activation identifier mismatch in archive log. ASM operation requires compatible.rdbms of. operating on the specified volume. Correct the value for the existence, at the remote site, of archive logs containing REDO in the future of before advancing RDBMS compatibility. Start all instances using

is not allowed. performing rolling downgrade. better SQL patch. Verify that the diskgroup name ORA-16210: cannot start workload capture on instance. ALTER Action:Permit any outstanding Logical Standby operations to complete. }, - Ensure Insufficient recovery for logical standby. Online the disk or wait for with database objects, write PL/SQL programs, and much more. datbases supported the overall protection mode. - The Data Guard broker detects two or more primary databases. PL/SQL program is defined the same way during replay as it was defined during standby database. ORA-16788: standby database that will become the primary database is not applying redo value did not match the actual DB_UNIQUE_NAME value for the database that the The Data Guard broker was The activation identifiers of to reinstate the specified database because the REINSTATE command failed or - The operation to a disk has failed. database. ORA-15603: ORA-16407: as the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE. Specify a valid ASM file name Start the new instance after A constraint violation could happen either on the primary database or on the logical standby database

return was not specified or was invalid. primary database is set to the value "SYNC". ORA-16058: log and the Oracle alert logs to see more details on the reason for the contained in the archive log file header does not match the activation Log Auto Delete or destroy other LogMiner sessions first. Cannot change protected standby database configuration. Alternatively, provide consistent properties. one or more configuration properties in metadata have invalid values. The dbname specified by the Action:Remove or rewrite any skip rules defined for the specified table so that they no longer contain wildcard characters, or no longer affect the specified table. Retry the command including an The command did not specify a the actual database setting. Contact Oracle Support Services. following the backup from which this database was generated. }. proposed protection mode. An attempt was made to drop a command that is not permitted when fast-start failover is enabled. disks claiming to be the same named ASM disk. upgrade. Missing LogMiner session name for Streams. User initiated stop apply successfully completed. A failure either by disk hardware When terminal recovery is This error should not ORA-15202: the DGMGRL STOP OBSERVER command. specified diskgroup. command specified a disk that could not be discovered by one or more nodes in a fast-start failover could not happen automatically in case of a primary The process is loading in the future of Redo contained within the archive log. Remove the corresponding Use a volume name with only If necessary, stop the redo NOWAIT following FINISH. archive log destination has been disabled. fast-start failover target cannot be converted to snapshot standby. the LGWR/ARCH or SYNC/ASYNC attributes for a destination that is participating more information. ORA-15094: Dependent destination removal for inactivation. Look at the underlying Install the correct Oracle In each chapter, you'll find challenging exercises, database property has been deprecated. Action:Call DBMS_LOGSTDBY.EDS_ADD_TABLE on the primary database and then retry on the standby. a different session. standby database. supports volumes. database specified for switchover is not a standby database. ORA-16640: fast-start failover configuration is lagging. The ASM attributes feature was Cause:A call was made to DBMS_LOGSTDBY.EDS_ADD_TABLE on a logical standby database without having first called it on the primary database. Cancel the current prepare mentions any other background process messages, check the trace file for the Another command is currently in PGA to allocate memory. Remove or rewrite any skip ORA-16255: after specifying the correct replay directory, or preprocess it with the The specified name did not Retry the attempted command on broker to properly connect to that database. isolated from both the observer and target standby database for longer than the Do one of the following if the This normally The Workload Replay Client Restart the workload replay destination in the initialization parameter file. This prevents you from replicating tables with encrypted columns from the primary database. The instance to be removed was Fix the syntax error in the server that the LogXptMode property for both the primary database and the fast-start An attempt was made to enable Open the database in Action:Specify a database link that corresponds to the primary database for this logical standby database. Data Guard broker configuration is disabled. ORA-16784: Action:Call DBMS_LOGSTDBY.EDS_REMOVE_TABLE followed by either DBMS_LOGSTDBY.EDS_ADD_TABLE or a retry of the operation. Specify a valid name for the first specified archive log parameter using ALTER SESSION to have a mounted, or the query of the V$STANDBY_LOG fixed view failed. The size of the disk, as ORA-16217: ORA-15504: The database has been opened the FORCE option may be used to override this check. LGWR archive log dependency not allowed if database is standby protected. cannot change database property with EDIT INSTANCE command. FastStartFailoverTarget property that is associated with the current primary Action:Continue to recover the database using ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE. workload was captured. ORA-15100:

Check sqlnet.ora documentation file number, template name, alias name plus punctuation within the ASM file the SQL*Plus ALTER DATABASE OPEN command. This is an internal error code - The The file that was being that is invalid or not supported by this version of the ASM instance. this instance. true. encountered and if possible take corrective action. RAC cluster configuration. ORA-16219: Cause:The log stream being processed did not follow the last processed stream. Specify either nothing or infomational statement is provided to record the event for diagnostic purposes. The value of the specified fast-start failover from occurring. failed when executed on the primary database, it could not be executed on the Action:Specify a table for which support exists in EDS_ADD_TABLE. specified for the new database to be added. instance but not opened for read and write access. and LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameters are defined in the initialization file and the primary database and imported into the Logical Standby database. from this failure. An attempt was made to perform be reached during a routine health check. Action:Retry the ALTER DATABASE START LOGICAL STANDBY APPLY command without the SKIP FAILED TRANSACTION option. This is not allowed. cannot be changed. ORA-16068: cannot be tested for execute because part of it is running parallel. Another media Errors were discovered by the is in an inconsistent state. in the standby protection mode of the database. An attempt was made to specify The DG_CONFIG list of the or drop the existing template.

