The following example configures a channel for an ASM disk group: See Also: formatSpec for the semantics of the %F substitution variable. The CONFIGURE command always stores a configuration for a target database in the target database control file. Assume that you run these commands: The second command erases the MAXPIECESIZE setting of the first command. The archived redo log files have been transferred to the required remote destinations. If you manually configure the disk format to '%F', then RMAN creates the autobackups in the operating system-specific default location even though the recovery area is enabled.

If you set the default device type as disk, then RMAN allocates two disk channels when you run BACKUP DATABASE at the RMAN prompt. Returns this configuration to its default setting of.

The BACKUP command default does not exclude tablespaces. Example 2-46 Specifying the Default Format for Control File Autobackup. Note: You can override backup optimization with the FORCE option of the BACKUP command.

After structural changes for databases in ARCHIVELOG mode. Specifies the algorithm that RMAN uses to create compressed backup sets. Note: If you configure n manually numbered channels, then the PARALLELISM setting can be greater than or less than n. For example, you can manually number 10 automatic channels and configure PARALLELISM to 2 or 12. RMAN searches for other values of n in this order of precedence (that is, values higher on the list override values lower on the list): RMAN can duplex backups to either disk or tape, but cannot duplex backups to tape and disk simultaneously. Configured Channels in an Oracle RAC Environment. One configuration is backup optimization. The snapshot control file name is valid for this database only. RMAN uses the following convention: ORA_devicetype_n, where devicetype refers to the user device type (such as DISK or sbt_tape) and n refers to the channel number. The specified number of archived log backups exist on the specified device type. Assume that you configure the snapshot control file name to a nondefault value on the primary database. These logs are transferred from a primary database, but unlike ordinary archived redo log files they have a different DBID. Table 2-3 explains the criteria used by backup optimization to determine whether a file is identical and can potentially be skipped.

The exclusion is stored as an attribute of the tablespace and not to the individual data files. For backups to disk, RMAN skips the backup if an identical data file is available on disk, even if that backup is older than the beginning of the recovery window. The following SHOW command displays the persistent device type configurations for the database whose unique name is dgprod3: The following SHOW command displays the persistent configurations for all databases known to the recovery catalog whose DBID is 3257174182 (the value specified by the preceding SET DBID command): This scenario illustrates the backup optimization behavior described in Table 2-3. In the recovery area, the database retains logs eligible for deletion as long as possible. If the SYSDBA password for every instance is the same as the password in the TARGET connection, you only need to configure your channels with CONNECT "@nodename". The logs are not needed by the BACKED UP TIMES TO DEVICE TYPE deletion policy. The BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES initialization parameter must be true when duplexing backups to tape. With the COMPRESSED option, the backup sets produced use binary compression. Assume that you configure the sbt device and run a backup as follows: In effect, RMAN does the following when executing this backup: If BACKUP TYPE is set to BACKUPSET, then the BACKUP command always produces backup sets regardless of which media the backup is created on. This is the default setting. Suppose you set PARALLELISM for disk backups to 2 (see Example 2-43).

Logs in any location can be deleted by manual commands.

You can override this deletion policy by specifying FORCE option on the BACKUP command.

This configuration applies unless overridden with the SET ENCRYPTION command. When you run the RESYNC CATALOG FROM DB_UNIQUE_NAME command, databases in a Data Guard environment use the net service name to connect with the db_unique_name database. Note: Use the CLEAR option to return RETENTION POLICY to its default of REDUNDANCY 1. You can use the SHOW command to display the configurations for one or more databases.

In contrast, you must reissue the SET NEWNAME command every time you execute the DUPLICATE command. OFF disables encryption for the specified tablespace unless SET ENCRYPTION ON FOR ALL TABLESPACES is used. You connect RMAN as TARGET to the primary database and execute CONFIGURE DB_UNIQUE_NAME 'standby1' CONNECT IDENTIFIER 'sby1'. See Also: Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide to learn more about this option. RMAN determines the names for configured channels.

The archived log deletion policy applies to all log archiving destinations, including the fast recovery area. Thus, you can use this clause to create a persistent configuration for a standby database without connecting as TARGET to the standby or primary database. You can execute the BACKUP DELETE INPUT, DELETE ARCHIVELOG, or DELETE OBSOLETE commands to delete logs manually from log archiving destinations, including the recovery area. PARALLELISM n command. If RMAN allocates an automatic maintenance channel, then it uses the same naming convention as any other automatically allocated channel.

If just one of those instances is unavailable, then your backup script fails to run. Also, duplexing is not permitted in the fast recovery area.

