Possible meaning = Oh, spirits, assemble together your skills!

Possible meaning = You, evil spirit, go away from this body.

I command you with all my power to blow and devastate violently! Literal translation = Fly imminent death. Literal translation = Sword stand still/stay. On/at this not world/earth.

The same/such honor. Literal translation = Sudden blast of wind blow. PDF file MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS PLC : Introduction to Merlin Entertainments 20 Merlin currently has over 4,100 themed rooms, Spells in Harry Potter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia nbsp; Spells in Harry Potter FromWikipedia,thefreeencyclopedia Spells in Harry PotteroccurinthefictionaluniverseoftheseriesofbooksbyauthorJ.K, Magic spells, black magic spells Grow taller spells work that, Chapter 7: New Spells - .- CHAPTER 7: Spells - Chapter 7: New Spells gods walked among the. The ancient death he dies, terror (with) him. Possible meaning = Now send (her) to sleep!

Literal translation = Cloud/darkness/mist, him clasp/embrace/hold. Literal translation = Strike/beat through. Dark raven! Possible meaning = Lay hold of honor, move it quickly. Possible meaning = I command you to stop and come forth. The same/such honor.

The incantations or verses of spells utilise the language of the Old Religion, taught by a sorcerer to his apprentice or written in spell books or grimoires.

You have caused enough pain and suffering to these people. Literal translation = Through my/mine (dative) might/power/command and thine/thy (dative) bodily strength/vigor/main force invoke/summon/release/call upon we the/that fire/flame/lightning thee all/everything lays waste/destroys.

Literal translation = Die a violent death, Merlin. Translation from "Merlin the Complete Guide" = Here.

Obedience is owed, over the Camelot sea, obedience is owed, Merlin. Literal translation = I now enjoin you to depart from this place! Literal translation = Command thee arise/come forth ancient/old/aged. Possible meaning = Through my power and your strength we summon the fire which destroys you all. Behold, mighty you are to be enchanted.

Literal translation = Burst open/spring asunder. Meaning according to "Merlin the Complete Guide" = Kill the maiden! I command you not to sleep. Now strengthen me so that I will be fiercely able to hinder them; evil is in haste!

Literal translation = Fly now/behold on/at moors/morasses/swamps/hills/mountains. Possible meaning = Set the solitary beast free! They are used to direct a sorcerer's variable and primitive power towards the object of the magical ritual. Possible meaning = Clasp your woman so that she will desire him! Ready again and destroy again.

mordred Literal translation = Shine upon/illuminate/flash/(noun) illusion/deceptive appearance make clear/declare/tell/make known/(adverb) brightl/clearly/mightily. To earth come! Literal translation = I command thee thine king kill/murder. Take my message in this night to your king. Canticle/song/voice mucose/defiled/filthy wound. Possible meaning = Conceal us!

Possible meaning = With the heavens, seize the horse. Absent knight, arise! Now, spiders of the night, spin! Literal translation = Smoke/vapor/darkness go in different directions/part/separate! souls/spirits/breaths/human beings might/courage/skill/ability your ("ige" indicates possession): sword make heavy/weigh down/burden; make heavy/weigh down/burden with the/that heaviness of a burden/weight (of) thousand years; overcome/subdue/conquer the/that swordman/swordbearer.

Literal translation = I thee promises/vows, cunningly fastened/bound with art. Literal translation = Rise/ascend dragon. Liberate/free/release/ the/that/those/when darkness thee dwelling/in/inside inhabits/remains; begin/attempt/endeavor/attack/assail chaos/darkness. Possible meaning = Come to me, dark raven reach me. Warriors of Medhir, your souls. My medicinal spring/bath dark secret lake nigh.

Literal translation = Fall off book/tablet. Literal translation = To burn up/ consume by fire. Possible meaning = Come here, conflagration. Literal translation = Command thee arise/come quick alive. Ready (you) again and destroy again. Morgana starts incanting a spell to kill Arthur.

Merlin using magic to block the path with a wave of.

Possible meaning = Do good to the perforation.

Literal translation = Drive/push through/strike/pierce/perforate her/them sword/blade/weapon. Literal translation = Leap/dance now/behold like/as so/as flames with wings. Earth and stones, obey me. Possible meaning = Guide. I am powerful and unbending, for lamenting griefRaise up; anguish to Uther Pendragon.

Heal thoroughly the flesh. Literal translation = Move/rouse/disturb/excite, move quickly/start up/burst open. Literal translation = (I) command/summon pull (imperative). Grief, Uther Pendragon. Come murder authority (as in kingdom) before. Possible meaning = Clean and dispose of the dust. Possible meaning = Dwelling, fall like a weapon! Literal translation = Listen/attend/obey my next command. I thee command/instruct with all/everything/entire strength/power/violence the/that you blow and plot/contrive/devise strongly/violently! Possible meaning = Heal thoroughly my body wound. Literal translation = Search/find out/inspect you the/that/those/when footsteps/track/trace Possible meaning = You, search out the track Literal translation = Wax/go/arise/come forth you needing food/destitute!

Be still/cease the boots. Possible meaning = Illuminate the darkness, let me see through the rough water, deliver him, he comes to Camelot.

