The book had a small section, discussing the usage of the any type and how it should be avoided but can be helpful in a pinch. If you are certain that the specific value has a compatible type, but TypeScript doesn't know about it, use a type assertion, e.g. For Angular users with STRICT TYPE setting, all other types seem to work OK (not that I tested ALL types but number, and custom interfaces for example work without the added type declaration) Using type boolean, this results in error: This often happens when fetching data from a remote API, because TypeScript doesn't know the shape of the values we're working with. Specifically, I am unable to use object destructuring with my handleClick() function that goes on the onClick={handleClick} attribute. Type 'Timeout' is not assignable to type 'number'. To do this in VSCode, hold down CTRL or CMD and click on the attribute; other editors may have other shortcuts for this. void is a type with no values, it represents the lack of a value.void can be thought of as an alias for the undefined return value from functions (fall through if no return statement is available); it has a special meaning for functions/methods, methods that return no value. Type MouseEvent is not assignable to type MouseEventHandler. Class Properties. This is the unclean version, and it is the only one typescript acceps without complaining: const handleClick = (event: TypeScript has fantastic type inference capabilities, deriving the return types of functions even when quite complex. When strictNullChecks is set to false, null and undefined are ignored by the language.. Types of parameters 'a' and 'a' are incompatible. Type 'T' is not assignable to type 'string'. 1. Types of parameters e and event are incompatible. This appears to have erroneously changed in abb4f5d. Type ' (x: boolean) => void' is not assignable to type ' (e: MouseEvent) => void' . There I determine what button was pressed, what row was clicked on, and display the results. I solved a lot of "not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes" type of errors (Microsoft closed issue) just by declaring an object that is passed entirely to the component.With the OP's example, instead of using term={this.props.term}, use {searchBarProps} to get it working:. **If some state update causes a component to suspend, that state update should be wrapped in a transition. The error message is: Type 'MouseEvent' is not assignable to type 'number'.ts (2345. and here's my handleCheckInput, it is basically multiple choice answers where you can pick more than one (not like radio buttons): const handleCheckInput = ( key: number, questionId: number, e: Ive been writing TypeScript since just before v1.8, which brought the killer feature JavaScript in TypeScript Compilation. Checkout the tutorials related to type 'void' is not assignable to type 'mouseeventhandler that saves your time and help you fix your issues. typescript - the - type void is not assignable to type observableinput flatmap . After reading a bunch of questions on Stack Overflow, I found out that onClick () doesn't expects a void which is what toggle function is returning in this case so I did: