13, 1721, The Vision of Human Progress; Vico, Gibbon and Condorcet - lecture, Henry St. john, Viscount Bolingbroke: On Patriotism, 1730-1754, Selected Essays by David Hume - many essays, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding - David Hume, 1748, The Spirit of Laws by Baron de Montesquieu, 1752, Voltaire: Patrie, in the Philosophical Dictionary, 1752, Idea of a Perfect Commonwealth by David Hume, 1754, David Hume: Of the Standard of Taste, 1760, Creating French Culture: Treasures from the National Library of France, Of Crimes and Punishments by Cesare Beccaria, 1764, Joseph Priestley: the Discovery of Oxygen, 1776, The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1782, William Hogarth and 18th-Century Print Culture, The Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert, Peter the Great and the Rise of Russia - contemporary observations, Frederick II: Essay on Forms of Government, The Pugachev Rebellion - Selected Documents, The Division of Poland - excerpts from documents, London Lives - thousands of documents about the lives of ordinary Londoners in the 18th century, American Affairs - links to British sources on the American Revolution, Proclamation of Rebellion, 1775 - King George III, Liberrty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution - essays, images, and documents from GMU, History Wiz Online exhibit on the French Revolution, Links to primary documents on the French Revolution from HistoryWiz, The French Revolution - lots of documents, Reflections on the Formation and Distribution of Wealth by M. Turgot, 1774-1776, Vergennes, "Memorandum against Necker" 1781, The French Revolution - huge site with lots of information, Louis XVI's Reply to the Parlement of Paris, Cahier of 1789, The Clergy of Blouis and Romorantin, The Third Estate of Versailles, Cahier of 1789, Petition of Women of the Third Estate to the King, 1789, Women's Petition to the National Assembly, 1789, Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, 1789, A Left-Wing Newspaper Links the Revolution to the Abolition of Slavery, 1790, 1790 Excerpts from Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France - Another set of excerpts, Olympe de Gouge, Declaration of the Rights of Women, 1791, British Newspaper Coverage of the Frency Revolution, A Girondin View: Roland callas on the King to declare war, 1792, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft, 1792, Women's Participation in Riots over the Price of Sugar, 1792, Edmund Burke: The Death of Marie Antoinette, A Deputation of Women Citizens Demands Action on Food Prices, 1793, Declaration of the Rights of Man and citizen from the Constitution of the Year 1, 1793, Robespierre: Justification of the Use of Terror, Thermidor: The Conspiracy against Robespierre, 1794, Robespierre: On the Principles of POlitical Morality, 1794, Gracchus Babeuf and the Conspiracy of the Equals, 1796, Robespierre: On the Festival of the Supreme Being, Maximilien Robespieere: The Cult of the Supreme Being, Diary of a French Noble during the Revolution, Napoleon's Proclamation to his troops in Italy, Schiller: Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man, The Age of George III - the Age of the French Wars, topics page, Council of State's Recommendatino to Napoleon on Conscription, The Confederation of the Rhine and the Dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire, 1806, Madame de Remusat: Remembrances of Napoleon, Napoleon's Account of the Internal Situation of France in 1804, Napoleon: Farewell to the Old Guard, 1814, Summary of the results from the Congress of Vienna, Map of Europe after the Congress of Vienna, The Complete Poetical works of William Wordsworth, Physical Deterioration of Textile Workers, 1833, Report on the employment of children in Factories, 1833, Evidence given before the Sadler Committee, The Age of Ideologies: General Introduction, Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations: Of Colonies "Of the advantages which Europe has derived from the discovery of America, Schools of Political Economy - lots of links. Analysis, critique and alternatives, How the money is spent by country - graphics of spending and payment by country, A Trillion for Europe, With Doubts Attached, Poland: Arguments pro and against Coalition with eastern European Countries, Advantages and Disadvantages of the European Union - Thinkquest, It's All Greek to Me: Understanding the Debt Crisis in Europe, EU Enlargement: Costs, benefits, and Strategies for Central and Eastern European Countries, Contemplating the Future of the European Union, The Costs and Benefits of the Euro in European Monetary Union Countries, Impact of Enlargement - links to studies of the achievements and challenges of enlargement, Advantages and Disadvantages of EU membership and of expansion, Advantages and drawbacks of EU membership - the structural dimension, Russia and the European Union: The Sources and Limits of "Special Relationships", The