You cannot configure RMAN to write the autobackup to multiple locations.

For example, the default on some UNIX systems is ?/dbs/snapcf_@.f. This option ensures compression algorithm stability across future releases. RMAN names the first sbt channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1, the second ORA_SBT_TAPE_2, and so on. PARALLELISM parameter specifies channel parallelism, that is, the number of channels that RMAN allocates during backup and restore operations. Either configure a generic channel or specify a channel number, where integer is less than 255. RMAN names the first DISK channel ORA_DISK_1, the second ORA_DISK_2, and so on. Assume that primary database prod is associated with two standby databases with the DB_UNIQUE_NAME names dgprod3 and dgprod4. CLEAR restores the default setting of OFF.

This example configures automatic disk channels across two file systems: Because PARALLELISM is set to 2, the following command divides the output data between two file systems: The following LIST command shows how the data file backup was parallelized: Example 2-44 Configuring Automatic Channels in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) Configuration. For example, assume that a standby database has the unique name standby1 and the net service name sby1. The default location for the autobackup on disk is the fast recovery area (if configured) or a platform-specific location (if not configured). The default location for disk backups is the fast recovery area, if one is configured; otherwise, RMAN stores backups in a platform-specific location. If neither standby deletion policy is set, then this condition is always met. The policy does not apply to archived redo log files in backup sets. It is highly recommended that you run tests with the different compression levels on the data in your environment. Unless you specify the FOR DB_UNIQUE_NAME clause, an RMAN connection to a target database is required. OFF turns off encryption for all database files. If you configure channels by using the nondefault CONNECT or PARMS options to create backups or copies, then you must either use the same configured channels or manually allocate channels with the same options to restore or crosscheck these backups.

In this case, the logs are eligible for deletion. Configures default backup options such as duplexing, optimization, excluding tablespaces, backup set sizes, and retention policies. Configures an archived redo log deletion policy. Any BACKUP command that includes data file 1 automatically includes the current control file and server parameter file in the backup set.

For example, if you configure automatic channels for DISK and sbt and set the default device type to sbt, then RMAN only allocates tape channels when you run the BACKUP DATABASE command. Specifies control options for the configured channel. A configuration is in effect for any RMAN session on this database until the configuration is explicitly cleared or changed. The data file must have the same DBID, checkpoint SCN, creation SCN, and RESETLOGS SCN and time as a data file already in a backup. Configures the number of automatic channels of the specified device type allocated for RMAN jobs.

As time passes, RMAN marks backup sets and copies as obsolete according to the criteria specified in the retention policy. See Also: Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide for a description of how RMAN determines that it can skip the backup of a file. RMAN does not signal an error if backup optimization causes all files to be skipped during a backup.

This type of autobackup, unlike autobackups that occur in the preceding circumstances, is only to disk. The decision about which level is best must factor in on how balanced your system is regarding bandwidth into the CPU as well as the actual speed of the CPU. The example also enables backup optimization and configures a recovery windows of two weeks. Assume that the redundancy level is 1. If integer backups of the logs exist, then the BACKUP ARCHIVELOG command skips the logs. Suppose that you recently connected RMAN as TARGET to the primary database and used CONFIGURE FOR DB_UNIQUE_NAME standby_new to configure backup settings for standby database standby_new. Configures control file autobackup settings. Specify configuration information for auxiliary channels if they require different parameters from the channels allocated at the target instance.

RMAN searches for values of n in this order of precedence (that is, values higher on the list override values lower on the list): CONFIGURE DATAFILE BACKUP COPIES FOR DEVICE TYPE TO n. The archived redo log must have the same thread, sequence number, and RESETLOGS SCN and time as an archived log already in a backup. In this way, tapes can be recycled after they expire. Note: RMAN does not simultaneously allocate automatic channels for multiple device types in the BACKUP command. This subclause manages persistent configurations for archived redo log deletion policy. This example assumes an Oracle RAC database with two nodes.

Execute this command only at the RMAN prompt. When you create backup pieces on disk or on media managed by Oracle Secure Backup, optimization excludes undo data from the backup when the data does not belong to an active transaction. The following scenario illustrates how redundancy works in an incremental backup strategy. Typically, you set the AUXNAME parameter in TSPITR for the data files of the SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces and the tablespaces containing rollback or undo segments.

Note: You must use the SET ENCRYPTION IDENTIFIED BY command to enable password encryption. The string # default in the output of the SHOW command indicates when RMAN is using the default format.

