Dd and Read More , Podcast: Play in new window | Download (7.7MB), By popular demand, I have recorded a series of episodes to help you learn or recognise common French slang expressions. However, with recent development of opportunities for electronic transfer of survey forms and responses, such techniques offer the possibility to investigate global attitudes much more easily than in the past. Tishs question reminds me of Drles de Btes, a series of books for 2 to 6 year old children by French author and illustrator Antoon Krings.

(The termcochonneactually exists, but usually itmeans something entirely different!

Sometimes, in addition to the-eending, there are some unexpected spelling changes in the feminine, as inun loup/une louve(male/female wolf): Par exemple,un loupdonne -une louve. Sample sizes of all nations were weighted to be roughly equal, which reflects the assumption that the opinions of each nation count equally. The questions on which the indices were based, and formula for creating the index scores from the 15 rating by each student, were as follows (listing the questions in declining order of importance): A similar factor analysis was conducted for the World Issues that summarised attitudes to these issues in one value, containing the following questions (again in order of declining importance): To examine the influence of demographic variables, including gender, on the eight indices, binary logistic regression, ANOVA, and Chi square analyses were compared in terms of their effectiveness for modelling the data.

James G. Doherty, general curator, The Wildlife Conservation Society. Nouns referring to animals work in a comparable way to those referring to people.

In all cases except Norway and Sweden, where access to entire student populations by e-mail was possible, collaborators organized a team of student volunteers in a sample of universities in their country.

Required fields are marked *. However, many animals have separate names for male and female specimens, as in English. Even after some years living in Australia, Im still shocked / offended when I read Male/Female on the door of public toilets. Seventy-two percent of students reported that their interactions with animals (especially pets) had strongly influenced the development of their values [6].

Greater attributed sentience for cats in females than males is probably because cats tend to be preferred by females and dogs by males, and cats are seen as having more feminine characteristics, with dogs displaying masculine characteristics of activity, dominance, aggression [24]. The method of extraction of factors was by principal components analysis with Varimax rotation. a. Un renard sort du bois. 1Centre for Animal Welfare and Ethics, University of Queensland, Australia, 2Department of History of Veterinary Medicine and Deontology, University of Selcuk, Turkey; E-Mail: rt.ude.kucles@ilrimzis, 3Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Iran; E-Mail: ri.ca.tu@ajs, 4Department of Animal Production, University of Leon, Spain; E-Mail: se.noelinu@osnola.atram, 5Department of Bioethics, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea; E-Mail: moc.gnusmas@eohc.ib, 6School of Agriculture, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin, Ireland; E-Mail: ei.dcu@nolnah.nosila, 7AgroWeb Farm Animal Welfare Network Co-ordinator for Macedonia, Skopje, Macedonia; E-Mail: moc.oohay@aksizdnahajisatsana, 8Institute of Animal Science, Department of Ethology, Prague, Czech Republic; E-Mail: zc.vzuv@nurdug.avonnamlli, 9Department of Animal Environment and Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Skara, Sweden; E-Mails: es.uls.hmh@gnileek.adnil (L.K. Careers.

Need a reference? There was a positive correlation between the Gender Empowerment Measure and the ratio of female to male concern for animal welfare and rights, but not for other world issues. Thanks a lot Tish for your question! In fact, the word femelle used to describe a female human being in French has a degrading, sexual connotation. Because our survey asked students to rank species by sentience, if females attributed greater sentience to human infants and cats, other species had to fall in rank. For example, "un loup" [a male wolf] gives -"une louve" [a female wolf]. There were differences between males and females in the avoidance of animal products (Table 7). High values mean greater concern for animals. So, they are always referred to by il / elle (he / she) without ambiguity.

As well as animal welfare, we found a similar increase in concern for animal rights by females, compared with males.

If they agreed to take part in the survey, the students were asked to give their e-mail address to the volunteer. b.

Masculine Gender denotes a male living thing. Il aime particulirement le parfum des fraises. The GEM was chosen because it focuses on agency, as indicated by political participation and decision-making power, economic participation/power, and command over economic resources.

Here is another example of a noun that changes spelling and pronunciation in the feminine form.