Costs and Benefits of the European Union - for the UK, The Benefits and Achievements of EU Single Market, Why I am an unashamed enthusiast for Europe, The EU Reform Treaty - A Response to Criticisms, Perfidious Albion again: The British are different, really. F. D. Lugard: The Rise of Our East African Empire, 1893, Wilfred Scawen Blunt: Britain's Imperial Destiny, 1896-99, Winston S. Churchill: The Battle of Omdurman, 1898, The Platform of the American Anti-Imperialist League, 1899, The White Man's Burden, Rudyard Kipling, 1899, The Poor Man's Burden, George McNeill, 1899, Yao Chen-Yuan: My Adventures During the Boxer War, 1900, Pierre Loti: When the Allies Entered Peking, 1900, W.A.P. Lenin: Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, 1916, Joseph A. Schumpeter: The Sociology of Imperialism, 1918, The Opium Monopoly by Ellen N. La Motte, 1920, The Conquest of Civilization, selections, by James Henry Breasted, 1926, Count von Beust: Memoirs of the Ausgleich, 1867, The Treaty of Berlin, 1878 - Excerpts on the Balkans, The South Slavs before the First World War, The Eastern crisis of 1875-78: letters to W.E. 1942, Winston Churchill's Sinews of Peace Address, 1946, Let Us Face The Future: A Declaration of Labour Policy for the Consideration of the nation, 1945, History of Algerian Independence - many documents, Sir Winston Churchill: Conservative Party Principles, 1946, The Artist as a witness of Freedom by Albert Camus, 1947, United Nations Documents -- lots of links, UN Resolution on the Prevention and PUnishment of the Crime of Genocide, 1949, Western European Security and Co-operation Documents 1948 - 1955, The Second Sex: Existential Feminism, Simone de Beauvoir, 1949, A. L. Geyer: The Case for Apartheid, 1953, Ukkhonto we Sizwe (Military wing of the African National Congress): We are at War! King George V of Great Britain, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, Wilhelm II of Germany & World War I, World War I Documentary - 25 hour documentary, Paths of Glory - Stanley Kubrick film - part 1, World War I: And We Were Young - Part 1 of 4, World War II with Walter Cronkite: The Seeds of War - Part 1 of 11, The Story of the Third Reich - Part 1 of 15, WWII: Behind Closed Doors - Stalin, the Nazis, and the West - Part I, Bloodiest Battle in History: Stalingrad - Part 1, Stalin: The Real History - History Channel Documentary, part 1, Auschwitz: The Final Solution - BBC Documentary Part 1, Auschwitz: The Nazis and the Final Solution - BBC Documentary, The Cold War - Documentary from Media Rich Learning, The Cold War: From World War to Cold War - Part 1, The Cold War: Containment - Part 2 - Part 1 of 2, The Cold War: Reds Under the Bed - Part 4 Part 1 of 2, The Cold War: Confrontation or Peaceful Coexistence - Part 5 - Part 1 of 2, The Cold War: Cracks in the Curtain - Part 6, The Cold War: Kennedy and Crises - Part 8, The Cold War: The Evil Empire - Part 10 - Part 1 of 2, Petrus Paulus Vergerius: The New Education, Plague and Public Health in Renaissance Europe - selected sources 1348, Leonardo Bruni d'Arezzo: De Studiis et Litteris, Francis Petrarch: Familiar Letters - a selection of letters Search for Documents on European History.

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Peter the Great - TV miniseries. Greece's Crisis Could Torpedo Europe's Recovery, Why the EU Constitution is bad for Britain and bad for the US, The EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy: How it threatens Transatlantic Security, TeamEurope - blog liinking to articles against the EU, What the EU Constitution does: a 14-point critical summary, Speak No Evil - article about the lack of freedom of speech in the EU, EUDemocrats: "Eurosceptics" are "EU-critics" or "Eu-reformists", Another Spectacular Failure of EU Leadership, How the EU's Lisbon Treat Affects US National Security, The EU Reform Treaty" A Threat to the Transatlantic Alliance, The Unelected, Unaccountable EU and the G20, Czech President Warns Against "Europeanism", Vaclav Klaus: The Man with the EU's Fate in His Hands, Czech President Vaclav Klaus questions ever closer European political integration in speech to the European Parliament, Multi-billion euro rescue buys time but no solution, Eu faces tough questions as euro continues to slide, Euros Reluctant Embrace of Turkey shadows Talks - article from 2005, Euro in Crisis - links to stories about the effect of the 2010 financial crisis on the Euro. The Rise, Decline, and Reemergence of Classical Liberalism - from the LockeSmith Institute - clever, get it? Memoirs and Diaries of World War One - lots of sources, Trenches on the Web: An Internet History of the Great War, The World War I Document Archive - a treasure trove, A Guide to WWI Battlefields and History of the First World War, Captain Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen (The Red Baron) - Air Warfare, Fritz Kreisler: Four Weeks in the Trenches, 1915, Private Donald Fraser, canadian