To empty this cache you have a few solutions. System cache partition data mostly comprises system updates. Huawei P10 no longer charges, what to do? Locate the app for which you wish to clear the cache and click on it, You will be prompted with options. La plupart du temps, il ne faudra en fait que 4 secondes environ avant que lappareil ne rponde. Use the Volume Down key to highlight the option and then use the Power Key once again to confirm the selection. Mais pour ce faire, vous devez dmarrer votre appareil en mode de rcupration. If you would like clean all app data from your Samsung Galaxy S21, take a look at our article. Voici maintenant comment effacer la partition de cache de votre Galaxy S21: Il doit lgrement vibrer pour que vous soyez sr quil est teint. Clearing it too often tends to become a meaningless activity because it fails to serve the purpose of improved load times of the device that is being used. 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Therefore, you must remember to clear the system or the app only when required. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You can go through the settings of your Samsung Galaxy S21. A well-rounded technology journalist. However, clearing the cache frequently is not advisable. Nous avons besoin de votre soutien pour pouvoir continuer publier des contenus utiles. 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As the Samsung logo appears on the screen, let go of the buttons and wait for the device to enter into the Recovery Mode. A cache speeds up your browsing. It must be done sparingly, especially when you find the app running slow or performing erroneously. How to Wipe Cache Partition on Samsung Galaxy S21, How to Root Samsung Galaxy S21 Series on One UI 3.1 with Magisk, The Secret Sauce to Acing PowerPoint Presentations in Remote Work, TikTok now allows users to enable captions on videos, WhatsApp chat transfer from Android to iOS is now officially available, Apex Legends Connection To Server Timed Out [Fixed], Netflixs upcoming Ad-supported plan will have some content restrictions, Remove Background from Image with This Exceptional Online Tool. Nous et nos partenaires partageons des informations sur votre utilisation de ce site web pour amliorer votre exprience. To clear the cache in Recovery mode, follow the following tutorial: If you are looking for other tutorials on your Samsung Galaxy S21, we invite you to browse the other pages in the category: Samsung Galaxy S21. Et voici comment effacer la partition de cache sur votre Samsung Galaxy S21. Remove Camera From Locked Screen Samsung Galaxy A41? The cache will be a kind of memory of your navigation. The storage place of system files of an Android device is referred to as the cache partition. Vous recevrez un e-mail de vrification sous peu. The cache stores your browsing information, data from an application, the visual of a website This will often allow you to have the possibility of browsing more quickly when you return to a website or an application. The device will prompt for confirmation. The main reason for a buggy app or one that crashes or fails to start is probably because of a wrong update, complex software, previously corrupted cache files, or untested server-sider changes. Il y a des moments o le cache systme est corrompu. It decreases memory and can sometimes slow down your phone. However, over time, a lot of this information remains stored on your Samsung Galaxy S21. laide de la bascule de rduction du volume, mettez en surbrillance Effacer la partition de cache, puis appuyez sur la touche Marche / Arrt pour la slectionner. Clearing cache is just a temporary fix for the system and the app because the storage will begin to store files immediately after you have cleared it. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'infos_geek_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',147,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-infos_geek_com-banner-1-0')};You will be able to empty the cache of your browser, like Google Chrome. Cette fois, votre tlphone entrera en mode de rcupration. Cest souvent la raison pour laquelle votre tlphone commence avoir des problmes de performances. Every app that is downloaded in a device tends to download files for quick opening of various features or their functioning.