Generally societies with high levels of gender equality are also more supportive of environmental protection, suggesting that these two societal characteristics, attitudes towards animals and towards environmental protection, at least coexist and may be interdependent [12]. Ex1: Tlphone is a masculine noun. Some snakes are masculine, as inun serpent(a snake), or feminine, as inune vipre(a viper).

Planchon Y.A., Templer D.I. For example:une vache/un taureau(a cow/a bull). ), Ex2: Table is a feminine noun. Its the same as in English; you say : This is my dog, not This is my female dog. In English, we will also use he to refer to Bruce, as a person. Kubberd E., Ueland ., Tronstad ., Risvik E. Attitudes towards Meat and Meat Eating Among Adolescents in Norway: A Qualitative Study. There you have it! The 2007 Eurobarometer [29] found that more females (63%) displayed a willingness to change usual place of shopping in order to buy welfare friendly produce than males (59%). Renard, renarde (male fox, female fox) Imagine that I am writing a story with my children about une coccinelle but the coccinelle is a male whose name is Bruce. Now, imagine that a little boy who was playing in the garden spots Bruce.

Differences between males and females in mean acceptability of issues relating to indices for Animal Welfare, Animal Rights, Unnatural Practices on Animals, Killing Animals, Animals in Experiments, Wildlife, Using Animals as Spiritual Symbols.

Cross-Cultural Psychology: Research and Applications. Meat Consumption and Meat Avoidance among Young People: An 11-Year Longitudinal Study. Beyond Scarcity: Power, Poverty and the Global Water Crisis. Universities were selected at random if possible, but in some countries a convenience sample was used. Chat, chatte (male cat, female cat) Elle est belle! The he-goat has its own name: bouc.

However, Pifer et al. This was evident in their eating preferences, with more females avoiding meat because of the possible impact on their health. It would be better to use the first sentence though because we are mainly talking about the character of the story, a boy.

The most common way to feminize a noun is to add an-eat the end, and, in manycases, double the final consonant, as inun chien/une chienne(a male dog/a female dog). Check ourencyclopedia for a gloss on thousands of topics from biographies to the table of elements. (= A fox comes out of the wood.)

Previous research has demonstrated that in households where the male partner is more dominant, there is convergence in male and female attitudes towards animals, whereas if the female partner is empowered they exhibit greater empathy towards animals than the male partner.

Thirteen questions were asked concerning major world social issues, and students were asked to give their opinion about how important each was, on a scale of 1, not important, to 7, extremely important [13]. Elphant, lphante (male elephant, female elephant)

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help I.e.

In a similar but smaller survey to the current one, female students had more concern for both animal suffering during life and the reverence for animal life than males [5].

Adolescent Vegetarians. The similarity between males and females in our survey in attitude to experimentation with animals may derive from the greater concern that female students had for their health, compared with males. (Id rather not let my female cat / dog out so that they dont meet/interact with other cats/dogs. Wells D.L., Hepper P.G. Paul E.S., Podberscek A.L. These variables were all normally distributed by the Anderson-Darling test. Izmirli S., Phillips C.J.C. We surveyed university students in 11 Eurasian countries for their attitudes to animals, using an internet-based questionnaire to which 1,902 female and 1,530 male student responded from 102 universities. Lets write the first words of the story : Bruce is a ladybug. Weblinks to the survey were then distributed to the students by e-mail with an accompanying password. I recently received a very interesting and unusual question that I had never been asked before.