RMAN must be connected as TARGET to a mounted or open database (which can be a primary or standby database), or you must identify the target database with the SET DBID command. Configures default backup settings for devices, such as the default backup device, channel configurations for devices, default backup types for each device, and parallelism. Do not overlay files which are in use by the production database and can be discarded after TSPITR completes. The logs are not needed by the BACKED UP TIMES TO DEVICE TYPE deletion policy.

Specifies the default device type for automatic channels. Controls the control file autobackup feature.

This subclause creates persistent configurations relating to control file autobackups. Every primary and standby database in the environment uses the net service name sby1 when it needs to make an Oracle Net connection to standby1. The archived redo log files have been applied to the required standby databases. If you are performing TSPITR or using DUPLICATE, then you can set AUXNAME to preconfigure the file names for use on the auxiliary database without manually specifying the auxiliary file names during the procedure. This example configures channels of device type DISK and sbt and sets the default device type as sbt. See Example 2-44 for an illustration of numbered channels. For generic channels of a specified device type, a new command erases previous settings for this device type. For example, use this command during TSPITR if the data files are on raw disk and you must restore auxiliary data files to raw disk for performance reasons. Note: It is invalid to specify the TO APPLIED clause in combination with either NONE or the TO SHIPPED clause. In a Data Guard environment, Oracle recommends that you always use RMAN with a recovery catalog. Structural changes include adding tablespaces, altering the state of a tablespace or data file (for example, bringing it online), adding a new online redo log, renaming a file, adding a new redo thread, enabling or disabling Flashback Database, and so on. Oracle does not recommend using the CONNECT option to configure individual channels to connect to specific Oracle RAC instances, because they make your RMAN script dependent on the particular instances named in the channel configuration. With ALL, sby1 marks the log on the primary database as consumed as soon as it is not required at sby1, but does not permit deletion of this log until it is applied or consumed by all other dependent remote destinations referring to the same location. The RESTORE command allocates automatic channels of all configured device types, regardless of the default device type. After every RUN block if the last command in the block was BACKUP. You can run CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP FOR DEVICE TYPE DISK to set a nondefault disk location.

Use the CONFIGURE command to create or change a persistent configuration affecting RMAN backup, restore, duplication, and maintenance jobs on a particular database. STANDBY deletion policy. Specifies a time window in which RMAN can recover the database. See Also: "Encryption of Backup Sets" to learn about the different modes of backup encryption, and Oracle Database Advanced Security Administrator's Guide to learn about transparent data encryption.

The RMAN job uses a channel of only one device type. Good combination of compression ratios and speed. The data file must be offline-normal, read-only, or closed normally. COPIES setting, so RMAN sets n=2. Because three copies of each log exist on sbt of all the logs generated on or before 9 a.m., RMAN skips the backups of these logs. Disables the retention policy feature. Foreign archived redo log files cannot be backed up or restored on a logical standby database. However, RMAN backs up two copies of all logs generated after 9 a.m. because these logs have not yet been backed up to tape.

Note: When the target database needs to connect to other standby or primary databases, it connects as the SYS user by using the existing Data Guard authentication mechanisms. The logs are obsolete according to the recovery window retention policy, but have not been backed up.

For two files to be identical, their content must be exactly the same, as described in Table 2-3.

RMAN then determines the oldest of the retained backups and marks all archived redo log files and log backups older than this backup as obsolete. The following example enables the autobackup feature and configures the default autobackup format for the DISK and sbt devices: Example 2-47 Creating Configurations for Standby Databases. For both channel connections, RMAN uses the same user name and password that were entered for the target database connection. Assume that you start RMAN and connect to prod as TARGET and connect to a recovery catalog.

For example, BACKUP AS BACKUPSET COPIES 4 TABLESPACE users creates a single backup set that is duplexed into four identical backup pieces. This example illustrates channel connections to Oracle RAC instances node1 and node2. Options specified for an individual tablespace take precedence over options specified for the whole database. If you run the CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE command to configure default settings for a device type and do not run CONFIGURE CHANNEL for this device type, then RMAN allocates all channels without other channel control options. Assume that backup optimization is disabled.

In this case, the logs are not eligible for deletion. If you specify ALL, then the logs are eligible for deletion after transfer to all remote destinations, whether mandatory or not. You cannot manually allocate a channel with a name that begins with ORA_. Using a load-balancing connect string makes your RMAN scripts both easier to code and more resilient to individual instance failures. If AUXILIARY is specified, then this configuration is used only for channels allocated at the auxiliary instance. You can override this behavior either by manually allocating channels in a RUN command, or by specifying DEVICE TYPE on the BACKUP command itself (see Example 2-42). Note: It is possible to run CONFIGURE locally on a standby database and then run CONFIGURE FOR DB_UNIQUE_NAME for the same database while RMAN is not connected to this database as TARGET. Note: This option is ignored by BACKUP AS COPY.