Restarting the phone after wiping the cache partition may take a bit longer than usual, but it is not something unusual. Continuez lire pour en savoir plus. How to know if someone has muted you on messenger, Random failures or errors that you may have been experiencing lately. Merci de vous inscrire AndroidHow. How to change the default keyboard on Samsung Galaxy S22 ULTRA? Si votre Galaxy S21 ne passe pas en mode de rcupration en maintenant enfonces les touches daugmentation du volume et dalimentation, voici ce que vous devez faire la place. Nimporte quel casque avec une interface USB-C fera laffaire. She has been in journalism for more than 6 years. It is only the junk that will be cleared from your device and help solve several issues, including: Clearing the cache of an app is mainly done to free some storage which tends to impact the devices performance. your Samsung Galaxy S21 will be stuck on the boot logo, clean all app data from your Samsung Galaxy S21. La plupart du temps, vous devrez simplement appuyer et maintenir le bouton daugmentation du volume et la touche dalimentation pendant 8 secondes. How to find the Android version on Samsung Galaxy A6? La solution sera de supprimer le cache existant pour quAndroid puisse en reconstruire un nouveau. Adity has completed a graduate certificate in journalism and mass communication and also holds a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. Clearing cache reduces the load times and improves the overall experience of the app. Here is how to wipe cache partition on Samsung Galaxy S21. First, Power off or Turn off Samsung Galaxy S21. We will see in this article what is the technique to empty the cache of your android phone, your browser or even app data. Here is how you can clear the cache of an app on S21. This will avoid downloading all the content of an app every time. Mais une fois que votre Galaxy S21 atteint lcran de verrouillage, il est prt partir. In order to avoid malfunctions or the reduction of your storage, you will sometimes have to empty the cache of your android. How to make slow motion video on Wiko Power U30? How to find deleted files on HUAWEI P40 Lite? OnePlus Nord CE 2 Lite Review: Un smartphone trs bon march mais capable, Comment rparer la ligne ne peut pas envoyer de messages problme, 9 meilleurs livres de programmation Android en 2021. Si vous trouvez ce tutoriel utile, veuillez nous soutenir en vous abonnant notre chane YouTube. How to insert the sim card into Samsung Galaxy A5 2017? Once the cache partition has been wiped and restarted, your S21 would find the phone functioning better than before. Cette fois, le redmarrage prendra un peu plus de temps que dhabitude pendant que le systme reconstruit le cache. It is only wise that you wipe cache partition to remove outdated data or files for your mobiles flawless functioning. Vous navez pas vous soucier de vos fichiers et donnes, car aucun dentre eux ne sera supprim. How To Fix Call Volume Too Low Galaxy S8 And Galaxy How to Find Your Samsung Galaxy CSC Region Code? You therefore consume less mobile data but also less battery. Poorly sandboxed apps or ones that are crudely written apps may also be one reason for the problems they are causing. Cependant, il semble y avoir un petit problme avec One UI 3 de Samsung, car il ne fonctionnera pas sur certains appareils. Now, hold the Volume Up and Power Key together for a few seconds. You have entered an incorrect email address! Le processus ne prendra que quelques secondes. Une telle procdure rsoudra la plupart des problmes lis au logiciel, il est donc important que vous appreniez le faire. Once the cache partition has been wiped, use the Power button to reboot the device. You can repeat the same steps for all the apps you find troublesome and wish to clear their cache. Sometimes your Samsung Galaxy S21 will be stuck on the boot logo because the cache will be too full. Remember Wiping cache partition from your device will not delete any data or applications, or settings from your smartphone. REALME GT NEO 3 REVUE: Comment le tlphone de charge le plus rapide au monde se forme-t-il? Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons vous montrer comment effacer la partition de cache sur votre Samsung Galaxy S21. The system cache partition should not be confused with individual app cache both are quite different. Amazfit GTS vs Verge Que devriez-vous obtenir? Il y avait un problme. Sur les appareils Samsung, vous pouvez supprimer le cache systme en effaant la partition de cache. Ainsi, une fois que la partition de cache est efface de son contenu, appuyez sur la touche Marche / Arrt pour redmarrer votre appareil. You must find Storage and click on it, On the Storage screen, you will find the option of Clear Cache towards the bottom right of the screen, Click on it to clear the cache of that specific app, Once done exit the screen, you will have cleared the cache of that app. However, this can use memory and slow down your Samsung Galaxy S21. Select the Wipe Cache Partition option using the Volume Down and use the Power Key to make your selection.

Merci davoir lu! Attendez toujours que le tlphone vibre avant de continuer. Mettez en surbrillance Oui et appuyez nouveau sur la touche Marche / Arrt. You will get an option to select Yes. And depending on the android version, it can change: All applications store information. Such apps are also a threat to the devices security, and if it holds sensitive and important personal data, it may not be safe. The cache directory is where the cache partition is stored. Nous esprons que ce tutoriel simple pourra vous aider. The cache will be a kind of storage area for your Samsung Galaxy S21, for applications or even for internet browsers. and click on the 3 small dots at the top right, release the volume button when your Samsung Galaxy S21 vibrates. Cest assez facile faire et sr pour vos donnes. Experiencing difficulties with your Device, check out our How To page on how to resolve some of these issues.