[] means you can input a number or an id, e.g. This console command will start a save test.

Specify 'log' to log timings. This command will open a settings window/GUI.

You can specify the amount to add or remove the warexhaustion. This command will take a screenshot of your game and save it to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Imperator\screenshots.

This command enables and disables (toggles) watch windows. This command dumps all data types to the data_types.log file which can be found in your Documents/Paradox Interactive/logs folder.

If you want to print the list of players that are currently connected to the game server, players command is perfect for this purpose. The ID of the map mode you wish to switch to. this command acts as a toggle command). Specify a negative number to remove legitimacy. trainer rome total war republic rise cheats If you don't specify anything here, your own country's coat of arms will be printed. The replan command would force any particular country which is being controlled by Ai, to replan. Shows tags and Ids, equivalent to charinfo in CK2. This command toggles (enables and disables) AI for the country with the specified country tag. Starts a civil war in the specified country. DirectX 11. Specify a negative number to reduce AE. This command will open the specified tweaker GUI (e.g. The character ID of the character you wish to kill. This command (untested) should enable 'dev cheats'.

This console command adds the specified amount of cash to your nation.

This command enables and disables (toggles) debug mode. This command toggles (enables and disables) the delay that usually is present between declarations of war - i.e. The tyranny console command is used to change the tyranny level. Adding +amount or -amount after the command modifies it by specified amount, tech_all - Grants 1 level to all technology branches, tick_day (number of days) - Advances time by specified number of days, warexhaustion (+/-amount)- Sets war exhaustion to 20.

on Paradox technology, Legal This disables achievements and cannot be used during ironman on multiplayer matches, so be sure to keep that in mind before tapping into power you shouldn't have access to in the first place. privacy policy. This command will cleaar all Ai statistics. This command will make you control/play as the country with the specified name (specify the name of the country, not the country tag).

Sets character age. Information, Frequently Asked Negative numbers remove stability - e.g. The healthy_economy command will print the list of the countires in the game who have a healthy economy. Find country tags with the debug_mode command. character.martial [] [], Sets character martial, replace with zeal, charisma, or finesse for those. You can adds any amount of units in selected province. If the subject of the event is a province, specify the province ID of the province you wish to start the event within here. The country tag of the country you wish to have war declared upon. This console command will open the Particle Editor tool - press the button in the top right of the newly opened window to close it. This command will return a joke message. This console command annexes the specific country to yours/. This cheat will make any unit(s) that you currently have selected start to exile.

This command saves your game to a save file with the specified name. "cash 10"). Spawns specified amount of Triremes in province. This command will save a province terrain data file to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Imperator named xx_province_terrain.txt. This console command will print the script for the country's coat of arms/flag to games.log.

The event console command will kick start the event for character, province or country, you specified in the syntax.

This command will output statistics to the game's game.log file. Switch tag to another country. This command is used to give the character all data. Note that it will be set to this number: using 20 in the age parameter would make your character 20, not add 20 years to their current age. This cheat code spawns a pirates fleet in the province with the specified province ID. The province ID of the province you wish to spawn a horde of barbarians within.

army_loyalty [province id] [loyalty amount]. Click on a command's name to visit its information page, on which you can find detailed documentation that includes working examples.

Just type teststatus in the syntax. This console command has two main functions. With the game console, you can completely revamp your gameplay. Press or to scroll through the last used commmands.

The nation you were playing as becomes controlled by AI.

The oos_dump command when executed, results in creating a oos dump. This command starts a civil war in the country with the specified country tag. The purple text that appears when hovering on provides around the map has the IDs you'll need. The amount of stability you wish to add.

This console command is used to set the army loyalty of a particular province to the specified amount. If this is already enabled, you can disable it by running the same command. Halting units makes them enter exile mode and return to safer land. You have to specify the country tag in command syntax. Search our database of 113 Imperator: Rome cheat codes by typing the name of a cheat into the search box below. using the command 'legitimacy' on its own).

If you're running the Steam version, right-click on the game in your library and select Properties.

Use the button in the top right of the window to close it - typing this command again will just open another one.

religion) to the specified file - a good way to get a full high-definition image of your save's map.

