinian Arabs joined to fights against the new nation, which concerned American oil industry, International crisis, when Egyptian president Nasser seized the Suez Canal from the British, Israeli forced attacked Egypt, and the British and French landed troops to help, Eisenhower and Dulles feared the crisi would drive the Arab states towrd the Soviet Union adnd preipitate a new World War, the US refused to join, and helped withdraw the French and British, to presuade Israel to agree to a truce with Egypt, highlighted the rising importance of oil in world affairs and the continuation of the Cold War, led a movement of resistance to the batista regime of Cuba that cooperated with the US, Castro established the new government , implementing drastic policies of land reform and expropriating foreign owned businesses and resources, movement began in 1957, and in 1959 Castro started new government, Cuban American relations deteriorated rapidly as a result of his leadership, for he accepted assistance from the Soviet Union, Khrushchev announced that the Soviet Union had shot down an American U-2, a high altitude spy plane over Russian territory, the crisis broke up the Paris conference and provided a somber backdrop fo the end of Eisenhowers administration, for he had failed to end the Cold war, but he did implement restraints. 6_sSU]]F.ywRt3vi_w[_6 wk;48Fav*L%w. 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