B. A. (check 3 boxes). What is a likely reason that Ho Chi Minh was a popular military leader in the battle against the French?

the leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991. - the purpose genocide is the total destruction of a group, whereas the purpose of ethnic cleansing is the creation of ethnically homogenous lands. Explain your answer . He supported the Soviet citizens to talk about ways to improved their living environment. why? Give some examples of the new global role played by the United States after World War II. When did it occur. As the economy stalled and unrest rose, Mao finally had the army restore order.

The United States sought to remove communist influences at home and contain communism abroad. - 1. What happened to the opponents of the Communist Party in China? What similarities and differences do you see between the political factions in the Legislative Assembly and those in the U.S. government today? Perestroika was A Soviet leader Gorbachev's plan for economic restructuring. He was responsible for introducing the reforms (glasnost and perestroika) that brought about the break up of the Soviet Union and the end of Soviet domination of Eastern Europe. the most unsettling global economic rivalry of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was between the countries of . Who would have been happiest with the results of the conference: Stalin, Churchill, or Roosevelt? What was an important result of the USSR breaking up into fifteen different countries? Which factor has NOT been identified by theorists as an important quality of peer relationships that enhance children's reasoning ability and their concern for others. They saw the Soviet Union as a greater threat. Because resources are distributed unevenly throughout the world, nations specialize in producing certain goods and services, the trade to acquire the goods and services that they cannot produce. What was the policy of containment, and how was it carried out by the United States? The original Monroe Doctrine of the early 1800s announced that the United States would not allow any European power to try to retake a newly independent nation in the Western Hemisphere. The superpowers continued to develop new nuclear weapons. The communist command economy limited economic prosperity. How did the East Germans overthrow their communist leaders? How did Europe respond to the economic crisis? Mutual dependence of countries on goods, resources, labor, and knowledge from other parts of the world. founded the Indochinese Communist Party and was the leader of the armed independence movement in Vietnam. North and South Korea negotiated a ceasefire but not a peace treaty. What problems might arise from appointing a dictator during times of crisis. It made both superpowers fear launching a nuclear attack because if one side launched a nuclear attack, the other side would retaliate, and both sides would be destroyed. - the government sent in troops and tanks, killing and wounding thousands, ending the protest. an American minister and civil rights leader. What is one of the main populist allies?

The Viet Cong were communist rebels in South Vietnam who sought to overthrow South Vietnam's government. The United States funneled food and economic assistance to Europe to help countries rebuild. A U.S. foreign policy adopted by President Harry Truman in the late 1940s, in which the United States tried to stop the spread of communism by creating alliances and helping weak countries to resist Soviet advances. What impact did Henry VIIIs actions have on England in the second half of the 1500's? A. The moderate leader that succeeded Mao as the leader of China was whom? Family members were likely to be citizens of different countries. Why did the Vietnamese fight the French in Indochina? What was the mandate system, and why did it leave many groups feeling betrayed? When China's alliance with the Soviet Union collapsed, the United States. The Ho Chi Minh Trail, one of the supply routes for the Viet Cong, ran through Cambodia; the United States would want to bomb the supply routes so the supplies didn't get to the Viet Cong. d.finding a way to slow down rapid economic growth. C. played the "China card" to isolate the Soviets. Glasnost created greater freedom of expression; perestroika reformed the government and economy. Be sure to link to specific facts and dates. Solve tough problems on your own with the help of expert-verified explanations. What types of local conflicts became Cold War conflicts? Use your graphic organizer to write a paragraph describing the changes and conflicts that took place In Great Britain, France, the Austrian Empire, and Russia during the Why did the United States help to rebuild West Germany after World War II? What Spartan virtues did Lycurgus' reforms promote. Despite the "balance of terror," why did people still fear nuclear war? In market economies, producers and consumers make economic decisions. Churchill's metaphor uses "iron" to mean strength and force and "curtain" to mean something that divides two areas. The two countries turned to diplomacy to resolve issues. How did nationalism influence events in the United States during the 1800s? The United States supported Diem even though he was unpopular; they sent in military supplies and advisors to help the South Vietnamese; after a U.S. ship was attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin, the president was authorized to commit ground troops. Glasnost is a policy that was introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev which means openness in 1985. 3 political figures-Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa. A. Glasnost created greater freedom of expression; perestroika reformed the government and economy. Which of the following was a step the U.S. government took to ensure equal rights in the 1960s? Based on the Versailles Treaty, how was Germany portrayed to the rest of the world? Why did Korea remain divided after the Korean War? NATO and the Warsaw Pact were important in maintaining the "balance of power" in Cold War Europe because. What was Gorbachev's policy of encouraging open discussion?

