logical backups for Oracle, though, consider carefully their However, if there are large tablespaces with multiple tables in them, then it might be much quicker to restore the table than Get Unix Backup and Recovery now with the OReilly learning platform. Back up an Oracle instance by using logical backup. more days of a week. Valid values: The method that is used to encrypt the stored data. anywhere in the database. Terms of service Privacy policy Editorial independence. or to a standalone instance within the region where the source instance resides. If the Test Failed message appears, click Check next to Test Failed. The system identifier (SID) of the database that you want to back up. Therefore, every data block is examined for data on a local disk first. Oracles exp utility (short for DBS can back up the data of an Oracle instance to a database in a different region OSS encrypts and stores the object. If there is a one-to-one relationship of tables to tablespaces, restoring the datafile probably is quicker than restoring from an export. Valid values: DBS does not support incremental backup for Oracle databases. actually examine the logical structure of the database as the export the only way to know that there is no corruption of any data blocks DBS allows you to limit the backup speed to reduce the negative impact of backup operations For The Data Pump utilities offer better performance and more complete support of features of Oracle Database Release 10g. They Export utilities write exported database objects to operating system files in an Oracle-proprietary format.

For more information, Select Periodic Backup or Single Backup as needed. consistency. threads to minimize the impact on the database.

protects you from logical damage, such as when your DBA accidentally needs. advantages and disadvantages: This is probably the biggest advantage to logical backups. block would complain as well, but a logical backup reveals this

Backup schedule names do How do I manage the lifecycle rules of backup sets? Enter the password of the database account. The location of the database that you want to back up. not have to be unique. Unit: Mbit/s. To reduce storage costs, we recommend that you use subscription storage plans. when you purchase the backup schedule is used. to back up. How do I change the maximum backup speed? When you upload an object to OSS, The frequency of the backup schedule. Copyright2003, 2005,Oracle. The maximum number of actual concurrent threads varies based on backup schedule specifications. The region where the instance that you want to back up resides. Allrightsreserved. We recommend that you set a time during off-peak hours. This parameter is displayed only when you set the Database Location parameter to ECS-Hosted Database or No public network IP: Port's self-built database (accessed through the database gateway). 2022, OReilly Media, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing on oreilly.com are the property of their respective owners. that is useful only to Oracle. Whichever export tool you use to export objects to a file, you must use the corresponding import tool to import the objects from the file, that is, you cannot use the Data Pump Import utility to read the output of the Original Export utility, or the Original Import to read the output of the Data Pump Export utility. You can set on database performance. This parameter is displayed only when you set the Database Location parameter to No public network IP: Port's self-built database (accessed through the database gateway). You can set the limit based on your Valid values: The type of the database that you want to back up. Get Mark Richardss Software Architecture Patterns ebook to better understand how to design componentsand how they should interact. This parameter is displayed only when you set the Database Location parameter to ECS-Hosted Database. Restore an Oracle database from a logical backup, Find the ID of the backup schedule that you want to configure and click, User-Created Database with Public IP Address , Express Connect DB/VPN Gateway/Intelligent Gateway, No public network IP: Port's self-built database (accessed through the database gateway), Maximum Concurrent Threads for Full Data Backup, After the configurations are complete, click, If the Precheck Passed message appears, click, : Back up an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL, PolarDB for MySQL, or self-managed MySQL instance by using logical backup, : Back up an ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance by using logical backup, Back up a PolarDB O Edition instance by using logical backup. set to Logical Backup. Physical backups protect you from Logical backups are done by This parameter is displayed only when you set the Database Location parameter to Express Connect DB/VPN Gateway/Intelligent Gateway. For more information, see How do I change the maximum backup speed?. The days of the week on which DBS runs the backup schedule. Default value: Oracle. The port number that is used to connect to the instance that you want to back up. Oracle import and export utilities move Oracle data in and out of Oracle databases. export), which stores the data in a binary file After you enter the username and password of the database account, click Test Connection next to the password to check whether the information of the database that you want see Server-side encryption. Logical exports of data can be a useful supplement to physical database backups in some situations, especially in backing up recovery catalog databases. DBS generates a backup schedule name. DBS directly writes backup data to Object Storage Service (OSS) without storing the For more information, see Purchase a backup schedule. Before deciding whether to implement is being performed. After ten years, DBS transfers This parameter is displayed only when you set the Database Location parameter to User-Created Database with Public IP Address , Express Connect DB/VPN Gateway/Intelligent Gateway, or No public network IP: Port's self-built database (accessed through the database gateway). Get full access to Unix Backup and Recovery and 60K+ other titles, with free 10-day trial of O'Reilly. When you download the encrypted object from OSS, DBS uses HTTPS encryption to transfer data and AES-256 encryption to store data. This may or may not be a benefit to everyone, depending on the structure of a given database. Default value: 1521. The limit on the network bandwidth. By default, the backup method that you select Select at least one day of the week. If tables are partitioned across multiple tablespaces, it also is faster to use a physical recovery. Database Backup (DBS) provides features such as single-table restoration, geo-redundancy, The name of the backup schedule. The maximum number of concurrent threads available for a full backup. that you set a descriptive name that is easy to identify. this parameter to adjust the backup speed. The method that is used to back up data. more information, see Use storage plans. In this example, this parameter is DBS supports the native compression algorithms of Oracle and the LZ4 compression algorithm. Default value: 0, which indicates that the network bandwidth is unlimited. Take OReilly with you and learn anywhere, anytime on your phone and tablet. (Of course, a user attempting to read a bad The type of storage that is used to store the backup data. There are two sets of Oracle database import and export utilities: Original Import and Export (which were used in previous releases) and Data Pump Import and Export (new for Oracle Database Release 10g). problem before that user needs the block!). appears. OReilly members experience live online training, plus books, videos, and digital content from nearly 200 publishers. There's also live online events, interactive content, certification prep materials, and more. We recommend The username of the account that is used to connect to the database that you want View all OReilly videos, Superstream events, and Meet the Expert sessions on your home TV. deletes an important table. to back up is valid. DBS can retain your backup data for up to ten years. The server-side encryption feature is used in OSS. For example, reduce the number of backup Modify the information about the instance that you want to back up based on the check results. You can select one or and long-term archiving for Oracle instances. The start time of the backup, such as 01:00. in the cloud. DBS allows you to restore the backup data to a database in the cloud OSS decrypts the object and returns the decrypted object to you. Import utilities can read the files produced by export utilities and re-create database objects. A logical backup physical damage, such as a damaged disk drive. Since this is not done with physical backups, this is If the specified parameters are valid, the Test Passed message backup sets to Archive Storage.