This survey used novel techniques for recruitment of students across a major part of Europe and Asia, which is a logistical problem that has made this type of research difficult in the past. Scores for the Gender Empowerment Measure and its different components for each country, (1) Politic Participation (proportion of women in the Lower or Single House in parliament), (2) Senior Workplace Roles (Income, ratio of female to male GDP per capita) and (3) Economic Participation (proportion of women in senior positions: legislators, senior officials, managers, professional workers and technical workers). Before The author actually chose to match the gender of the animal name with the gender of the animal character (the ladybug is a girl because coccinelle in French is feminine; the butterfly is a boy because papillon in French is masculine, etc). In the present study, females were found to be more sensitive to animal protection, professional ethics, environmental protection, racial equality, equality for LGBT, human euthanasia, rights of women and peace and security than males. Kruse [21] suggests that males support a primarily Darwinian view of animals, in which the natural world is exploited and controlled, whereas females have primarily a Romantic view of animals, with greater affection for them and concern for their ethical treatment. However, despite this we believe that GEM remains the most appropriate measure for the purposes of this international comparison. Disclamer: The Drles de Btes books links of this article are affiliate links. Gender Equality, Economic Growth and Employment. Some rodents are feminine, as inune souris(a mouse), while others are masculine, as inun cureuil(a squirrel). Another reason why you would deliberately want to avoid using the feminine forms chatte and chienne are that they are very offensive slang words too, chatte = female cat ; very offensive word for female genitals. Gender, Class and Social Movement Outcomes: Identity and Effectiveness in Two Animal Rights Campaigns. In a survey of college students in the southern USA, Hyers [10] found a positive relationship between Social Dominance Orientation (a measure of support for a hierarchical social structure and inequality favouring their group over others) and endorsement of the use of animals for luxury and non-luxury purposes. I therefore prefer Men/Women, Gents/Ladies, or even no words: the pictograms are self-explanatory enough!

In the present study, female were also more likely than males to avoid meat, particularly the red meats, beef, lamb and to some extent pork. Je ne peux pas manger sur cette table, elle nest pas propre !

We acknowledge that the method of contacting students may have influenced the level of participation or engagementdirect email or being approached on campus. In contrast, the GDI relates more to human development and less to gender inequality.

Relationship between gender (F = female, M = male) and country in indices for Animal Welfare, Animal Rights, Unnatural Practices on Animals, Killing Animals, Animals in Experiments, Wildlife, Using Animals as Spiritual Symbols. Mean values (SE) for females and males together were as follows: human infant 10.7 0.043 > chimpanzee 9.7 0.040 > dog 9.5 0.030 > Dolphin 8.6 0.044 > Cat 7.7 0.035 > Horse 7.2 0.034 > Cattle 5.5 0.034 > Pig 5.2 0.039 > Rat 4.8 0.045 > Chicken 3.8 0.032 > Octopus 2.7 0.038 > Fish 2.6 0.039. Individual country's scores for the GEM component are presented in Table 4. For example: Male and female animal names can be quite specialized and hard to remember. Phillips C.J.C., Izmirli S., Aldavood S.J., Alonso M., Choe B.I., Hanlon A., Handziska A., Illmannov G., Keeling L., Kennedy M., Lee G.H., Lund V., Mejdell C., Pelagic V.R., Rehn T. Students' Attitudes to Animal Welfare and Rights in Europe and Asia. Ex1: Masculine noun hippocampe (= seahorse) : In spite of the limitations of GEM; we favoured it because it reflects a higher level of gender empowerment and is positively associated with a more equal division of labour in the household [36].

That comes from the fact that in French, the words mle et femelle are almost exclusively used to refer to animals. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Student volunteers approached students at a central location in the university (not related to any subject area) and asked them if they would take part in a social survey.

In short, there are diverse ways to feminize an animal noun. 2. There was no significant difference between males and females in their rating of the importance of capital punishment, genetic engineering, human cloning, reducing poverty and sustainable development. Referring to this person/character makes more sense and will limit inconsistencies. Women in Sweden, Norway and Great Britain have high Gender Empowerment Scores, relative to other EU27 countries, which includes measures of the proportion of women in parliaments and other senior positions with high incomes [34]. For explanations about the irregular plural forms of this word (and other words ending in _al such as in animal) in French, check out my article here. However, specific names referring to males will all be masculine and specific names related to female will all be feminine (this is the same for people, with names of occupations and family members). -Good! Likewise,un renard(a fox), with a silentd, doesnt have a doubleconsonant in the feminine, but thedwill be pronounced:une renarde. Some of these translated versions were translated back and changes made in the case of discrepancies, and in all cases the survey meaning and translation was checked by a third party for accuracy and consistency of meaning, in conjunction with the collaborator. ), Caption 56,Lionel et Automne - Playmobil. Female students (n = 1894) had approximately 50% more years of pet keeping (0.45) than males (n = 1524) (0.30), (SED 0.012, P < 0.001).