Which of the following is an example of the policy of containment? In the 1980s, the Soviet economy was strained by. One way the Warsaw Pact enforced its authority was by. Regarding the situation of American Americans in the Progressive Era, which statement is NOT correct? a country with a market economy but with increased government responsibility for the social and economic needs of its people, an international organization dedicated to establishing free trade among its European member nations. Be specific. Churchill called the division between Eastern Europe and Western Europe the. they realized that they could not win the war. governments in Eastern Europe introduced reforms. a soldier in a loosely organized force making surprise raids, small town and former French army base in northern Vietnam; site of the battle that ended in a Vietnamese victory, the French withdrawal from Vietnam, and the securing of North Vietnam's independence, the belief that a communist victory in South Vietnam would cause noncommunist governments across Southeast Asia to fall to communism, like a row of dominoes, communist rebels in South Vietnam who sought to overthrow South Vietnam's government; received assistance from North Vietnam, a massive and bloody offensive by communist guerrillas against South Vietnamese and American forces on Tet, the Vietnamese New Year, 1968; helped turn American public opinion against military involvement in Vietnam. - The Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989. Why did Mao's reforms fail during the Great Leap Forward? Why did urbanization expand and contract in this time period.

What is the main goal in creating the federal budget? The Eastern bloc became dominated by the Soviets. It led to the creation of NASA and the space race. The nations never directly confronted each other on the battlefield but deadly threats went on for years. the Cold War came to an end with the collapse of what? In 1955, the Soviet Union formed a military alliance, which included the Soviet Union and seven satellites in Eastern Europe. - modernized it and allowed for some free market features. The difference between glasnost and perestroika is. G Catholic Church lost all its influence in Europe Which of the following accurately describes the sequence of events that led to U.S. involvement in Vietnam? fear of the other's military capability kept each superpower from attacking. Why did the United States and the Soviet Union reach an era of dtente? *. what major obstacle did Genghis face in attempting to conquer the city of Beijing? Japan's recovery after World War II was different from Germany's because. A. The Romans were simply cruel and killed the martyrs anyway. How did Reagan's Cold War strategy change after Gorbachev took power? How were they similar to other There was very little political freedom, and the economy was stagnating.

What is the main reason Mao Zedong was able to make China communist? Prices are based on supply and demand. Which of the following accurately describes the sequence of events that led to U.S. involvement in Vietnam? - means "openness;" Gorbachev encouraged people to discuss the countries problems openly, - means "restructuring;" Gorbachev called for reform of the Soviet economic and political system. The following accurately describes the sequence of events that led to U.S. involvement in Vietnam. The U.S. became a global economic and political leader and a symbol of the power of capitalism and democratic freedoms in the postwar period. The Korean War pitted UN forces, largely from the Western democracies, against communist North Korea, which was supported by, The United Nations intervened in North Korea because the. a state of tension and hostility between nations aligned with the United States on one side, and the Soviet Union on the other side. B. Describe the Great leap forward program. Each trading partner is getting something they most likely need. A. fear of the other's military capability kept each superpower from attacking. A conflict that was between the US and the Soviet Union. "This" sticky foreign policy situation caused Khrushchev to cancel an upcoming summit with Eisenhower, and to withdraw his invitation to visit the Soviet Union. How did the superpowers' military strategies during the Cold War demonstrate the principle of deterrence? The movement to communities outside an urban core, mutual dependence of countries on goods, resources, and knowledge from other parts of the world, forced separation by race, sex, religion, or ethnicity.

