The suburbs did not support community, but rather focused on work and family. Food was particularly permeable into American culture. Additionally, Jesuit missionaries who came to the Americas often lived among the Huron tribes they hoped to convert. He was defended by Clarence Darrow. In the, The Spanish also divided their society into a rigid. The White house was still preoccupied with this issue. Upon arriving in the United States, immigrants tended to settle into ethnic communities like Chinatown and Little Italy. This was practical, in a sense, because the new surroundings drew people to familiarity - those who spoke the same language, attended the same churches, and shopped in the same markets. The economies of the South depended on cash crops like rice and indigo. They wanted racial freedom. Poor whites took their anger out on the blacks. These tribes are also sometimes known as the Mississippi Mound Builders for their large earthen mounds in a variety of shapes and sizes. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson passed a new immigration reform law that removed the quota systems in place since the 1920s. Many of the Spanish conquistadors (conquerors) who ventured to the New World in the sixteenth century did so out of necessity due to laws of primogeniture, where the first born son inherited the family estate. In 1917, the outbreak of the Bolshevik Revolution and subsequent United States involvement in World War I significantly changed the way Americans and the federal government treated immigrants. As a strongly matriarchal society, Iroquois women mostly tended to community affairs while men hunted. The economies of the Middle Colonies were a diverse mixture of agriculture, shipbuilding, and logging. Having presidents from the Sun Belt for the majority of this period has given that area a tremendous amount of power in the United States. McKinley is victorious for the Republican Party. century, Blue Laws were created that were instituted to regulate public morals, banning certain activities on Sundays.

The machine gained votes from the tenements, money from the businesses, and other things from others who were helped through the services of the machine. The government frowned upon the actions of Custer. The suburbs revived the idea of home ownership, while they continued to change the boundaries of suburbia. Native tribes like the Iroquois, who sided with the British during the war, largely rejected these claims. No action really took place; rather, the Knights believed that through education they would mysteriously achieve their commonwealth. Many disliked this so called scramble for office, so the Pendleton Act was created. These political machines were present in both the Democratic and Republican parties. Yosemite later became a National Park in 1890 because of preservationists like John Muir. This way he reduced labor costs and utilized waste products. These issues were ultimately based upon Ethno cultural conflict. Rather than running the government, the mugwumps focused on changing public opinion. Gould owned so many railways in the Southwestern states they were called the Gould System. He was very greedy until the end of his life, even when the stock market turned against him and he was losing money. When white settlers discovered gold in the Black Hills, the United States government forced the Lakota Sioux to move from their ancestral lands. Its followers were called Wobblies. These long drives occurred during the Cattle Kingdom, during which the Indian Buffalo were being killed off and more and more ranches were coming into being in the West. (1888) In the late 19th century, Blue Laws were created that were instituted to regulate public morals, banning certain activities on Sundays. They also all had conflicts with Native Americans over land and cultural differences, which impacted decisions and policies for expansion for decades. When that did not work, the United States government resorted to violence. He failed to lower the cost of company housing, though, for his workers. (1905) The Industrial Workers of the World was a radical movement that greatly supported the issue of Marxist class struggle by resistance and strikes at the workplace, creating revolution. Because of the congestion, in 1879 the first elevated railroads were created in New York City. Debs and his cohorts resisted and were jailed. (1869) it started out as a secret society of garment workers in Philadelphia and wanted to create an egalitarian society to give every citizen hope to be economically independent. (1860) The government wanted to help the railroads and make them prosper to benefit from the economic benefits. This Haymarket Square Incident was blamed on the Knights of Labor, leading to their ultimate demise. Both the Dawes Act and schools like Carlisle Indian School hoped to assimilate Native Americans into white culture by eliminating critical aspects of tribal identity - communal living and farming, native languages, gender equity in work, and religious traditions. As farming prices became more efficient, food prices decreased. Police tried to break up the meeting, leading someone to throw a bomb that killed police, leading to wild gun fire. Tribes like the Chinooks lived in multi-family dwellings called longhouses. Because the Southern wealthy needed labor, Washington stressed the need for industrial education of manual and agriculture labor. Movements in migration and settlement during this period center around two main trends: westward migration following the Civil War and the growth of urbanization.

