Bolivia e: [emailprotected] If we've missed something of importance, please let us know! TEL: +639275546530, Bartenev Valentin Nikolaevich ( ) Ireland Malaysia China Spirit Shield (Runeword) - Unless you're completely new to Diablo 2, you know that Spirit is a staple Shield Runeword for most Caster Builds. D-50, Sector 2, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India 201301, TUBITAK MAM Free Zone New Technology Building D/Z Gebze/Turkey. If you have any Build requests, please post them in the Comments section below. (+Barb question). Qatar Somalia A "10-20" RareRing- A well-rolled Rare Ringwith 10% FCR, 20%+ Magic Find are a great and relatively cheap alternative if you're on a tight budget. Palestinian Territories I've never made a pure single-element sorc before; all mine have been hybrids. Mozambique If you're in need of extra Cold Resist and don't need regen, you can also use Trang-Oul's Claws. Faroe Islands Firstly, both of them have received Static Field as a new synergy. TEL: +33662496831, Protective Care If you are mostly running solo games just to mf then I highly recommend orb/firewall. TEL: +6591052255, Epik Trading [emailprotected], Manufacturing Unit / R&D Center: Can I upgrade my normal socketed armor and weapon? i'd rather have a pure blizzer and just do ancient tunnels, mausoleum, meph and andy. Also, let's not forget the +3 Skills it gives. Australia Iraq URL: Reaching 117% FCR Breakpoint is also recommended (Lightning Spells actually have different breakpoints than other Sorc spells, so105% FCR is not enough to reach12 FCR frames with them). Georgia Blizzard is better for single target act Bosses, not immune to Cold. Jamaica As far as Cold Spells go, we just need a single Skill that will boost our defense a bit. Bulgaria If you don't have an infinity, Meteorb is a much better option. Tal Rasha's Guardianship (Russet Armor) - A solid defensively-oriented Armor that's also going to boost your Magic Finding capabilities. 2022 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. +91-120-4061375 From them, you'll get up to 50% MF and a high reduction of stamina drain when running, which is going to allow you to run infinitely. URL: No Infinity = fireball/orb Poland US Minor Outlying Islands Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye(Swirling Crystal) - ThisWeapon will give you a bunch of much-needed stats, including FCR, Skills, Life, and Mana. Senegal Paraguay e: [emailprotected] Qatar Peru Syrian Arab Republic blizzard > specially solo farm chaos, Swapped from blizz to light and ofc its more expensive, This post was edited by wowitsmekool on Oct 30 2021 02:46pm. Italy TEL: +60162800286, Elite Detailing Car Wash EIRL Mexico France Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment, A new powerful Sorceress build that became widely popular with the implementation of Patch 2.4. e: [emailprotected] TEL: +966542311230, Silcor Trading Iraq TEL: +358207351061, Taks Marketing Ltd. Azerbaijan e: [emailprotected] Only use it in combination with three other Tal Rasha's set pieces (otherwise, there are other, stronger options for the slot). URL: URL: Turkmenistan And it also makes you a bit better at Magic Finding. URL: Mongolia United Kingdom With this build, you should focus your gear around +Skills and Lightning Damage/-Enemy Lightning Resistance, which are going to help you with clear speeds. [emailprotected]. TEL: +37256249579, West Clear e: [emailprotected] A pair of these will give you 50% extra mana and a nice boost to DPS. e: [emailprotected] e: [emailprotected] Mauritius URL: Serbia Estonia Luxembourg, Macedonia In the past, Nova and Thunder Storm were never really worth using over the other available Sorc Lightning Spells. URL: I've been playing Diablo 2 modded the past 10 days. [emailprotected]. [emailprotected], TUBITAK MAM Free Zone Hong Kong South Africa Also, we will be happy to receive constructive criticismthat will help us improve our future work, so don't hesitate to give us your feedback.

