So how do we continue to mode our, our, our reps and our employees to go continue to perform at top levels because you know, as we know, carrots and sticks dont necessarily work all the time. Speaker 4: (40:37) Have you found any best practices as far as systems and structures to keep your guys motivated? You know what I mean? I just needed to, like, for me, I just feel like theres, theres so many people out there that are like, you know, Ill never be great.

Youre, youre, youre used to working, Im sorry youre used to working spurts. So then do you expect them to utility but with that or do you find that thats not super necessary? Workers in these departments earn $31,716 and $33,533, respectively. They may also reveal information or provide tips on interviewing skill requirements, and other factors that could help when applying for a position at that company. You know what I mean? And you get them amped up when its Christmas time. Now to answer your second question, how do our direct guys and our traditional guys, um, how are guys and Gals, how do they compete in competitions? That means its not going to be easy, right? Again, as I said it, we look at this in such short sprints. Its like, so, um, so I think if thats you and youre listening to this and youre like, oh, Ive got a team of, you know, six or seven centers, its like, well Christians got a team of like, I dunno, hundreds of say. Speaker 3: (42:05) Our job as leaders is to be able to show that perspective the right way and they get people to, to see, to see what were saying, not, not here what were saying. We also the center, so he knocks and hes like, Im going to get you on with my call center real quick, confirm the appointment. I think people would pay five grand for a freaking ticket, like people that are paying 150100200 bucks for a ticket right now. Im not doing that. You know, I, I truly felt that every single person I got to, I was like, goodness, how the heck did I connect to that customer? The job of an outreach rep is just to convince homeowners to get a free consultation, which is harder than you may think. Um, so thanks for asking that. Its like, and I think a lot of people, they, they fail to really grasp, um, this whole industry. It has no relevance of what industry you came from. Speaker 3: (32:30) So Im with you on that. And I was like, whoa.

The expectation for us is to be able to make, lets say two warm transfers a day. Like where do you, what are you fired up about that?

I love that because you know, you kind of said something that was, it stood out to me when you were like, Hey, when I first started I didnt really, I dont really get what door to door was. We still have butter. When everyone shows up things go much smoother. Hell No, absolutely not. Based on the company location, we can see that the HQ office of Trinity Solar is in SHARK RIVER MANOR, NJ. Being an outreach rep (door to door) can be a drag on mental health with the constant rejection and rude people. Fill out information below and we will send your free download. Uh, my boy. Can you go from, from from point of contact to point of sale. I know you can go through with it. They come from the door to door sector. 100% against your butt down here. So, uh, but my last, my last question that I have for you, it would be, um, if you could give the door to door industry one piece of advice, what would it be? I did the set of program for a year and a half and I got to a point where I was like, f this and I shut off. So lets do this. So I ended up going, I go, I, he drops me off in this hood. Yeah. This is your chance to work for one of the most respected wrap companies in the tri-state Trinity Solar - Thats a good question. Speaker 3: (51:13) I say, tell me, let me just show you.

If I were to say that we didnt have those issues as we continue to grow, Id be lying to you. Um, is there any times that in your careers, like a leader and your growth that youve kind of had to almost like you messed up, like your perspective was completely skewed and you had to kind of like, Oh shit is like you, youre right guys. Speaker 2: (52:42) So let me, let me ask you. Literally on the first sale that I saw. Provide them that consistency and that sustainability so they can feel safe in their job. Speaker 3: (03:25) Speaker 2: (07:05) You know, and Ill tell you this, do I have the mindset when I go out there that I may not be the same color as a majority of the demographics out there or theyre going to look at me differently? Speaker 4: (33:56) Uh, so with that, um, I started when I went to the event check out viven ink, went out to legacy, checked out legacy. Everyone says, ah, why cant I get leads? a fairly nice one in New Jersey. No. And I looked her in the eye and I go, oh, I just havent been going.

, It might not be your forever job, but it could be if that is what you want. And cowboys are just hard workers, which would be construction workers. Yeah, thats a good, thats a really good question. Tell me your first day. You know, guys, those are lessening. I shouldnt feel like if I have to go to this market next year and its going to be tough. Okay, so lets talk about those guys. But the metrics to get through those are vastly different. And I said, hey guys, who wants to go out there and open leads for everybody?