expeditionary Force: Selections from My Daily Journal, 1915-1916, Rosa Luxemburg, "The War and the Workers: - The Junius Pamphlet, 1916, The Proclamation of the Provisional Government of the Irish Republic, Ireland, 1916 - and Beyond by Henry W. Massingham, John Dos Passos: One Man's Initiation: 1917, A Novel, 1920, All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque, excerpts, The Major Museums of Europe commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Armistice of 1918, Woodrow Wilson: Speech on the Fourteen Points, Jan. 8, 1918, A. J. Balfour: Defense of the Palestine Mandate, 1922, John Maynard Keynes: The Economic Consequences of the Peace - excerpts, The Lenin Internet Archive: works (translated), biography, images, and audio, Guide to Russian History sites - links and descriptions from Bucknell professor, Several encounters with Georgii Valentinovich Plekhanov, The Role of the Individual in History by G.V. Peter the Great: the Tyrant-Reformer - Biography episode on Peter the Great. A Harlot's Progress - BBC mini-series that fictionalizes Hogarth's series of paintings. Just follow the links on the right for the rest of the episodes. Placement European History, google_color_link = "0000FF"; Advanced - Episode 1 of 11, Abdication: A Very British Coup - documentary about the abdication of Edward VIII, Wallis and Edward - a miniseries about Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson - Episode 1, Edward VIIl: The Traitor King - Documentary - Part 1, The Gathering Storm - a great HBO film about Churchill in the period before the outbreak of World War II, Into the Storm - HBO film with Churchill reminiscing about his leadership during WWII, Versailles: The Dream of a King - documentary about the building of Versailles, The Taking of Power: a film by Roberto Rossellini about Louis XIV- in French with subtitles Episode 1, Versailles: The Palace of Pleasure - documentary about Louis XV - part I, Marie Antoinette: The Last Queen of France - Documentary Part 1 of 12, Marie Antoinette - 2006 film by Sofia Coppola starring Kirsten Dunst, The French Revolution - History Channel Documentary Part 1 of 9, The French Revolution - Another documentary, Napoleon: Part 6 - Waterloo, the Final Curtain, Napoleon Bonaparte: Road to Moscow - Documentary, The Franco-Prussian War - Documentary Part 1 of 2, The Dreyfuss Affair - Part 1 A & E Documentary, Lecture from Professor John Merriman of Yale University on the Paris Commune and its Legacy, Lecture from Professor John Merriman of Yale University on General Boulanger and Captain Dreyfus, Lecture from Professor Charles Keith of Yale University on French Imperialism, Lecture from Professor John Merriman of Yale University on Vichy France, The fall of the Spanish Empire - Part One up to the 19th century, The fall of the Spanish Empire - Part Two Spanish American War, The Fall of the Spanish Empire - Part Three, The Fall of the Spanish Empire - Part Four, The Fall of the Spanish Empire - Part Five, The Fall of the Spanish Empire - Part Six, Ivan the Terrible Man - Discovery Channel documentary on Ivan the Terrible Part 1 - follow links for the rest. Plekhanov, Marie Sukloff: The Story of an Assassination, 1914, The April Theses: A Blueprint for Revolution, 1917 Vladimir I. Lenin, The Fundamental Law of Land Socializaiton, 1918, Did World War One cause the Russian Revolution? Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - lecture and links, GWF Hegel - from The Dialectic of History, The Age of Ideologies: Reflections on Karl Marx, Works of Marx and Engles by date - very extensive, The Communist Manifesto - the full text, 1848, Lots of links to writings of Friedrich Engels, Condition of the Working Class in England by Fridrich Engels, complete texts, 1845 and 1885 editions, Karl Marx: from Scientific Socialism, 1844, The Romantic Era - lecture Romantic Chronology, Robert Peel web - This wonderful site combines information on everything in English history from 1830 - 1850 as well as extensive primary documents, Contemporary Literature from the Peel Web - extensive links to excerpts from literature from the period, Documents on Poor Relief in Great Britain, Documents on Public Health in Great Britain, Documents on Religion in the 19th century in Great Britain, Documents on Rural Life in Great Britain in the 19th Century, Child Labour - A Spartacus site with information on those who opposed and defended child labor, Mass Politics and the Revolutions of 1848 - Great sources and information from the University of Birmingham, 19th Century life - discussion of reforms taken in the 19th century, Contemporary literature - from 19th century, Links to English political cartoons 1776 - 1887, The Conservative Order: Links to primary documents, British Political Personalities in the 19th Century - lots of information and links, Queen Victoria - extensive biographical information and links, Victorian Age in literature - excerpts and