Note that this command doesn't add the specified amount of loyalty to the troops in the province - it sets their loyalty to this value. Tyranny -10 would reduce it by 10. If typed without any arguments (i.e. These are only some of the more notable Imperator: Rome console commands.

The timing console command helps you to alter the game time. From endless customizations to additional features, the options are endless.

Arranges marriage between two characters. Adds specified amount of gold. In debug mode, when you hover over nations, provinces, characters, etc useful information such as province IDs, country tags, and more will be shown in the tooltip. Specifying a negative amount removes cash. The name of the map mode you wish to save an image of - terrain, religion, political, etc.

Specify the amount in th syntax. Privacy Contact Cookie & Privacy Settings. This command is used to print game.log file data related to the game's event queue. If you count among those jumping between Paradox grand strategy titles, here are Crusader Kings 3's console commands and cheats. This cheat executes (kills) all units belonging to the country with the specified country tag. This console command is used to open up the Map Editor tool. If already enabled, you can disable it using the same command. This cheat may crash your game - save before using. A simple command - this command will return the message 'No help for you!'. This is useful for finding country tags and province IDs for use in commands - it is similar to the charinfo command from other Paradox games. The amount of state loyalty you wish to add to the province - negative numbers reduce state loyalty. You can specify the map mode and file name to save the picture. The country tag of the country you wish to clear the AI action plan of. This command sets the timing mode to the specified timing mode. This cheat sets the loyalty of the troops in the specified province to the specified amount.

This console command will open the object explorer debug tool. This command is used to change the amount of unrest in a province. Optional - the name of the command you wish to view help for. This console command opens up the object explorer window.

The yesmen console command is used to activates yesmen.

Specifying a negative number will remove manpower.

Resets all achievements (developer command).

You can add or remove the amount of technology with the tech command. This command will annex the country with the specified country tag for your nation. For the full list type "help" in the console or visit https://commands.gg/imperator. This command spawns the specified amount of ships within the province with the specified ID.

But not very sure about the outcome of this command. This command adds the specified amount of state loyalty to the specified province. You can change the display mode of the map using this console command.

You can replace your playing country with another one by executing this command. This cheat adds the specified amount of stability to your nation. You can choose your time mode.

The name/ID of the entity you wish to spawn.

This cheat code will give your nation the specified amount of power (adds to your current power). army_loyalty [province id] [loyalty amount]. Specify a negative amount to remove stability.

The script_docs console command will print the script documentation to the console. Interactive corporate website.

You have to specify the province id in syntax. The eagerness console command is used to check the eagerness of Ai for the war. This command is the opposite of the yesmen command - the AI will automatically (and almost instantly) decline any diplomatic offers, etc regardless of circumstances. You can change the music.next command to change the current music track. You can specify the command in syntax. This is a toggle command that is used to enable or disable the war declaration. You can set the centralization to your desired amount by giving the percentage in the syntax.

If you haven't encountered any errors, this command will not have any output. You can also do the same for prominence, popularity, corruption, etc. Remember to remove the brackets from the Imperator: Rome console commands and cheats below when typing them in-game. This is a toggle command - it will open and close the portrait editor tool. This command will save multiplayer stats to the game.log file. This console command will make you select the province with the specified province ID. IDs are simply the map mode names: terrain, religion, political, etc. To enable it, you need to launch the game in the debug mode, Which you can do in multiple ways depending on your launcher such as: The debug mode disables achievements.

Optional - the country tag of the country you wish to print the coat of arms of to the game.log file. This command forces the AI of a particular to update its preffered units.

Use the "Card View" and "Table View" buttons to view commands in different layouts, which may be easier to read.

"cash 300" or "annex ROM".

The name of the country you wish to also control - not the country tag.

This command is used to refresh the mercenaries. It is a toggle command - typing it again will turn it off. The name of the image file to save the picture of your map to. Note that this command has been reported as buggy and may make your game crash (save your game before using it). This can be useful to fix lag and graphics issues with your game. This console command will let you open the province setup editor where you can edit culture, religion, etc. You can find out more in our

You have to specify the amount in the syntax. This cheat will make the country with the specified country tag make AI peace offers to all countries that they are currently at war with.

This cheat kills the character with the specified character ID. If you want to start a save test, then you can use this console command. This command has been reported as non-functional, so it may not work.

You can print the console information of your current game with the help of version command.

You have to specify your desired language name. If you want to reload any particular file, then you can use this console command. Add specified amount of Manpower, note that the number is taken in thousands so "20" would result in 20,000 manpower. Specify a negative number (e.g. You can use force pace command to prevent the war with any particular country. This command is used to enable or disable the AI view.

The country tag of the country that you wish to kill all units belonging to. The legitimacy command is used to change the monarchs legitimacy level. This cheat code starts a revolt in the nation with the specified country tag. To select a unit, click on it so that its information box pops up. This command sets your nation's centralization to the specified percentage (40 = 40%). This command kicks the player with the specified name from the server.

This console command is used to spawn the particular entity under your cursor. 'help cash'), detailed help information for that command will be printed to the console.

If you want to take a screenshot of your game at any point, then you can use this command. You can load the saved file using this command.

The ID of the province you wish to change the state loyalty of. But not for loyalty.

In order to access these functions, you need to enable the game console which is disable by default. You can select any particular province with the help of this command. This command will make your nation instantly conquer the province with the specified province ID. This console command is used to daily update the selected units. Adds specific amount of units in selected province. The country tag of the country you wish to offer peace to all countries that they are at war with. This console command will load the save with the specified file name. This command prints to the console the game's log (if it isn't empty).

You can start a war between two particular countries by running this console command. This console command toggles (enables and disables) the 3D Stats GUI. The country tag of the country you wish to declare war.

All countries have a numeric tag and an alpha-numeric tag. You can use kick command to kick any particular player out of the game.

This command will start the event with the specified ID in the specified province, country, or with the specified character as the subject. 2019, https://imperator.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Console_commands&oldid=16270, Articles with potentially outdated sections, Play Imperator: Rome lets you set lofty goals for yourself, from conquering the world as Rome to toppling one of its behemoths when playing as a smaller country.

7 Days To Die Console Commands (Cheat Codes) & Item ID List, Age Of Wonders 3 Console Commands (Cheat Codes), Ballz: Complete Guide, Cheats, Tips & Tricks, Bloodstained Ritual Of The Night Cheat Codes, Crusader Kings II (CK2) Console Commands (Cheat Codes) & Item ID List, Subnautica Console Commands (Cheat Codes), How To Do Voice Chat With Friends in Mini Militia, How to Get Better Healing Items Cyberpunk 2077, OSRS Another Slice of H.A.M. This console command switches to the next track in the music playlist.

It was last verified for, PDXCON This command enables and disables (toggles) release mode. This is a toggle command and it is used to enable or disable the release mode. This cheat will give your nation the specified amount of technology. The marry console command will arrange a marriage between two particular characters. Triggers event for specified character/province/country. This command increases the legitimacy of your nation's current ruler by the amount specified. This command won't make a loading screen appear, but when one does, it won't end until you disable it (by typing this command again). The output_terrain console command is ued to save the province terrain data file to documents. The country tag of the AI-controlled country you wish to update the preferred units of. The province ID you wish to spawn the pirates fleet in. You have to specify the province and amount in the syntax. Control specified territory by specified country. This creates a setup file in documents that overrides base files. This command forces the AI of a particular to update its parallel plan actions. You can print the current game time by executing the time command.

If you want to open the Texture Viewer graphic user interface, then this is the best command to do so.

If you do not specify a country tag, your own country's coat of arms will be printed. Well, in comes the game console.

This command will print to the console information about the current version of the game you are currently - including the name of the version, version number, and the time it was released.

Note that this command may crash your game - it should open the Map Editor tool. Activates yesmen (AI accepts all diplomatic proposals). "-10, 4, 9" etc.). provide relevant advertising.

This page was last edited on 5 February 2022, at 14:36. Select the game file, right click it, select properties and in the target field, add -debug_mode in the end after a space. Note that it affects AI response to AI offers as well (i.e.

If you don't specify an amount, 10 legitimacy will be added (i.e.