Also, it was a lot of fun to play with it as Nova's nature had forced us to play more aggressively than a standard Lightning Sorceress would. Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth (Mesh Belt) - While this belt is nowhere near as powerful as Arachnid Mesh, you'll need it to get the 4-pieces set bonus from the Tal Rasha's Wrappings. And secondly, the bonuses it provides work very well with the build (especially if you want this to be a Magic Finding build). Malaysia TEL:+56225823983, Pinnakaitse O Peru TEL: +9613299655, Otter International Sdn Bhd The Stone of Jordan- You can't go wrong with double SoJ in this build. New Zealand Latvia URL: Heart of the Oak(Runeword) - While HotO is not the best choice for the build, it will definitely get the job done. Togo Indonesia URL: Chile Also, we hope that you have found this guide useful and informative. Who cares? Colombia Ghana TEL: +27825559753, DAEHO Trading Bahrain It greatly improves your DPS against Undead and Demons. Both Thunder Storm and Nova now have a brand-new Synergy Skill - the Static Field. They are as powerful as Unique D2R Boots can be - from them, you'll get a lot of Faster Hit Recovery, Attributes, and Poison Resistance. It offers a bonus to all Skills, high FCR, and slows your target. Bermuda Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Philippines Montenegro Algeria e: [emailprotected] e: [emailprotected] URL: TEL: +9647705858031, Arcoplex Trading SPA Dominica Djibouti e: [emailprotected] Registration on Odealo is free and takes only about 30 seconds. e: [emailprotected] Bosnia and Herzegovina New Technology Building D-Z Gebze / Turkey Oman Norway

TEL:+298217621, Coverit Oy URL: Saudi Arabia Lithuania document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Begin typing your search above and press return to search. e: [emailprotected] TUBITAK MAM Free Zone New Technology Building D/Z Gebze/Turkey South Korea Bangladesh Sandstorm Trek(Scarabshell Boots) - You can't go wrongwith thesedefense-oriented classics. +90 262 642 81 54 You can also check our other Diablo 2 Resurrected Builds. Hong Kong Benin Kazakhstan For the love of God, don't make a blizzard sorceress. Kenya e: [emailprotected] +91-120-4061375 Taiwan TEL: +989133836417, Solidity Construction Company Ltd. We will be happy to cover your most requested builds in the future! Uttar Pradesh, India 201301 Maldives ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Myanmar Finland Slovenia Philippines Denmark Guatemala Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Cameroon Sweden If you need more Skills, FCR, Lightning Damage, and Lightning Pen (and you very much do), you need this Diadem. Morocco It makes it easier to equip heavy gear by providing +20 Strength. TEL: +51965153131, MaltexTrading, General Arcturians Especially if you're on a budget and some extra FCR, Resistances, and sustain. Barbados Jordan, Kuwait e: [emailprotected] After some tests, wecan say that a new type of Lightning Sorceress, based on Thunder Storm and Nova,is going to be viable in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Reunion Island Raven Frost- Mainly for the Freeze immunity, as the game gets much harder if you get slowed down by cold hits. Domestic Sale: Im running light sorc atm but is it really worth it without infinity ? What kind of sorc is better?

TEL: +39 0363.33201, e: [emailprotected] Israel United States Cambodia Thailand, Societe IDHEM Amenagement et Agencement URL: Use this one only if you plan on wearing 4 pieces of the Tal set. Portugal They just didn't perform well enough and thus weren't worth the effort. Because of these changes, a new type of Lightning Sorc is now viable - one based on large radius Static Field combined with high AoE damage provided by the newly buffed spells. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Afghanistan Brunei Darussalam It improves your DPS by giving you +2 to All Skills. Japan TEL:+359878799788, Pacific Coatings LTD. Venezuela Tal Rasha's Adjudication - One of the better parts of the Tal Rasha's Wrappings. Finland Bulgaria Iran URL: Kuwait Most people will say a pure Lightning sorc is the best. URL : Moreover, it will provide you with a nice Lightning Res Pierce when used as a part of the set. War Traveler (Battle Boots) -These boots are the only Magic Finding option you have for the Boots slot (not counting random Rare drops, that is). TEL: +84976053853, D-50, Sector 2, Noida, Tunisia From here, we'll get some extra mana regen, which is nice. Iceland Enigma (Runeword) - While you already have access to Teleport and might want to discard Enigma because of that, you should seriously consider using it anyway, for the following reasons. TEL: +79261946047, The Detail Collective

Romania URL: Patch v2.4 brings quite substantial buffs to two Lightning Spells - Nova and Thunder Storm. As for defenses, capping Resistances is recommended. Yes, you'll do some damage to the act bosses and everything, but you absolutely suck against regular monsters. e: [emailprotected] Dominican Republic, Ecuador +90 262 642 81 54 Russia

You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Uzbekistan Germany South Korea Republic of URL:

Iran Certainly it's very versatile, powerful, and expensive. Just keep in mind that it won't give you anywhere near as much umpf as the Griffon's Eye would. Note: Using 4 pieces of the Tal Set is a viable option for the build,but we discourage wearing a full setas you'll be much better off using the Griffon's Eye instead of the Tal Set Helmet (Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest). Netherlands Jordan Russian Federation United Arab Emirates Estonia Armenia e: [emailprotected] Saudi Arabia If you can afford a high-rolled Echuta's, you should definitely consider it for this build as well. You can't Go wrong with it on this Nova Sorc either. Namibia Lebanon Antigua and Barbuda Yemen Resurrected what? Nasiol is the registered brand of Artekya Technology. if u not rushing people or doing 7 player game. Crescent Moon (Runeword) -Pretty much the only worthwhile stat this Runewordgives is the Lightning Resistance Penetration, but it gives -35% of it, which is A LOT. Cayman Islands Austria Czech Republic Moreover, faster Run/Walkand extra Stamina/Stamina Regen arevery useful to have as they will boost your overall mobility.

Either it's the cheese or either your life. He should be equipped with: This is the initial version of our Diablo 2 Resurrected Nova SorceressBuild, where we tried to include all of the important information on how to set up this character while keeping the guide as compact as possible. URL: Brazil Spain e: [emailprotected] With Crescent Moon, lightning-resistant enemies won't bother you anymore and you will be able to choose the rest of your gear more flexibly. TEL: +66995395556, Magic Ukraine Ltd. Bahamas I need some help badly in two different aspects. Canada Botswana Brazil India Harlequin Crest(Shako) - If you want to increase your Magic Find stat on this build, Shako is a solid choice. Splendor(Rune Word) - A nice and inexpensive, more MF-focused, alternative to Spirit Shield. URL: Singapore URL : Arachnid Mesh(Spiderweb Sash) - The best caster belt in the game. It greatly improves your defenses by granting you physical damage reduction and +65 to all Resistances. Griffon's Eye(Diadem) - This helmet is very difficult to pass up on any Lightning Damage Dealer and Nova Sorc is no different in that regard. Call to Arms(Runeword) -This powerful Runeword will allow you to pre-buff yourself up with Warcries (buffs persist through weapon swap). e: [emailprotected] Switzerland Haiti TEL:+16043533713, EasySupply Comercial Limitada e: [emailprotected] Nigeria Cyprus Honduras You get your frozen orb for dealing with mobs and fire ball for dealing with bosses. Zimbabwe, Algeria Now, however, these two get a new life asthe v2.4 patch brings quite substantial changes to them. Greece Argentina Tanzania Slovak Republic, Slovenia It lacks resistances, but makes up for it with Mana Regen, MF, FCR, Faster Block Rate, and Skills. You should combine this with a Shield that gives +2 to All Skills for the best effect (so, 2 Skill Spirit, basically). Guadeloupe Faroe Islands Firstly, it will free up two of your Skill points (you don't have to unlock the Teleport with points if you wear it). The 20% Cold Absorb is also an amazing defensive bonus here. What is Twisted Essence of Suffering for? Wearing the Tal Rasha's Wrappings Set will also give you. A Blizz or Lit? e: [emailprotected] Vietnam Albania TEL: +554899263663, Freshtrade777 Ltd. How do I open the mercenary inventory? Oman Sri Lanka Chile e: [emailprotected] e: [emailprotected] Trinidad and Tobago Magefist(Light Gauntlets) - Equipping Magefists will take care of your mana-related problems and provide you with a nice Faster Cast Rate bonus. Secondly, Thunder Storm's duration was massively increased. e: [emailprotected]

Italy Bhutan While its single-target damage output was visibly lower than its sister's (Lightning Sorc), it more than made up for it with a second-to-none AoE DPS provided by the buffed Nova, large radius Static Field,and Thunder Storm. e: [emailprotected] Sudan Puerto Rico Panama South Africa Moldova, Republic of TEL: +85263032298, Coating Daddy Private Limited Kyrgyzstan Bahrain Mara's Kaleidoscope- This is a solid all-around amulet that will improve your damage and survivability by a significant amount.