documents, Pre-Victorian authors - lots and lots of links and information, The Age of Ideologies: The World of Auguste Comte - lecture, Irish Potato Famine - great background infromation from the History Place, Irish Potato Famine - good information from the BBC, Views of the Famine - extensive excerpts from British and Irish papers, Mass Politics and the Revolutions of 1848 - lots of background info and primary documents, Condition of the July Monarchy, 1830-1848, Documents of the Revolution of 1848 in France, Percy B. St. John's observations of the French Revoluion in 1848, Alphonse de Lamartine - History of the Revolution of 1848, Images of the Revolution of 1848 in Prussia, Hungarian Declaration of Independence, April, 1849, The Victorian Web - oy, such a lot of lovely links and information - it goes on forever, Victorian London- thousands of pages of primary documents about all aspects of life in Victorian London, Victorian Station - information on Victorian design, The Ladies Treasury - a magazine of Victorian and Edwardian costume, The Claims of Englishwomen to the Suffrage Constitutionally Consider (1867), The Growth of Political Rights in Britain in the 19th Century: sources on radicals, luddites, Peterloo, Captain Swing, The Great Reform Act, Chartists, White Slavery, and Suffragettes, The Complete Writings and Pictures of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Turgenev's definition of Nihilism, as presented in Fathers and Sons, Children's Literature, Chiefly from the 19th Century, The First Impressionist Exhibition, 1874 - includes images that were displayed and then selected comments from critics, Links and information on Women's Suffrage - Spartacus site, The Claim of Englishwomen to the Suffrage Constitutionally Considered by Helen Taylor, Excerpt from a speech by Emmeline Pankhurst, Documents for and against womens suffrage, J. H. Gladsone: Points of Supposed Collision Between the Scriptures and Natural Science, Tables on the Spread of Industrialization, The Crimean War - many links to both primary and secondary sources, maps, cartoons, literature, and photgraphs, Giuseppe Mazzini: An Essay on the Duties of Man, Documents of Italian Unification, 1846 - 1861, Garibaldi: Report on the Conquest of Naples, 1860, King Victor Emmanuel: Address to Parliament, Rome, 1871, Documents of German Unification - excerpts, A War Correspondent in the Franco-Prussian war, 1870, Bismarck and the "Polish Question" Speech to the Prussian Parliament, January 28, 1886, History of the Paris Commune - many documents, General Boulanger and the Boulangist Movement - many documents, The Dreyfus affair, 1894-1906 - many documents, Sigmund Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams, 1900, Kaiserreich, 1871-1918 German Government documents in translation, Robert Clive: Speech in Commons on India, 1772, Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations: of Colonies, 1776, Edmund Burke: Speech in Commons on India, 1783, The Reception of the First English Ambassador to China, 1792, Attempts to Control the Opium Trade, 1810-11, Raja Rammohan Roy: A Second Conference Between an Advocate for, and An Opponent of the Practice of Buring Widows Alive, 1820, William Bentinck: On Ritual Murder in India, 1829, An Account of Sati from Vikrama's Adventures, Lin Zixu, Lin Tse-Hsu: Letter of Advice to Queen Victoria, 1839, Commissioner Lin: Letter to Queen Victoria, 1839 (another version), Commissioner Lin and the Opium Merchants: An Edict, Mountstuart Elphinstone: Indian Customs and Manners, 1840, Africa Before the Scramble: Britain and the Niger Trade, 1841, The People of Canton: Against the English, 1842, War and Peace in India, 1845-46, selected documents, John Stuart Mill: On Colonies and Colonization, 1848, Sir Monier Monier-Williams: Camp Life in India, 1850, Survival of the Fittest Applied to Human Kind, Herbert Spencer, 1851, Sir Richard Francis Burton: A Pilgrimage to Mecca, 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry: When We Landed in Japan, 1854, Livingstone Discovers Victoria Falls, 1855, British India by Charles Creighton Hazewell, 1857, The Indian Revolt by Charles Creighton Hazewell, 1857, Elisa Greathed: An Account of the OPening of the Indian Mutiny at Meerut, 1857, Moshweshewe: Letter to Sir George Grey, 1858 (The establishment of Basutoland), Robert Traill Spence Lowell: The Relief of Lucknow, Paul du Chaillu: Travels in Africa, 1868-1870, Edmondo de Amicis: One Day in Morocco, c. 1870, Sir Monier Monier-Williams: The Towers of Silence, 1870, Anthony Trollope: The Diamond Fields of South Africa, 1870, Mark Twain, Roughing It: The Gentle, Inoffensive Chinese, 1871, Dadabhai Naoroji: The Benefits of British Rule, 1871, Sir Henry M. Stanley: How I Found Livingstone, 1871, Charles Dudley Warner: Up the Cataracts of the Nile, 1875, The Story of the Suez Canal, from All the Year Round, 1876, Field Marshal Lord Roberts: When Queen Victoria Became Empress of India, 1877, Rev.