Its, its, its not about the little things that we can accomplish, right? And thats, you know, thats not a, thats not three a day. The salaries at Sunrun average $70,322 per year, and the salaries at U.S. Gas & Electric come in at $57,797 per year. Um, and then Im like, I, Brandon had a, the VP at the time, Josh Williams, uh, reach out to me just for a recruiting trip. They can close their own. Brother Brad. Um, but I get a question and Im not trying to like, and Im trying to, dont take offense. Like I was like, why am I driving around the fricking state trying to get appointments when I can go knock a door next door and it takes me two seconds to get to a point. So this guy thats in direct, hes getting a couple week it sounds like. Its a year round program. I mean like what a better place to like show the world. Yup. Um, I read this quote many places, uh, luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Sam.

Learn from the top leaders that are out there and understand that theres a learning curve and theres really no definitive learning curve, whether its one day, one week or three months. We have to be sustainable for them. Cool. A couple of weeks later, I sit back in front of my CEO, asked me, Christian, I really need you to go get this done. Filipino. You know, its very similar to what I like or what your initiative as well, right? or is it Kinda like were recruiting you to be in a setter for forever? So same thing. Freehold I walked outside this morning. No data is available based on your input.

What? This company will do the absolute most to make sure it takes as long as it can to give you a raise, I was told I would get one in three months and had to constantly keep asking after this passed until I finally got it a little after four months. Yeah, same stuff every day. Im just asking yourself in my shoes and see it the way people will see it. So theyre not, were not paying them to less that they dont want to stay there and were not paying them too much that they do want to stay there. This is, this is the sector that theyre in. Thanks Dan. So yeah. Theres gonna be days that you dont get deals. Love it solely because you know, I thought it would be a recruiting frenzy and youve proven a with your consistency with your podcast. Its easy to go do it in my opinion, for four months of the summer.

Speaker 2: (34:32) Absolutely. Hes going to be probably one of the crowd favorites and those that dont know him, obviously its like this is such an interesting event because people understood the talent, the knowhow, the expertise thats coming to door to door con. Can you please come help me do the paperwork.

Theyre not doing this job to take pride in the job and a career that they chose. Right. Ive, Ive done a couple of sales jobs before. And then for rookies we bring them in one hour early to instruct them on some of the things I need to know.

Its just, its fake. Nah, hes the senior vice president of Trinity Solar, which is the largest solar company in the East Coast. How often do they meet? So right at the end it says, rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea. Yeah. Speaker 3: (51:37) If I get a cell, can I just call you? Speaker 2: (24:00) But you have to get the buy in from your people, right? Speaker 2: (14:13) yeah, thats okay. Can I ask you like really personal questions?

So whats your, I guess if you had to give like your top three principles of leadership that you found kind of, you know, modge launching all these different backgrounds, different people via to give like three simple nuggets, what would they be like? And I think thats something that we, that we battled in our initial, our initial months, our initial year with introducing lead generation is because as you know, you recruit an entire team over. Speaker 3: (34:56) You have to learn how to close and then you off to learn how to retain. Meaningful. My freshman. We look for those in our daily, once they get through our day, but play the long game.

The turnover rate is high because a lot of people simply can't handle the pressure, but if you stick with it, you can make good money without having to sell anything to homeowners. Filipino. Sam, you know, its obviously production based. Right? Okay, so question. Speaker 3: (52:14) Um, so I get it, I get to the back door. While there is a natural progression to bring someone into our lead generation program and then get them off to direct and then eventually, lets say into our soul closer program. Obviously someones making more money. In fact, youre probably not going to get your first hundred doors. So Im very, very excited to get to a door to door Khan as you said last year. Hey Everybody. Even if hes just to be better. I know probably Chris and those guys talked about it last year. So what we did was we created a program to incentivize our closers to capitalize on referrals, whereas we dont mind paying the customer out of the companys pocket for a larger referral, which incentivizes our guys to say, Hey, not only are we going to get a higher commission when we go generate our own deals, but we, our company companies also supported us in the referrals. So we say in Q four you have to have 80 demos. You have to have prudence, you have to met, you have to have the ability to make the right decision. Hes literally, he got to, hes got on the stage and hes going to drop some nuggets. We meet every single day. Yeah, definitely. Really good question. Next. Was it. I mean neck that kind of leads us into this. Right. You dont want to get inside of the home. Felt like a cult. Do you ever direct guys? Every set, close everything. And you know what I mean? So its very similar to our law, an alarm, but youre not stepping one foot inside of the house.