Just before her death she uttered a curse against the people of Conway, and said they would always be poor. His pungent sarcasms were soon carried to the persons of whom they were uttered, and his pen was not less bitter than his tongue. In its general congregations and sessions bitter reproaches were often uttered on the same themes. He refused to put the vote of outlawry, uttered a few passionate words, cast off his official robes, declared the session at an end, and made his way out under protection of a squad of grenadiers. quotes never someone president say way down money land between york difference without believe something colleges oil would sure those

But scarcely had Pierre uttered these words before he was attacked from three sides. They became the body of Christ, and his blood or life was in them, and they were members of him.

Quarrelling with the Venetians In 1508, he combined the forces of all Europe by the league of Cambray against them; and, when he had succeeded in his first purpose of humbling them even to the dust, he turned round in 1510, uttered his famous resolve to expel the barbarians from Italy, and pitted the Spaniards against the French. Wishings, blessings, cursings, oaths, vows, exorcisms, and so on, are uttered aloud, doubtless partly that they may be heard by the human parties to the rite, but likewise in many cases that they may be heard, or at least overheard, by a consentient deity, perhaps represented visibly by an idol or other cult-object. This cookie is used to signal to the code repository website if the user has browsed other website resources during the current session. broach adds the implication of disclosing for the first time something long thought over or reserved for a suitable occasion. When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as: English meaning of the word uttered; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, theres a better way for you to learn meaning of uttered through sentence examples. vent stresses a strong inner compulsion to express especially in words. He received Johnson's homage with the most winning affability, and requited it with a few guineas, bestowed doubtless in a very graceful manner, but was by no means desirous to see all his carpets blackened with the London mud, and his soups and wines thrown to right and left over the gowns of fine ladies and the waistcoats of fine gentlemen, by an absent, awkward scholar, who gave strange starts and uttered strange growls, who dressed like a scarecrow and ate like a cormorant.

Tip 's eyes were round and wondering, and the Saw-Horse uttered a sigh and turned away its head. In the feeble light repartee, which she uttered a cry. The Word uttered in Example Sentences. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. Even the prophets had spoken in the name of God; they accepted neither book nor priesthood as authoritative, but uttered their truth as they were inspired to speak, and commanded men to listen and obey. (19) She uttered the magic word, and the spell was broken. Utter. Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/utter. The mediae have become aspirate tenues with a low intonation, which also marks the words having a simple initial consonant; while the former aspirates and the complex initials simplified in speech are uttered with a high tone, or, as the Tibetans say, " with a woman's voice," shrill and rapidly. Another interesting collection is the Jataka book, a set of verses supposed to have been uttered by the Buddha in some of his previous births. If you've ever accidentally mixed up the sounds of letters or syllables from one word to another when trying to utter a phrase, you've committed a spoonerism. Of course, few would believe that Jesus actually uttered the syllables " I am the Resurrection and the life " . One other cry He uttered, and the end came, and at that moment the veil of the Temple was rent from top to bottom - an omen of fearful import to those who had mocked Him, even on the cross, as the destroyer of the Temple, who in three days should build it anew. Technically linguistic errors, spoonerisms occur quite frequently in everyday conversation.

The ass was a hollow wooden effigy, within which a priest capered and uttered prophecies. What was he thinking when he uttered that word? A Concert for Hurricane Relief - Possibly the most infamous Kanye moment, in a speech given along with comedian Mike Myers, he uttered the phrase "George Bush doesn't care about black people.". He feebly moved his leg and uttered a weak, sickly groan which aroused his own pity. At first he lay awake, conscious of every sound the motel uttered, fearful that Cynthia Byrne might waken to God knows what thoughts and fears. But the greatest name of the epoch, the name which is synonymous with the Renaissance in France, has yet to be uttered. Rebels from God, they uttered words against Him. Cardinals and bishops everywhere prescribed prayers, and themselves prayed, He was knocking the back of his head against the floor, hoarsely. He knew that none of the words now uttered by Napoleon had any significance, and that Napoleon himself would be ashamed of them when he came to his senses. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies.

This seems to have been his last attempt; for, two years later, his Bibliography of Zoology shows little trace of his favourite theory, though nothing he had uttered in its support was retracted. (14) Each word he uttered was a knife in her heart. utter implies the use of the voice not necessarily in articulate speech. Could that be attributed to the fact that every time the Darkness are mentioned, G'n'R are uttered in the same breath? But if you learn whole sentences with uttered, instead of the word uttered by itself, you can learn a lot faster! He uttered his short, weighty, and pointed sentences with a power of voice, and a justness and energy of emphasis, of which the effect was rather increased than diminished by the rollings of his huge form, and by the asthmatic gaspings and puffings in which the peals of his eloquence generally ended. Besides this, some did not hesitate to give to the characters of their history speeches which were never uttered. Phrases like " Get it in her " and " Shall we have a spit roast " were uttered by someone. Sentences build language, and give it personality. How to use uttered in a sentence. In some places she raised her voice, in others she whispered, lifting her head triumphantly; sometimes she paused and uttered hoarse sounds, rolling her eyes. True, there are still words that you dont know. A thing once uttered by the tongue becomes polluted.

Revelations of the kind which Mahomet uttered, no unbeliever could more probably, among Christians, since Christianity is in a very peculiar sense the religion of salvation. Such were his words uttered shortly before his departure from Paris (15th of April). Privacy Policy. From the sequel it appears that the prophecy was uttered by one Pharisee only, and that it was in no way endorsed by the party. 20 examples of simple sentences uttered . Thus the prayers of the Todas already alluded to are in all cases uttered "in the throat," although these are public prayers, each village having a form of its own. The facts of Mary's lawless marriage with Bothwell, her capture at Carberry Hill, her confinement in Loch Leven Castle, her escape, her defeat at Langside, and her fatal flight to an English prison, with the proceedings of the English Commissions, which uttered no verdict, must be read in her biography (see Mary Stuart) . In 1688 the German Friends of Germantown, Philadelphia, raised the first official protest uttered by any religious body against slavery. In the forcing atmosphere, however, of that age of controversy, seed such as that sown in the master's treatment of the uttered X6yos 4 quickly germinated. This character affectingly known as Bones by Captain Kirk uttered this phrase often enough that it became a catch phrase in parodies and jokes making sport of the show. That the idols of Bamian, about which so many conjectures have been uttered, were Buddhist figures, is ascertained from the narrative of the Chinese pilgrim, Hsiian-Tsang, who saw them in their splendour in A.D. His most original compositions in verse, however, are elegiac and hendecasyllabic pieces on personal topics - the De conjugali amore, Eridanus, Tumuli, Naeniae, Baiae, &c. - in which he uttered his vehemently passionate emotions with a warmth of southern colouring, an evident sincerity, and a truth of painting from reality which excuse their erotic freedom. The at present unutterable things we may find somewhere uttered. A table of tongue positions for British English vowels (as uttered by one speaker, at least) is available here. But a formula that depends for its efficacy on being uttered rather than on being heard is virtually indistinguishable from the selfsufficient spell of the magician, though its origin is different. He hadn't uttered anything so stupid in a long time, after she yelled at him for talking like that. Tip's eyes were round and wondering, and the Saw-Horse uttered a sigh and turned away its head. Sri Krishna had indeed uttered falsehoods so many times, had broken his pledges, had wives and even ` married ' 16,000 ladies ! There are quatrains in the Rubdiyat of Omar Khayyam and pessimistic verses in Ecclesiastes which might have been uttered by Aristippus ("Then commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing than to eat and to drink and to be merry; for that shall abide with him of his labour the days of his life which God giveth him under the sun"). If Lord Palm erston had been supported by his cabinet, or if he had been a younger man, he might possibly, in 1864, have made good the words which he had rashly uttered in 1863. The subject is the person or thing that does something or that is described in the sentence. Lana almost uttered a cry of surprise, astonished he'd survived the missiles. Articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise, Eugenie raised her eyes to heaven without, I told her to be a little more considerate before, Maximilian settled himself in his corner without, Cosette gazed at him in stupid amazement, without, They went the whole length of the garden without, A moments pause was followed by the Drong, At that moment, the viscount could not help, He returned at night weary, and ate his broth without, Terror seemed to have deprived them even of the power of, Both women remained still for a moment, neither of them, Raskolnikov looked at him and turned to the wall without, It was the only time Theo remembered his father, If you knew how I feel about you, you would love me more for, Their driver was invariably focused on the task at hand, barely, I rushed towards the staircase, clutching my hair, and, Lembke, with a pale face and glittering eyes, was. She started at the well-known voice, and, Owen could hear him twisting and turning about and, They joined their hands and closed their eyes moving their lips.

It is quite possible that the memory of the early disciples, highly trained as it was, enabled them to preserve a substantially true record of some of these speeches, and of the circumstances in which they were uttered. By a mysterious sympathy the bread and wine over which the words, " This is my body which is for you," and " This cup is the new covenant in my blood," had been uttered, became Christ's body and blood; so that by partaking of these the faithful were united with each other and with Christ into one kinship. Stranger Things continued its complete and, And true to do-anything-for-the-role form, Kidman delivered a complete and, As the Angels celebrate the 20th anniversary of the championship season, that one hour stands between a team and a complete and, With Auburn trailing 9-3 early in the fourth, the Tigers tried to get things going with a flea-flicker, but the play was an, Using that metric, these transfers have been an, For decades, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) has been producing reports showing, Perhaps, once the self-driving car gets close to the grocery store, the AI might, The gravest problem for the movie, though, is not its convolutions but its pit stopsthose awkward interludes when people halt in mid-activity, sometimes with weapons in their hands, to, Throughout his life, Hestevan Hennessy was barely able to, One entity that is accustomed to strict censorship wasnt afraid to, Nuclear and weaponizing are scary words to, 'Dunderhead' and Other Nicer Ways to Say Stupid, 'Pride': The Word That Went From Vice to Strength. The sayings attributed to Rabelais which colour the idea (such as the famous "Je vais chercher un grand peut-titre," said to have been uttered on his death-bed) are, as has been said, purely apocryphal.

Power into His hands and raising it above His head, Again he runs both hands through his hair, and he, Be afraid of the believer's insight, because he sees by the light of Allah and, And all these unhappy, defenseless, and deluded lads repeat after him the lie, which he, He does not stop at debasing the character of the people of this country, but he, How can he expect his arguments to be attended to, when the first word he, As he slowly begins to understand you more and more, with his last ounce of independent will, he, Indeed, the keynote, not only to Sancho's part, but to the whole book, is struck in the first words Sancho, The value of a sentence is in the personality which, They proceed to beat the crap out of him, nearly killing him, stopping just short of his final collapse because, not only does Brink never stop fighting back, throughout the beating he never, Finally, the human sufferer begins to see the light of life; his tortured soul ascends to new heights of hope and courage; he may suffer on and even die, but his enlightened soul now, In the end, the school provides an all-important device for concluding the series: the leading female character hides inside the locker where the brooms are kept, and the male lead character finds her there and finally, In another word, He must seek to touch and ascertain the reality and the meaning of the speech he, There is one here, for instance, who is almost completely decomposed, but once every six weeks he suddenly, His forehead was marked with the line that indicates the constant presence of bitter thoughts; he had the fiery eyes that seem to penetrate to the very soul, and the haughty and disdainful upper lip that gives to the words it, Assuming that Andrews, Ellicott, Neander, Lange, and others of the same class, provide for the minute and curious inquirer, the author has aimed at producing a book of continuous, easy narrative, in which the reader may as far as possible, see the Saviour of men live and move and may hear the words He, For a Christian to promise to subject himself to any government whatsoevera subjection which may be considered the foundation of State lifeis a direct negation of Christianity; since an individual who promises beforehand to obey implicitly every law that men may enact, by that promise, I might compare them to a man who should study the tempers and desires of a mighty strong beast who is fed by him--he would learn how to approach and handle him, also at what times and from what causes he is dangerous or the reverse, and what is the meaning of his several cries, and by what sounds, when another, I answered: Of the harmonies I know nothing, but I want to have one warlike, to sound the note or accent which a brave man, For when the lightning lightens the thunder, For when the lightning lightens, the thunder, Then they are told that as the child grows it must be taught to pray, which means that he is to stand in front of boards upon which the faces of Christ, the Virgin, and the saints are painted, bow his head and body, while with his right hand, his fingers being folded in a peculiar manner, he touches his forehead, his shoulders, and his stomach, and. She smiled as she uttered his pet name, "Andrusha.". Isnard's threat, uttered on the 25th of May, to march France upon Paris had been met by Paris marching upon the Convention. I don't know what, that and having uttered this compliment, he again gazed at him in silence. Theyre thoughts, ideas and stories. By using some of the unique lines uttered by the likes of Erica Kane, Tad Martin and JR Chandler, you are sure to get a reaction from friends, family members and strangers. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! Just like letters build words, words build sentences. I shall never forget the surprise and delight I felt when I uttered my first connected sentence, "It is warm.". 10 examples of sentences uttered. Though it soon appeared that the imputation was false, Khalid, on his return, was furious, and uttered very offensive words against the caliph. The question was softly uttered; it 's menace lay in the steel gray of her unflinching eyes. Being intended for the Hotri's use, both these works treat exclusively of the hymns and verses recited by that priest and his assistants, either in the form of connected litanies or in detached verses invoking the deities to whom oblations are made, or uttered in response to the. broached the subject of a divorce The extreme divergence in doctrinal position is fostered by the fact that the theology taught in the universities is in a great measure divorced from the practical religious life of the people, and the theological opinions uttered in the theological literature of the country cannot be held to express the thoughts of the members of the churches. The verb is the action the person or thing takes or the description of the person or thing. (2) When he heard the news, he uttered a sigh. After seeing Vaughn in the hilariously funny role of Trent Walker, who uttered the famous words "You're so money and you don't even know it! express, vent, utter, voice, broach, air mean to make known what one thinks or feels. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldnt be able to understand what Im saying to you at all. Imprecations uttered by Lucien against the brigands and traitors in the pay of England decided the grenadiers of the Council to march against the deputies whom it was their special duty to protect. (27) Twittering song uttered in soaring display flight, followed by butterfly-like descent with wings raised and a final plumb drop.