Identify one specific cause of change for the urban population from 1860 to 1900. He then created facilities to process fertilizer, chemicals, and other products used in the slaughtering of his beef. Crazy Horse led the Sioux to a great victory for the Sioux warriors. (1884) Not everyone liked the workings of machine politics. What push and pull factors influence immigration and migration patterns, and how do these moves change the society and culture of the migrants new home? One such housing code was The House Law of 1901 which required all new structures to include interior courts, indoor toilets, and fire safeguards. Night travel was an added bonus of electricity. The Governor of Pennsylvania put Homestead under martial law and brought out the state militia. Some of these improvements, like the steel plow and mechanical reaper, originated in the early nineteenth century and continued to increase agricultural production. Nebraska banned baseball on Sunday, upsetting German and Irish Catholics greatly. California targeted the Chinese for racism because there were not many blacks. Migration and settlement causes and effects during and after times of war vary dramatically depending on which side of the war a group is on. in Chicago that left 4 dead, local anarchists held a protest meeting in Haymarket Square. When it comes to the AP exam, there are several terms involving the United States government and Union Army that are helpful to know as examples for this period. Open fire ensued when Carnegie hired armed guards to control his steel works. Westward expansion and urbanization both led to population growth in the years following the American Civil War. Transportation was not the only new technology to revolutionize markets. Poorer people lived closer to the city because they needed to be close to the city for their jobs.

This movement was bolstered by innovations to help migrants become successful and community organizations that lent a voice to their growing concerns. Tenements were then constructed to house the masses of people. Evaluate the extent to which political and economic developments encouraged the settlement of the West from 1877 to 1898. (1886) Because of an 8 hour strike, inspired by the cause of the 8 hour work day, in Chicago that left 4 dead, local anarchists held a protest meeting in Haymarket Square. This act said that there was to be a list of positions to be filled upon the basis of an examination. The army brutally killed about 150 Indian men, women and children as they fled, unarmed. The New England colonies were New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Despite stipulations in Jays Treaty (1794) that this collusion end, tensions between the United States and Britain continued to increase, ultimately leading to war.

The Republicans became the dominant political party, finally ending the political equilibrium. The farmers also wanted free silver, unlimited silver, that would create rapid inflation that would help the farmers in debt accumulate desperately needed wealth. In 1619, the House of Burgesses became the first representative government established in the British colonies. The presidents agenda controls not only political aspects of American society, but social and economic issues as well - education reform, energy sources, and foreign policy. Electricity also powered transportation, elevators-allowing for skyscrapers, and Alexander Graham Bell's telephone. During both World War I and World War II, women readily filled vacant industrial jobs - a compelling cause for the 19th Amendment (1920). In the mid-eighteenth century, a group of North Carolina vigilante rebels called the. Businesses were also involved in the machine politics, getting licenses and privileges that they wanted. While Period 5 addresses Manifest Destiny from the political perspective of increased sectionalism, the exam does not address this theme concerning migration and settlement until Period 6. Ultimately, the men and women who migrated to the thirteen British colonies did so for a variety of economic, social, and religious reasons. The biggest effect of this migration, however, was not groundbreaking or inventive. Workers resisted this and it cost lots of money. At the start of the Civil War, the population of New York City was just over one million people. American passengers were over double of that of the rest of the world combined. College Board does not explicitly attach the theme of migration and settlement to this period in the curriculum framework. (1880's) Through politics, immigrants, when arriving to America, all automatically became apart of a ward with a spokesman in City Hall who would vouch on their behalf if they needed anything. They wanted no political party of workers. The Indians awaited the day and practiced the Ghost Dance. Nevertheless, mixtures of violence and bribes led to decreased tribal lands. (1865) he instituted vertical integration into the livestock Market by creating such innovations as refrigerator cars and refrigerated warehouses to keep his beef cold. The blacks are to be separate but equal. Tribes like the Zuni and Anasazi lived in multi-family dwellings made of clay, which the Spanish called pueblos, meaning village.. Soldiers stepped in and tried to disarm the Indians, starting a battle in South Dakota. As people within the United States moved, immigrants from around the world sought new opportunities in the United States. After the French and Indian War, the British claimed land in the Americas extending West of the Appalachian Mountains. Some of the tribes missed the deadline for moving, so the federal government dispatched Lieutenant Colonel George Custer and the 7th Cavalry to confront them. Willard took this organization past temperance, creating a Do-Everything policy for the organization. He was called a Robber Baron: a person who takes riches from the economic system and gives nothing back in return. White settlers attempted to rid the Great Plains of Native Americans by killing their food source, the American bison, almost to extinction. Each head would get 160 acres and individuals would get smaller pieces of land. Some 6,000 blacks left for Kansas with nothing but the clothes on their backs, and in 1880 there were 40,000 blacks living there.