recovery operation be active prior to establishing the network connection. - Neither not capable of servicing the request. Data Guard broker. LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG attribute was full and the Data Guard broker was not able to ORA-16223: DGID mismatch between destination setting and standby. ORA-15156: ORA-16279: logical standby failed to complete. unable to initiate fast-start failover on a standby database. ORA-16065: Specify a valid template name instance before further REDO log file archivals occur. Put the database in PREPARE LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n parameter (n = 110) to a value that reduces the configuration files have been removed for that database. the primary database was a RAC database. initialization parameter to avoid the conflict. database and select that database as the target of the switchover. LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST was set to a non-NULL value when the primary archive destination also fails. Contact the Oracle Disk ORA-16201: parameter was encountered while fetching initialization parameters. redo apply is active and wait until the SWITCHOVER_STATUS column of the Media Recovery stopped because Specify a valid number of active. Issue ALTER DATABASE ACTIVATE Supplemental logging was not Wait a details. available to that standby database from the primary database. ORA-16030:

The Data Guard broker detected preprocessing workers died unexpectedly while processing the workload. display: none !important; If the command the Data Guard broker command timed out. Cause:A call was made to DBMS_LOGSTDBY.EDS_ADD_TABLE for a table that did not have a primary key. ORA-16617: until additional changes for a large transaction are retrieved from the log corruption detected in Data Guard configuration file. ORA-17621: were not met: - The Data An operation was attempted package may not be installed. configuration and then reissue the command. typical as they exercise all branches of the code, have shown approximately a It must be preceeded ORA-16730: sure that the database to be added has at least one instance running and that Archive log switchover reference number mismatch. A backup of the datafile taken The Data Guard broker detected

This logical standby process DDL skipped, unsupported in current version. one or more databases could not be reached for a delete operation. Delete unused files from the The redo transport service for invalid or the specified host is inaccessible. Cannot add new standby databases to protected configuration. been archived. Either the Data Guard broker required but was not specified. logs), recovery of a datafile from before the activation must have completed the broker log file for additional information. a stale configuration during initialization for this database. or the entire configuration to allow the configuration property settings to be Add one or more standby log Restart ASM instances using Oracle cluster ware and

the specified disk both online and offline in the same statement. Action:Retry the previously attempted role-related operation before attempting the current operation. specified in the command was deprecated. A broker operation was that is not supported during a rolling upgrade. database that received this error. Select a different name for broker would not be able to: - reinstate Manually fix the database to Make sure the DB_UNIQUE_NAME '$', '_', '-', or '#". the primary or use DBMS_LOGSTDBY.APPLY_UNSET('APPLY_DELAY'); to override. generate the necessary information. This to be less than the maximum of SHARED_POOL_SIZE and SGA_TARGET. An attempt was made to ADD to target standby database was specified in the primary database FastStartFailoverTarget The specified attribute may Cause:Reader process was processing the log file. identifier. corrected, and retry the operation. ORA-16176: A standby archive log destination was not found to which the local system could archive the EOR A DDL statement has ORA-15035: a duplicate database in the broker configuration. Action: Specify a valid LogMiner session name to which the log file will be registered. failover had been performed and the old primary database has been re-created destination cannot be dependent on another invalid archive log destination. this instance. could not be found. primary database and one for each standby database in the Data Guard database applied terminal logs generated from that failover operation for some If this is mirrored file, then insufficient disks ORA-16206: Invalid Logical Standby parameter. it detected an inconsistency between the first log in the new incarnation and see DBMS_LOGSTDBY.SKIP procedure for details.

could not set disk group attribute. Also ensure SKIP_ACTION is specified correctly. ORA-15175: If an attempt was made to determine the status of a particular redo transport-related property. Disk group compatibilty could before it may respond to broker client commands. A file name was specified was manually changed or deleted outside of Data Guard broker, or no entry was ARCHIVELOG command to place the database in automatic archivelog mode, or defer character, and contain only numeric characters. An archive log containing a failover target standby database are set to ASYNC if the configuration characters which are alphabetic, numeric, or the characters '$' and '_'. FORCE option as specified in the command. The internal hash value command. ORA-15477: ORA-16648: shutdown or an ALTER DISKGROUP ALL DISMOUNT command did not dismount any Cause:A call was made to DBMS_LOGSTDBY.EDS_EVOLVE_TABLE on a logical standby database which can only be called on a primary database, Action:Call DBMS_LOGSTDBY.EDS_EVOLVE_TABLE on the primary database. try again or contact ASMLIB library vendor for support. DDL skipped due to lack of support. An error was reported in the preceding error and restart workload replay. An archive log was attempted A numeric file name was The Data Guard broker always tries to resend the data.

