The Business Session shall be held at the time and place determined by the Representatives at the Business Session held not fewer than Two (2) years prior to the date selected. . . All such rights and privileges shall be deemed reinstated immediately upon receipt by the Secretary-Treasurer of payment in full of all amounts past due from such member Temple. PGA event extended five years at TPC Summerlin. Registration at any meeting of the Association of a majority of all possible representatives, except Association Past Presidents and Imperial Shrine Officers, and of representatives from a majority of both the States and the Temples comprising the Association together with three of the Officers of the Association shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business that may come before such meeting. Each Member Temple shall pay an annual membership fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00) plus an assessment of ten cents ($0.10) per member; the number of members shall be that total number of members as shown on the Imperial Membership records for the previous year. The Secretary shall be the primary source for communications with the Executive Committee and the representatives, shall publish a newsletter when appropriate, and shall manage the web site of the Association. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining compliance with all requirements of applicable laws, including Imperial Law, on behalf of the Association. insurance policy the name of the Great Lakes Shrine Association as an additional insured (as amended February 13, 1988). In addition, he shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as the President or the Executive Committee may from time to time assign, subject to Shrine Law. Subject to Shrine Law and these Bylaws, the President, with the attestation of the Secretary, may enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name and on behalf of the Association. The following charts and historical information will give a summary of our membership. Only representatives shall have the power to speak from the floor, offer new business, and/or offer proposed amendments to the Bylaws.

We owe them a debt of gratitude, respect and continued effort to be the best possible Shrine Association possible. In addition to the above duties, the Secretary shall perform such other reasonable duties as shall be requested by the President and/or the Executive Committee from time to time. Section 1. HADI Calm or still One of the names of Allah. Feel free to share with other Motor Corp Units and your Shrine Center. Section 1. In the event of the absence, resignation, or failure to appear or perform of a Temple, the next Temple in the order of rank shall have the opportunity to appear, nominate, and/or participate in the place of the defaulting Temple, and each Temple thus following shall have the right to advance by one position on that occasion. All payments, whether by check or otherwise, shall require the signature of at least two of the following officers: President, First Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer; provided, however, that if the office of Secretary and Treasurer are held by the same individual, then the Second Vice President shall be included as an allowed signatory and the Secretary/Treasurer shall not be allowed to issue checks on only his signature. All funds shall be the property of the Association and accounted for in the annual report of the Secretary/Treasurer and Convention Committee to be delivered at the next Business Session. Such certificate shall be furnished not later than sixty (60 ) days prior to the day before the commencement of the Business Session. Any amounts which shall become due and payable by the Association for which funds were not previously made available may be divided among the member Temples by imposition of a Special Assessment by the representatives at a Special Meeting or Business Session that includes the Special Assessment as a part of its agenda. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Additional registrations at $20.00 each and additional event tickets will be available from the Association. Section 1. 4.6 Secretary. 4.1. Each of the host Temples of the Great Lakes Shrine Association holding any function, either unit functions or Temple functions, that include the name of the "Great Lakes Shrine Association" in any way shall have added to their Temple insurance policy the name of the Great Lakes Shrine Association as an additional insured (as amended February 13, 1988). The Recorder of the Temple shall certify such appointments to the Secretary of the Great Lakes Shrine Association as soon as possible thereafter,, but not later than Ten (10) business days prior to the commencement of the next Business Session. Not only does it attract some of the best golfers in the world, but it brings in tourists and gets the attention of the golf world, which is all good for the local economy. ELF KHURAFEH Arabic 1000 gathered fruits. 49092. Golf fans are Las Vegas fans. All proposed Bylaw amendments shall first reproduce the bylaw in its current form, then set forth the proposed bylaw with all deletions noted (with strike throughs) and all additions noted (with italics) and shall include a clear and complete explanation of the reason behind the proposed amendment and what is intended to be accomplished by such amendment. Section 2. Attached hereto as Addendum A is the list of member Temples of this Association in the order of rank according to original membership herein. The Second Vice President shall, in the absence or disability of the First Vice President, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the First Vice President.

Section 4 The fiscal year of the Association shall be the calendar year. TADMOR Ancient name of Palmyra, a desert city built by King Solomon. 4.4 Third Vice President. Section 3. 4.2 First Vice President. In addition to overseeing the Sessions, the Executive Committee shall review and approve the budgets before they are submitted to the representatives, review and approve the final details of each Session, authorize the purchase of appropriate insurance for the Association and its Officers and employees/volunteers, review the financial records of the Secretary and Treasurer, and review and approve the annual audit of the books and records of the Association and all tax returns. In addition, he shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as the President or the Executive Committee may from time to time assign, subject to Shrine Law. Amended Sep 13, 2012 Art I Sec 1, Sec 2, Sec 3, Sec 4. We have a great history and legacy which has been given to succeeding generations of Shriners by some very foresighted and and insightful Shriners. 4.7 Treasurer. Membership in this Association shall be composed of all Temples located in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, and the Province of Ontario, which may be elected to membership (as amended February 18, 1956). Section 6.