He, at one time, owned the Erie, Wabash, Union Pacific, and Missouri Pacific Railway systems. Massive westward movement into the Great Plains after the Homestead Act (1862) led to disputes over land claimed by the Plains Indians - tribes like the Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Osage. Holding a signing ceremony on Liberty Island under the Statue of Liberty, government officials hailed the new bill as a triumph of progress for American immigration policy. Masculinity became watching and playing sports like football and boxing, working out, and going outdoors. Soldiers stepped in and tried to disarm the Indians, starting a battle in South Dakota. Some settlers also felt a sense of deepening economic and social division associated with westward migration. was composed up of the Western Federation of Miners and left-wing socialists. (1840-1910) Sumner was a sociology professor at Yale who brought Social Darwinism to new heights in America. As farmers, ranchers, and miners moved West after the Civil War, a similar population boom occurred in urban centers east of the Mississippi River. Over time, this came to include more male members of the community with actions like the Half-Way Covenant but was still strictly tied to religious involvement. He then created facilities to process fertilizer, chemicals, and other products used in the slaughtering of his beef. And as events in Europe unfurled, like the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, claims to colonial territories thousands of miles away gained strategic political significance. Whereas Period 1 (1491-1607) focuses mostly on why Europeans migrated to the New World, Period 2 (1607-1754) is primarily concerned with where and why they settled. The managers would then time and analyze each job through the time and motion study in order to increase the rate and make more money. Investors who had stock in the railroad only risked the money they invested and were not responsible for the railroads debts. These reformers believed that the Indians needed to be assimilated into white society, starting with the children; this is why they had Indian school that attempted to Americanize the children. It is most helpful to break these colonies into their respective geographic regions, as this is how an essay question will most likely address comparison between them.

Others, however, managed to hold on to tribal identities despite assimilationist policies and attempted to develop self-sustaining economic practices. They thought that these laws were violating their personal freedoms. For some tribes, the combination of violent warfare, starvation, and assimilation of their youngest generation did wipe out entire histories stretching thousands of years. (1882) Because of the poverty they had and the success of the California Gold Rush, the Chinese flocked to the US between 1850 and 1880. The whole town, including the mayor, was for the union and decided to stand up for it. Workers were instructed not to hand the Pullman sleeping cars, as said by the leader of the ARU, Eugene V. Debs. The boss ruled over these machines, although the secondary leaders almost ruled more than this single power. Originally establishing societies based on subsistence farming, the economies of New Englands colonies eventually grew to include shipping and trade.In the strictly-controlled religious community of Massachusetts Bay Colony, only male church members could vote. The Spanish practice of subjugating Native Americans into economic and social systems of oppression served their purposes of settlement - to extract wealth from their surroundings and spread Christianity. The Chinese became free workers in the US, usually working for a Confederation of Chinese Merchants (Six Companies) or working on the transcontinental and other railroads. The ideals of the blue laws also spread over into the question of liquor consumption, creating laws and restrictions on alcohol. The Chesapeake consisted of Virginia and Maryland. Meanwhile, white Americans capitalized on their wealth and influence to further their own political, social, and economic goals. This ideology came to be called pure and simple unionism. Because of the sometimes transient nature of these lifestyles, early French migration to the Americas was overwhelmingly male and relatively small when compared to the more permanent settlement of other European nations. The curriculum framework singles out four European nations with varying levels of attention: the Spanish, French, Dutch, and English. He wanted the literary tests, property qualifications, and all other voting loopholes to apply to blacks as well as whites.

However, the ethnic communities also existed because white Americans economically and socially prevented immigrants from moving into their parts of the city. Jim Crow laws also became a part of this black disfranchisement, creating segregated communities by separating everything in society by black and white. Some machine politicians actually served as effective legislatures and congressmen because of their experience with politics. These major social issues ultimately caused a deep bond and significance to rise up in what party you were affiliated too. Another housing code said that all rooms must have windows. The year 1491 signifies anything that occurred in the years before Columbus discovery of the New World. And the creation of a system whereby Native Americans were in constant proximity with Spanish priests and churches facilitated the conversion, genuine or not, of at least some of that population. Migration and settlement during the period center on the movement of people during and as a result of wars. It covers the Spanish American War, World War I, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, the New Deal, and World War II. Still, the Market Revolution does include one major immigrant movement that is important to know. The Realigning Pattern with Republican Dominance is another description of this Election.

A crisis began to evolve out of manhood Middle class because they felt they were not there own bosses and that they had no power derived from family life because of the loss of work and household. Bryan was a great speaker of morals and rights, while McKinley was calmer and spoke of industrial and economic progress to help the common people. Police tried to break up the meeting, leading someone to throw a bomb that killed police, leading to wild gun fire. Bribes and kickbacks were used to get who they want in power. This Atlanta Compromise opened up a new wave of economic struggle for the blacks. The ideals of the blue laws also spread over into the question of liquor consumption, creating laws and restrictions on alcohol. The I.W.W. The soldiers succeeded and this battle was the final battle in the war against the Plain Indians. This type of journalism was first introduced in the comic strip The Yellow Kid. Resident whites around the area became alarmed of the Indians.

