evaluate to True because these are not equal to zero.

which case it counts from the last to the first axis. See reduce for details. If a creature's best food source was 4,000 feet above it, and only rarely fell from that height, how would it evolve to eat that food? If this is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on multiple With this option, US to Canada by car with an enhanced driver's license, no passport? The performance of "all" depends very much on when the first element that does not satisfy the criteria is found, the np.sum needs to do a bit of operations, the np.min is the lightest in terms of computations in the general case. in which case a reference to out is returned. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. axis may be negative, in axes, instead of a single axis or all the axes as before. Note that this includes all numbers equal to 30 or higher, not strictly above 30. Is there a political faction in Russia publicly advocating for an immediate ceasefire? will consist of 0.0s and 1.0s). sub-class method does not implement keepdims any How to help player quickly make a decision when they have no way of knowing which option is best, Revelation 21:5 - Behold, I am making all things new?, Is "Occupation Japan" idiomatic? Well, when OP's question text contradicts itself, who am I to judge which is the correct limit. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The only thing I could think of doing was: In hindsight, after dealing with bigger datasets where speed actually matters and utilizing numpyI would do this: You can now choose to sort by Trending, which boosts votes that have happened recently, helping to surface more up-to-date answers. So I added if not x in condition. I wanted to give the OP a different way of looking at the problem, giving them a function to replace the one they were writing. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. the result will broadcast correctly against the input array. exceptions will be raised. Do weekend days count as part of a vacation? What are good particle dynamics ODEs for an introductory scientific computing course? in the result as dimensions with size one. If this is set to True, the axes which are reduced are left The disadvantage of this solution is, that each item of list must be touched. Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, A general issues to be aware of: 1) the assigned. How do I get the number of elements in a list in Python? Why does the capacitance value of an MLCC (capacitor) increase after heating? details. Being limit the value greater than which all numbers must be. (28293632, 28293632, array(True)) # may vary, Mathematical functions with automatic domain. type is preserved (e.g., if dtype(out) is float, the result Test whether any element along a given axis evaluates to True. Question mentions above 30 but, I know, that's why I made that explicit. Empty list on min() will raise ValueError. This will return the values that are greater than 30 as True, and the values that are smaller as false. rev2022.7.21.42639. @Hyperboreus: both stop as soon as a negative has been found. If the

Axis or axes along which a logical AND reduction is performed. Trending is based off of the highest score sort and falls back to it if no posts are trending. Extract 2D quad mesh from 3D hexahedral mesh. passed through to the all method of sub-classes of Linking up statements using the 'and' keyword, For values in list above a number set boolean (true, false) in R. How do I check if a string is a number (float)? To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. :-), Check if all values in list are greater than a certain number, Design patterns for asynchronous API communication. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. the dimensions of the input array. Forcing the first sub-30 element to be halfway through the list. It must have the same shape as the expected output and its Similarly, you can use the any() function to test if at least 1 value matches the condition. As it turned out, the first element of my 0-100 list was below 30, so my test was kind of degenerate. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience.

Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Alternate output array in which to place the result. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Not a Number (NaN), positive infinity and negative infinity The default (axis=None) is to perform a logical AND over all See Output type determination for more What are the "disks" seen on the walls of some NASA space shuttles? Fastest way to check if a value exists in a list, Create an empty list with certain size in Python, Sets with both additive and multiplicative gaps. Test whether all array elements along a given axis evaluate to True. Elements to include in checking for all True values.

my_list1 should work and my_list2 should not. ndarray, however any non-default value will be. as soon as you find a value that proves that there is a value below 30, you return False, and return True if you found no evidence to the contrary. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. How to I check if all values in list are >= 30? A new boolean or array is returned unless out is specified, If the default value is passed, then keepdims will not be Input array or object that can be converted to an array. How should I deal with coworkers not respecting my blocking off time in my calendar for work? @MartijnPieters thanks, now updated. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Announcing the Stacks Editor Beta release! (instead of occupation of Japan, occupied Japan or Occupation-era Japan).

Use the all() function with a generator expression: Note that this tests for greater than or equal to 30, otherwise my_list1 would not pass the test either. When the criteria is almost immediately met and the all loop exits fast, the all function is winning just slightly over np.min: But when "all" needs to go through all the points, it is definitely much worse, and the np.min wins: can be very useful is one wants to know how many values are below x. The overall winner between using the np.sum, np.min, and all seems to be np.min in terms of speed for large arrays: (i need to put the np.array definition inside the function, otherwise the np.min function remembers the value and does not do the computation again when testing for speed with timeit). If you wanted to do this in a function, you'd use: e.g.