Possible meaning = Little snake, suck his true nature!

Literal translation = Loosen/release/let loose/free door uninterrupted progress/flow/run. Possible meaning = Yea, I open it quickly.

Now are his palms/hands bloody and the/that/those/when not may/can/be able to he scour/cleanse/furbish. Merlin getting the beetle out of Uther's ear. Take it to its owner's hand. Draw/swing/transform/move/charge powerful spear/javelin.

Take/consume you the/that magic/witchcraft/sorcery thee grow/thine/thy darken/dark/obscure mind/heart/spirit/power fills/full/satisfies. Literal translation = To shield/protect/guard/defend. Literal translation = To scorch/pain/frying pan that to be increased immediately/at once.

Possible meaning = Fire, attack!

Strengthen me now the/that I am/be (imperative) strong/mighty/powerful/very much/exceedingly/violently/fiercely mighty/important/able her/them to hinder/prohibit/repel/oppose; evil/ill/wickedness is on/at haste/speed.

I watch the funeral fire on the boat.

Literal translation = Bins scatter/flee in different directions/be dispersed. Possible meaning = Guide us, bring us forth, lead us. Literal translation = Lay hold of honor/recognition move quickly. Possible meaning = You are air in fire's heat but defeat the hostile one. Be turned away from evil arts! Literal translation = Heart/mind/spirit/mood/temper was artless/unskilful/innocent/simple.

Ready again and destroy again. Make well. Possible meaning = You, hostile serpent, rise and and enslave the mind of this servant.

Literal translation = To wear out/injure/strike/smite/wound. Take/receive/get command/message with this night/darkness thine/thy ruler/king/lord. anatomical Nigh the bath in the dark-secret lake. That honor. Literal translation = I thee command/enquire/offer the/that you tremble/quake/shake/be moved or shaken now/behold. Literal translation = (I) gather all/one/each/every army from/by this cup and their blood. Literal translation = Outside/surface/covering/coverlet/veil fall down/be destroyed. Now I live eternally and I may rule/possess/control my castle/walled town. Literal translation = Knife/coulter/dagger I thee halt/stop/hesitate. Knights of Medhir, your souls. (Note: achtung unknown; possibly German for attention/recognition/honor. Literal translation = Let go/leave/abandon/lose/relinquish/surrender me a Literal translation = O dragon, suffer/permit fierce/raging wise-minded utter a sound here appeal for a rehearsing of a case.

Literal translation = Convey/bring/lead to golden.

Literal translation = Command thee arise/come forth ancient (adj). Literal translation = Cease/leave off/desist you; let go/relinquish/surrender/leave you now! So/as the/that they not low/incline/submit and not die not at all, but live for ever and ever (always in eternity). Literal translation = Loosen/unbind/release thee band. Possible meaning = Die violently, gold-borne. Literal translation = Ill-treat/torment someone/why/a little while greedy/dangerous you Arthur. Sith (since) erst (first) [he] worth (came to be) fewshiped (helpless, in "fewship") founden, Hear (obedience) should (owed), over the whale-road, Hear (obedience) should (owed). Spells that have similar effects can be grouped into a precise category. I heal you thoroughly from your mortal wound Literal translation = Shadow/shade him put forth/grow/shoot/be productive. Literal translation = He therefore Spirit of Consolation abided/awaited/stayed, became powerful/grew fruitful under the flowering tree, honor/glory got.

I utter your presence! Swim forever! Judgment-day. Literal translation = Come here, conflagration.

Note: this spell is taken from the 8th century Old English poem "The Ruin". Literal translation = Air is thee in fire's heat but defeat the/that hostile.

Literal translation = Ye/together cure/heal/save this body/corpse.

Literal translation = Power/might of days, cover/protect/conceal me. Literal translation = Burn mountain wood. Die violently/kill messenger/servant and be or become cold/cool, dread/fear murder/death, to Camelot he comes.

Meaning according to "Merlin the Complete Guide" = Fly. These are the two sites that have been used to translate the spells and find their correct spelling. The sound of my voice causes filthy wounds. Witchcraft/magic/sorcery heals thoroughly your wounds and thee establish/strengthen/settle/fix! Possible meaning = I speak to do evil, greedy corruption. Possible meaning = Cleanse the sickness. Literal translation = Sail/accomplish a journey by sailing. Literal translation = To consume by fire/to set fire to.

The three soothsayers of the court of the. Literal translation = Vile/weak careful/wary/circumspect. Possible meaning = I command this inn's sign to fall. Move the powerful javelin.

Possible meaning = The secure forged bars.

Judgment-day. Possible meaning = Give peace to this tormented soul!

Water arrived with the sorcerer. Literal translation = Help/support hole/perforation/aperture. Guide us away from here!

Possible meaning = I come again to Camelot.

A spell is an act of magic that can cause a change in the fabric of reality to varying extents. Literal translation = Command thee arise/come forth to desist/cease. Possible meaning = Avert back the terrible beasts.

Is his hope/trust/desire/joy that he here/noble/excellent pupil (of an eye)/regard/strain/ filter/see with the eyes speaks/pleads one/each/every/all/solitary withholds when entirely guilt/sin/shameful evil deed/crime/shameful action/wickedness/many. wand wands