If you clear the control file name, and if you change Oracle home, then the default location of the snapshot control file changes as well.

If you specify ALL, then archived redo log files are eligible after being applied or consumed on all remote destinations, whether mandatory or not. The window-based retention policy causes RMAN to retain the old backup for as long as it is needed. RMAN skips a backup only if at least n backups of an identical file exist on the specified device.

The RECOVERY_PARALLELISM initialization parameter specifies the number of processes used in instance recovery. When the recovery area is under disk pressure, the database may delete archived redo log files needed by Oracle Streams. The target database must be mounted or open. A recovery catalog is required when performing operations in a Data Guard environment. Clears the specified channel. Whenever a BACKUP command within a RUN block is followed by a command that is not BACKUP. Configures the auxiliary file name for the specified target data file to. See Also: Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration for details. Any default format string specified with CONFIGURE must include the %F substitution variable. The version number uses the release number format and may use as many as 5 numbers to fully qualify the release. Because duplexing is enabled for disk backups, two copies of each output backup set are created.

Immediately after each daily backup you run a DELETE OBSOLETE. The RESTORE command obeys the PARALLELISM setting for each configured device type. This example assumes that you have a license for the Advanced Compression Option (ACO) of the database. If more than integer full or level 0 backups of a data file or control file exist, then RMAN marks these extra files as obsolete. Control file autobackups are never duplexed.

RMAN skips the backup of a log only if at least two copies of the log exist on the sbt device. Which remote destinations are considered depends on the following criteria: If you do not specify ALL, then archived redo log files are eligible for deletion after being applied to all mandatory remote destinations.

If you decide to use the CONNECT option to direct RMAN channels to specific nodes, then Oracle strongly recommends that you not use passwords in your channel configuration. The control files of the two standby databases are updated with the configuration only after the reverse resynchronization from the recovery catalog to the control file, which occurs the first time that the user connects to dgprod3 and dgprod4.

Choosing a compression level based on your environment, network traffic characteristics (workload) and data set is the only way to ensure that the backup set compression level can satisfy your organization's performance requirements and any applicable service level agreements. Oracle Secure Backup is the media manager.

Specify CLEAR to return the format to the default %F. For example, you can change configure PARALLELISM to 3 for sbt and then change it to 2 as follows: Example 2-41 Configuring Device and Backup Options. The table also explains the algorithm that RMAN uses when backup optimization is enabled and it needs to determine whether to skip the backup of an identical file. Note: You should enable control file autobackup feature when using RMAN without a recovery catalog. If duplexing is specified in the BACKUP command or in a SET BACKUP COPIES command, then the CONFIGURE setting is overridden. The first BACKUP command backs up the archived redo log files on the default sbt channel. In this case, you can execute RESYNC CATALOG FROM DB_UNIQUE_NAME standby_new. You can use the FOR DB_UNIQUE_NAME clause to configure a database to which RMAN is not connected as TARGET. The order of precedence is: You can configure the autobackup format even when CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP is set to OFF, but RMAN does not generate autobackups in this case. The default value for the snapshot control file name is platform-specific and dependent on Oracle home. If you use DUPLICATE to create a standby database, then the snapshot control file location on the standby database is set to the default value. In essence, the AUXNAME of a data file is the location where TSPITR can create a temporary copy of it. To create multiple control file backups, you can make the last command in your backup job a BACKUP CURRENT CONTROLFILE FORMAT command, which backs up the control file to the specified FORMAT location and then execute an autobackup. (datafileSpec::=, backupConf::=, cfauConf::=, deviceConf::=, forDbUniqueNameOption::=), (deviceSpecifier::=, allocOperandList::=). If FORCE is not specified on the deletion commands, then these deletion commands obey the archived log deletion policy. You run a level 0 database backup at noon Monday, a level 1 cumulative backup at noon on Tuesday and Wednesday, and a level 0 backup at noon on Thursday. You run BACKUP DATABASE, BACKUP ARCHIVELOG with the ALL or LIKE options, BACKUP BACKUPSET ALL, BACKUP RECOVERY AREA, BACKUP RECOVERY FILES, or BACKUP DATAFILECOPY.

The FORMAT parameter can specify an Automatic Storage Management disk group. Determines when archived redo log files are eligible for deletion.