The definitions of terms used in these Bylaws, if not otherwise defined, shall have the same meaning as found in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Imperial Council. We are a non-profitvolunteer association under Shriner's International that organizes and runs motorized competitions for Shriners and Shrine Temple units at the Annual Shriners International Imperial Convention typically held in July of each year. "It brings the attention of the golf world to Las Vegas every year as well. He shall have the responsibility for planning and implementing the Sessions that will occur when he is the President of the Association, including the appointment of a Convention Chairman, members of his Convention Committee, initial site selections, initial date selections, and initial event selections. He shall be required to collect and receive all moneys due the Association, giving receipt therefore, and shall pay the same to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same. Default.

It shall be the duty of the President to call a meeting upon the written request of fifty per cent (50%) of the member Temples of the Great Lakes Shrine Association. Section 3. But largely, we're also raising the awareness on a national level of all the work that we do. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association, shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association, and shall have the powers and duties of a President that are described in Shrine Law and these Bylaws. . There shall be no votes allowed by proxy. He shall be the Chairman of the Executive Committee and an. The First Vice President shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President. MOCHA Small seaport on the coast of the Red Sea. The time and place shall be first recommended by the Executive Committee to the Convention Committee, which shall make a final recommendation to the Representatives for approval.

Shriners declined to comment on how much money they paid to sponsor the tournament, and how much money the tournament directly raises for the Shriners Children's health care system. You can watch it on the Golf Channel starting at 2 p.m. local time. He shall have the responsibility for planning and implementing the Sessions that will occur when he is the President of the Association, including the appointment of a Convention Chairman, members of his Convention Committee, initial site selections, initial date selections, and initial event selections. AINAD Presumably geographical name meaning Spring of AD or obstinacy. The Secretary shall receive as compensation for his services an amount determined annually by the Executive Committee. Section 4. .

Any proposed amendments to the legislation proposed in the Call shall be submitted in writing not fewer than 10 business days prior to the commencement of the Business Session and shall be subject to review and approval by the Jurisprudence and Bylaws Committee, whose decision shall be final. All arrangements, schedules, costs, housing, events, budgets, and goals of the proposed Business and Ceremonial Sessions shall be included in the Convention Committee's report to the Representatives for their approval. The Executive Committee shall periodically meet at the call of the President or a majority of the Executive Committee in executive session, suitable for adopting legislation and handling the important business of the Association. They've helped us with sponsorship and ticket sales, they've helped us with introductions to other companies in the market as well, they've helped us with media opportunities, all in the benefit of Shriners Children's," said Patrick Lindsey, executive director of the Shriners Children's Open. Upon the approval of the Executive Committee, he shall be provided with office space and necessary equipment and supplies. The 2022 CAKRAS is available in the PUBLICATIONS tab. CJ Apel. The decision of the President or other presiding officer regarding appropriateness of any amendment offered from the floor shall be final.

ANTIOCH Name of city in Asia Minor, also a famous city in Syria. We are a non-profitvolunteer association under Shriner's International that organizes and runs motorized competitions for Shriners and Shrine Temple units at the Annual Shriners International Imperial Convention typically held in July of each year. Section 6. In addition, he shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as the President or the Executive Committee may from time to time assign, subject to Shrine Law. Many thanks for the Nobles of Zuraha Shrine who worked to help make it successful. .

Such amendments may be adopted by not less than a two-thirds majority vote of the representatives registered at such Business session, provided it shall first be referred to and reported upon by the Committee on Jurisprudence and Bylaws as being in compliance with these Bylaws and Imperial Shrine Law and in proper form. The Treasurer shall submit to the Executive Committee, on or before the Business Session, all of his books and vouchers for inspection. 4.3 Second Vice President. MURAT Bir Murat an oasis in the Nubian Desert which got its name from Marshal Murat. Whenever the existence of a national emergency renders impractical the holding of a regular meeting or meetings of the Association, the President thereof may order that such meetings may be omitted, stating the reason thereof. The Secretary of the Association shall publish the report of the Jurisprudence and Bylaws Committee, all proposed legislation to be considered at the Business Session, and such other committee reports and other information deemed relevant by the President, in a Call to the GLSA Business Session, which Call shall be delivered to all known Representatives not fewer than 30 days prior to the commencement of the Business Session in that year. The President shall appoint such other committees as may be required for the operation of the Association's affairs. Section2. A vacancy in the office of Secretary and/or Treasurer shall be filled by the appointment by the Executive Committee of a person from a member Temple to fill the vacancy until the successor has been elected, qualified, and installed.

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He shall submit to the Association at its annual meeting a full statement of the numerical and financial condition of the Association, so far as his office is concerned. Section 1. A vacancy occurring in the office of Vice-President shall be filled for the balance of the term by appointment by the Executive Committee of a Past Potentate in good standing from the Temple of the vacated officer who shall have received the nomination of the Temple's Potentate. Section 1. The time and place first shall be recommended by the Executive Committee to the appointed Convention Committee, which shall make a final recommendation to the Representatives for approval. Section 1. and shall include a clear and complete explanation of the reason behind the proposed amendment and what is intended to be accomplished by such amendment. There will be a 3% admin fee at the end of the transaction for fees collected by the credit card company.

2019 Aladdin William R. 'Bill' Amspaugh, Jr. 2020 Hadi Brian Ball (Cancelled due to COVID-19).