They failed to save the Hetch Hetchy gorge that was north of Yosemite National Park from being dammed up. Hearst used a style of journalism, called yellow journalism that put the hard facts on the back burner and wanted to get the reaction of "Gee Whiz" out of the reader. After the killing of Sitting Bull and other followers of the Ghost Dance movement, the 7th Cavalry went to disarm a band of Sioux at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. These five or six story buildings housed twenty or more families in small, unhealthy apartments. ?? The next form of mass transit to come about was the subway, making transportation much faster. He owned the slaughter house, the cattle, the railways, and the refrigerator cars in the process of making beef. By turning non-white peoples into a productive labor force, colonial Spaniards were able to prove the might of their empire with shiploads of precious metals and agricultural goods. Though, the organization did lay a groundwork for a new attack on male electoral politics, showing how a womans voice could be a huge park of political culture. Tribal lands were then divided and given to the India. The AFL focused on small term, reachable goals that made sense in improving working conditions such as 8 hour days, more pay, job security, and organization of craft workers. (1865) he instituted vertical integration into the livestock Market by creating such innovations as refrigerator cars and refrigerated warehouses to keep his beef cold. Frank J. Sprague then created the electric trolley car, creating an electric driven system with overhead power lines. This way he reduced labor costs and utilized waste products. (1892) The Populist movement consisted of small farmers, factory workers, and other small workers in the Southwest region of America. Natural selection was also a major part. This is an example of vertical integration in which one large company absorbs the processes of small, specialized enterprises. (1892) Andrew Carnegies steel mills in Homestead, Pennsylvania became the site of a great strike after Carnegie thought that collective bargaining was too expensive and that machines were the future of his company. This theme focuses on why and how the various people who moved to and within the United States both adapted to and transformed their new social and physical environments. Washington fought long and hard against the Jim Crow Laws and black disfranchisement. After making a new arrangement with the government, Black Kettle moved his band of Cheyenne to Sand Creek to hunt. 1891; They believed the spirits would protect them if they rebelled. The railroads went to the government, saying that this feud meddled with the transportation of U.S. mail. Priests out of Spain and France set up missions in different parts of the New World with often drastically different methods of conversion and varying levels of success. After the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), Portugal claimed a solid foothold along the western coast of Africa, and Spain sent increasing numbers of settlers to South American silver mining and agricultural colonies. Despite the end of the American Revolution with the Treaty of Paris in 1783, British soldiers remained in the American West during the late eighteenth century. (1896) As a response to the Jim Crow Laws of segregation of blacks that was occurring in the South, the U.S. Supreme Court supported the Souths decisions concerning this matter of race. (1886) Because of an 8 hour strike, inspired by the cause of the 8 hour work day. This system only lasted until the railroads extended to Texas. This group was mainly composed up of unskilled workers. About 25 Americans died. Poorer people lived closer to the city because they needed to be close to the city for their jobs. Newspapers became a fierce source of information and entertainment catered to different types of readers. Period 7 is one of the most extensive (in terms of events covered) in the timeline. This was a system of free enterprise. The Democratic Party changed the main issue of politics from economics to race. The Populists were pro-government, anti-trusts and big businesses, pro-income tax, and pro direct election of senators. Urban areas also provided opportunities for women to escape their traditional economic roles. The populists also supported Bryan because he supported free silver. The 7th Cavalry opened fire on the Sioux and massacred more than 200 men, women, and children. For those considered to be on the good side, the increased economic production associated with World War I and World War II led to tangible benefits. As violent action against Native Americans continued to unfold, the United States government increasingly promoted, In addition to the Dawes Act, boarding schools like the. Democrats became the party of the white people.

The machine was a service agency set up to help the jobless, homeless, and suffering. The plant had made it possible for workers to come back and work on an individual basis. Just as the immigrant groups before them, Gilded Age immigrants made compromises in what they adopted and abandoned. (1870) a devoted lover and preservationist of Yosemite. The government created trust with the railroad companies. Blacks and eventually woman became a part of the Knights of Labor. In 1866, Red Cloud and Crazy Horse led an attack against Captain William Fetterman and his men at Fort Phil Kearney, successfully defeating them. Fiveable study rooms = the ultimate focus mode , Theme 1 (NAT) - American and National Identity, Theme 2 (WXT) - Work, Exchange, and Technology, Theme 3 (GEO) - Geography and The Environment, Theme 7 (ARC) - American and Regional Culture.