This consoel command helps you to tick all the units that you have currently selected. A surprise incursion from one of your neighbors, a stab in the back from a former ally, your powerful ruler suddenly dying these are all moments when the list of Imperator: Rome console commands and cheats below could very much come in handy. The ID of the province you wish to change the loyalty of the troops within. Many things can threaten to foil your plans, regardless if they involve painting the map in your country's color or simply getting by without being absorbed into a bigger empire. if 1 out of 100 countries had an unhealthy economy, this command would print 99%).

This command clears all of the messages from the console (making it clear, as if you hadn't used it). The name of the tweaker GUI you wish to spawn, e.g. The province ID of the province you wish to select. The dumpdatatypes command helps you to dump all the data types. The observe command is used to switch to the spectator mode. This command will calculate how long (in months) it will take for the AI of the specified country to have enough resources to declare war on the second specified country. This cheat will increase your nation's Aggressive Expansion by the specified amount. Console commands are not available in ironman games or multiplayer. This command will make the game tick forward the specified amount of days. This command is used to opens the tweaker GUI to enable or disable Fog of War. One Caveat is that the debug mode disables achievements and Console commands are not available in ironman games or in multiplayer mode. the AIs will decline all offers from other AI nations). This console command opens up the Compound Node Editor/Node Graph tool.

The country tag of the AI country who would be having war declared against. The exile command is used to exile the selected unit.

The print_randomlog console command is used to print the random log. This command forces the AI of the specified country tag to update its preferred units. This cheat adds the specified amount of manpower to your nation. Some commands have arguments, also known as parameters - these are extra numbers or IDs that you add to a command to tell it what to do. This command will switch your game's map mode (how the map is displayed) to the specified map mode. Defaults to 100 corruption. The amount of power you wish to give your nation. The name of the player you wish to kick from the server. This command prints the coat of arms definition of the country with the specified country tag to the game.log file. The horde command will increases or decreases number of Barbarians in selected province. You can change the loyalty level of a state by executing state_loyalty command.

This command is used to check if there is any error in the console. You can change the language of the game with this command. You can specify the index number in the syntax. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 1.3. Save file will be located in \Documents\Paradox Interactive\Imperator\save games. The country tag of the country you wish to disable AI for. The country tag of the country that you wish to view the eagerness value of.

Opens the province setup editor where you can edit culture, religion, etc. This command calculates, and prints to the console, a score between 0-1 which represents how eager a nation is to declare war, 1 being very eager and 0 not being eager.

-5) to remove cash. If the unit you have selected is already exiling, this will toggle off the exile state and make it stop exiling (i.e. The amnesia console command helps you to find out the tag of a country.

The loading_screen is a toggle command, When it is enabled it will enable indefinite loading screens.

This command will switch the country you are playing as to the country with the specified country tag. This console command will enable and disable (toggle) the 'Editor' - which is titled 'Province data setup'.

Specify a negative number to reduce tyranny. It's currently still in development so may be buggy (save your game before using). Simply add "-debug_mode" there, without the quote marks, and you'll be able to bring up the console in-game using the tilde (`) key. This command will declare two charatcer as a mother and the other father.

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Forces AI generated peace offers for specified country. The province should be a sea province, or a province with a port (not landlocked). Use the x button at the top of the window to close it.

The tick_day command advances time by the specified number of days.

If a country, the country tag of the country the event should be started within. This command calls the 'update winter' for all provinces in the game (i.e. 'audio', 'fow', 'winter', etc. The character ID of the second character you wish to marry. Note that this isn't a toggle command, when a unit is halting, typing this command again won't cancel the halt.

Opens the tweaker GUI to enable or disable Fog of War. Negative value will decrease tech instead. The country tag of the country you wish to start a civil war within. This command will print to the console the name of your render backend - e.g.

Adding +amount or -amount after the command modifies it by specified amount. If a character, the character ID of the character who should be subject of the event.

navy (ship count) (province ID) - Spawns specified amount of Triremes in province.

You can destroy mercenaries, start civil war, spawn items and much more.