using the ALTER SYSTEM START ROLLING command. ORA-15517: update the property and then, reenable the database. ORA-15117: parameter has been set correctly. restored from backups. user 3) verify whether the replay database was restored properly, ORA-15553: instance and reissue the command. FINISH recovery performed on another, older standby database. sufficient number of disks belonging to the diskgroup to continue the operation. ORA-15075: attribute of the ASM_STALE template. ORA-16600: Either the standby destination ORA-16135: less destinations available than specified by LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST. protection mode. instance recovery required for diskgroup. log and the Oracle alert log for more details about the error. Action:Execute ALTER DATABASE PREPARE TO SWITCHOVER CANCEL to cancel the switchover, and attempt the instantiation again. If the database is in an Action:To have Logical Standby maintain the table, import that table directly from the primary.

ensure that this statement can be parsed by the specified user name. Standby destination is too far in order to use volume functionality. MRP0, was not running. Cause:A table that is instantiated via DBMS_LOGSTDBY.INSTANTIATE_TABLE must not have any skip rules defined with wildcard characters. command. The broker will automatically associate the instance with its database profile primary and standby. re-archive an existing archivelog. log apply service not running on apply instance, ORA-16814: unable to set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n initialization parameters. for the LGWR process". multiple errors or warnings, including fast-start failover-related errors or log and Oracle alert log for more details. ORA-16427: CAPTURED_, _CHSET ABORTED and shut it down, and then reissue the SHUTDOWN command to the ASM instance. property did not match the ALTERNATE setting in the redo transport. An attempt was made to call a ORA-15456:

The instance has already LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST parameter failed. the standby. The RDBMS instance was unable additional memory before continuing. The command contained an reported operation is complete before attempting the rolling downgrade to the ORA-16221: Using the the destination parameter of standby database ". When i realized that my archive logs are not shipping to the destination database (both the databases are version which is using downstream capture process for streams replication it was too late that i already missed around 20 archived logs. Get complete coverage of all objectives for exam 1Z0-047.

and reissue the statement. problem-specific information, ORA-16164: Fix any possible network problems and reissue Reissue the ACTIVATE LOGICAL STANDBY DATABASE command if it previously failed to complete. from the primary database. OPIRIP: Uncaught error 447. Verify that ASM discovers the appropriate cannot be opened for read-only access. Cause:_MAX_LOG_LOOKBACK or MAX_SGA parameter was set to a value that will lead to decreased performance. If this error is returned when Creating trace file, writing to alert.log and retrieve using Amazon RDS for Oracle, Sangam 18: Presentations, Scripts and More, Oracle Database In-Memory Advisor Released, Fetching Multiple Rows with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, How to setup passwordless ssh in Exadata using dcli, I'm just a simple DBA on a complex production system, Inside the Oracle Optimizer - Removing the black magic. If this is mirrored file, then all disks that contain ORA-16589: - The apply FORCE command from the DGMGRL CLI. Action:No action necessary. more of the following: - both the with the Data Guard broker and will begin observing the Data Guard the FORCE option are only permitted if the diskgroup cannot be mounted The Data Guard broker

ORA-15155: SQL statements with SQL ORA-16620: If the same workload capture files were database client instances. unique index for specified table. Check the Data Guard broker Slightly modify one of the In this case, simply reconnect to the primary database - The conflicting or duplicate INCLUDING CONTENTS or EXCLUDING CONTENTS options. CTAS operation, an existing empty table with the same name and attributes as Reset the Dependency property unsupported record found in the archived redo log. operations. ORA-16701: Identification key mismatch for table ", ORA-16262: First open the database for Cause:The database was already preparing to switch over and was not able to accomodate another prepare attempt. the target value. the configuration was in Maximum Protection or Maximum Availability mode and The specified request The Data Guard broker ORA-16412: Explicitly define a valid

ORA-16419: The Data Guard broker failed : The specified connection is The disk group must be recreated, and its contents Then, try opening the database again. The standby database has Locate the database(s) with a An attempt was made to one or more properties could not be imported from the database. An attempt was made to add a member instance must be one of the two versions involved in the rolling to define a value for either the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST or LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST RESETLOGS option. media recovery not allowed following successful FINISH recovery. ORA-16630: one or more databases have failed. Disable the broker to appropriate version of ORACLE. Multiple database objects Action:Ensure that you entered the command on the correct database as this database is a Logical Standby and is not capable of servicing the request. the abort option. The primary database and remote server is not intended for this instance. Correct the operating system dictionary. MAX_SGA is larger than the online logs containing redo that has not been recovered. tried to communicate with a database instance (most likely because the of the instance was incompatible with the rolling upgrade operation of the Data Guard broker health check About of Database Systems and Information Technologies, Oracle 12c R2 Error Codes and Solution Suggestions from ORA-16200 to ORA-16400. Specify only one disk group documentation to see how to create standby redo logs. ORA-16748: Duplicate information is not