What was significant about its establishment? (JFK) , , an international crisis in October 1962, the closest approach to nuclear war at any time between the U.S. and the USSR. . - limited urban families to a single child, and rural families to two children. The U.S. economy is different from the former Soviet Union's economy because in the United States. There was very little political freedom, and the economy was stagnating. How was the Soviet war in Afghanistan similar to the Vietnam War? Write a paragraph discussing the role that women played in World War I. Write a paragraph explaining President Woodrow Willson's goals for the League of Nations. How did Gorbachev's policies of glasnost and perestroika affect Eastern Europe? What factors helped prevent Mongols from conquering Japan? What was the initial effect of the transition from command to market economies in Eastern Europe? reformist leader of Soviet Union; last leader of the Soviet Union. . What was the Battle of the Atlantic and what was its significance? The United States first sent only aid and military advisors to assist the South Vietnamese in their struggle; however, after a U.S. warship was torpedoed, the U.S. sent troops. Despite the "balance of terror," why did people still fear nuclear war? How did Vietnam's landscape and geography create disadvantages for American troops? C. The superpowers continued to develop new nuclear weapons. In 1985, he imported the idea of Perestroika, which means economic restructuring. In 1949, the United States, Canada, and ten other countries formed a new military alliance that called members to pledge to help one another if any one of them were attacked. a relaxation of tensions that brought new agreements to reduce nuclear stockpiles as both sides turned to diplomacy to resolve issues. How did changes in agriculture support other developments during the Song Dynasty? The communist command economy limited economic prosperity. How did the conflict affect Afghanistan? What was the result of the protests at Tiananmen Square? How did fears associated with the Cold War affect the lives of ordinary Americans? a.managing businesses and increasing spending on all programs Why did Churchill call the divide between East and West the "Iron Curtain"? Why did the Vietnamese fight the French in Indochina? Which of the following was a step the U.S. government took to ensure equal rights in the 1960s?

A United States policy, established in 1947, of trying to contain the spread of communism. The U.S. economy is different from the former Soviet Union's economy because in the United States, NATO and the Warsaw Pact were important in maintaining the "balance of power" in Cold War Europe because. The United States rushed aid to West Germany in order to strengthen it against the communist tide sweeping Eastern Europe and to create a market for American goods.

Gorbachev initiated glasnost, the Hungarians introduced reforms, East Germans protested, and the Berlin Wall fell. Deng Xiaoping did what with China's economy? Regarding the end of the Cold War, what was the most significant event of 1991? (check 3 boxes). an international organization dedicated to establishing free trade among its European member nations. What are some examples of the new global role played by the United States after World War II. Which provides evidence that some Vietnamese did not support the new government in the united Vietnam? This was the plan of thousands of protestors in China calling for democracy. Which former Soviet country broke up into 6 distinct areas after the fall of the Soviet Union? Which event do you consider move significant. Why might the United States have wanted to attack targets in Cambodia? During the 1960s, what happened to U.S. government social programs? One major characteristic of the Renaissance was that the ---

c.finding a way to allow the economy to run on its own Americans are now aware of what could happen, Impact California Social Studies World History, Culture, and Geography The Modern World, Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction, Dahia Ibo Shabaka, Larry S. Krieger, Linda Black, Phillip C. Naylor, Roger B. Beck, World History: Connections to Today, Texas Edition. The U.S. became a global economic and political leader in the postwar period. because Gorbachev said he wouldn't intervene if Eastern European governments introduced reforms; all other times [1953, 1956, 1986, 1980] the Soviets had sent in tanks and troops. and what did he do? First artificial Earth satellite, it was launched by Moscow in 1957 and sparked U.S. fears of Soviet dominance in technology and outer space. A state of tension and hostility between nations aligned with the United States on one side, and the Soviet Union on the other side. (list alphabetically).