We're not too sure what this command does - the description is 'Daily updates all selected units', when used (with a unit selected), it will print to console 'One tick for 1 unit'. You can use this command to save the minidump to any particular file by giving the file name in syntax. This cheat code will add the specified amount of unrest to the province with the specified province ID. The debug_mode command will enable debug mode. You can specify the desired amount of power. The file will be located at Documents\Paradox Interactive\Imperator\screenshots. This console command will reload the specified file. Your email address will not be published. The amount of legitimacy you wish to add to your ruler. The province ID, or country tag, of the location you wish for your nation to occupy. The power command is used to increase Civic, Oratory, Religious, and military power of your nation. Victory, however, doesn't always come easy, and, sometimes, having some console commands and cheats at the ready can prove quite handy when the unexpected happens.

ae -10 would reduce it by 10.

Originally available at the press of a single button, Imperator: Rome's console commands and cheats now require an extra step to activate. If not specified, a list of all commands in the game will be printed to the console. This console command is used to print the list of aal command or any particular command.

This command will remove all shader debugging. Other keys that may work to open the console include: , ~, ^, , or .

To enable debug mode, Launch Steam, go to the game and right click it, select properties, Not click Set Launch options and add -debug_mode, You are now going to have to create a shortcut for the game. The enable_dev_cheats console cammnad will enable the dev cheats. If there is, the command will not generate any output. declare_war [] []. Please help with verifying or updating this section. Default is 10, if you do not specify anything here.

event [event id] [country tag / province id / character id]. The music.togglepause command is used to pause or unpause the game's music. You can increases the expansions of your country by using this cheat code. This console command is ued to find out what rendering system your client is using. Base is 5000. You can start a civil war with any country using this command. This command forces the AI of the specified country tag to update its parallel plan actions. If you want to open the Particle Editor tool, then you use this command. This command will print script documentation to the console. With debug mode enabled, province IDs, county tags, character IDs, and other data you need for cheat codes will be shown in tooltips when you hover over provinces, character portraits, etc.

revolt (country ID) - Starts a revolt in specified country. This command saves an image of the specified map type (e.g. When the debig mode in on, it shows the information about provinces. The gamelog command is used to print the game log to the console.

The amount of tyranny you wish to add to your nation - negative numbers (e.g. This country tag of the nation you wish to annex. Keep updated on the latest PC Gaming news by following GameWatcher on Twitter, checking out our videos on YouTube, giving us a like on Facebook, and joining us on Discord. You can kill the units of a particular country using this console command.

This console command prints the current 'random log'. Commands.gg is not affiliated with any game(s) on this page. The portrait_editor console commad helps you to open or close the portrait editor. Either will work. The country tag of the country you wish to force to replan (must be AI, not a player nation). This console command will result in crashing the client. warexhaustion -10 would reduce it by 10. In the General tab, you'll see a dialog box, just under the Launch Options section. The warexhaustion console command is used to modifies your war exhaustion. But to be honest, certain elements of the game could use a lift up. Can be changed to number of your choice. This command is used to enable the replay tool of the game.

you become a spectator. This is a toggle command which is used to enable of disable the sync graphics setting. Prints the script for the country's coat of arms/flag to logs\games.log. The change in value can be negative as well.

This cheat spawns the specified amount of army cohorts in the province with the specified province ID. You must specfy the file name in the syntax.

This console command will print to the game.log file data regarding the game's event queue.

The country tag of the country you wish to play as. The amount of manpower you wish to add to your nation - negative amounts will remove manpower. This console command clears all of the AI statistics.

Negative numbers reduce tech. This command will halt the unit(s) that you currently have selected. If you don't specify anything here, your country will be used for the calculations. It should print to the game.log file a list of all commands in the game, with their descriptions. This is a toggle mode. You have to specify both countries tag in the syntax.

This command pauses and unpauses (toggles pause) for the game's music. And give them a baby child.

This command will enable the halt mode and the unit will be enter to the safer land. This command will give your nation the specified amount of tyranny. This command will make the two specified characters have a child. This is the only way to see the script for game-generated flags. For example, in the command "cash [amount]", [amount] is an argument - simply replace this with an amount to get it to work (e.g.