Our reading resources assist parents, teachers, and other educators in helping struggling readers build fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
0000043789 00000 n Don't worry about conventional spelling at this point but, rather, encourage your child's first efforts at authorship. A team of parents would tally the minutes by student, grade level, and whole school. Make reading and writing a regular part of your daily home activities. x~#3axxNUD;hqZaO[..*VQmTc=4JgHq,'@FNvAj}fgt~N=cd]I/`o)&Z'I_)_I:&'paEvGO@L^1;X411G 0R.RSz{&{:i^uSw;'>_n6NU;xe. Daily routines provide reading opportunities.
I maintain that most of these high achievers would maintain their reading levels as suggested by Heyns, 1987, when he discussed the consistent gains in the top quartile of a group of 3,000 students. (2004). Anderson, R.L., Wilson, P., & Fielding, L. (1988).
affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities Entwisle, D.R., Alexander, K.L., & Olson, L.S. 0000001737 00000 n 0000004523 00000 n

Be aware of circumstances that may make literacy participation challenging for some families. NAEP reading: National trends in reading. Click the "References" link above to hide these references. 0000005886 00000 n Research conducted by the National Center for Educational Statistics found that in 1994,95% of public libraries offered summer reading programs for children; there are not statistics for adult summer programs. E-mail [emailprotected] Write to Timothy Rasinski, 404 White Hall, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242, USA. As noted in our press release dated October 14, 2015,New research highlights libraries' expanded roles, findings of the2014 Digital Inclusion Survey National Reportincluded -- and similarly concluded: 95 percent of libraries offer summer reading programs to forestall the summer slide in reading achievement experienced when learning takes a holiday between school terms. Preventing reading difficulties in young children. What really matters for struggling readers: Designing research-based programs (2nd ed.). Recognize that every member has something useful to contribute.
Those forms can include face-to-face contact, phone calls (those calls can convey positive messages as well express concern), classroom newsletters sent home on a consistent basis, as well as opportunities for parents to visit the classroom and learn firsthand about what is happening there. Talk to your child about what he or she is reading. 0000010539 00000 n Summer reading adventure: Tips for parents of young readers. Visit your local library to find out about summer reading programs in your community. For example, 58% of fourth-grade students eligible for free-lunch programs fell below basic reading proficiency levels.
Reading: The nation's report card. Copyright 2022 WETA Public Broadcasting, Visit WETA's other education websites: Start with a Book|Colorn Colorado|AdLit|LD OnLine, Classroom StrategiesResearch-based teaching strategies, Reading Basics Heyns, B.
0000011216 00000 n
Allington, R.L., & McGill-Franzen, A. Effective reading strategies: Teaching children who find reading difficult (3rd ed.). Participating in optional summer reading programs, both for participation and selection, has resulted in a child with a Star Reading Test grade equivalent of 12.9+ in January of fifth grade. Pinpoint the problem a struggling reader is having and how to help, Reading Interventions Seeking to provide equitable resources for impoverished school districts, the U.S. Congress continually revised the ESEA over four decades, creating programs to assist migrant, neglected, and limited English proficient children. The Reading Teacher, 60(8).
[g1xLbU]NIJ\>GJ0U`{{p_X0\Z6QX>[_c{VE!,Z3A&=DJ+bet W)/gNgDU}OX.k5+]1;WzW9)I9T4 0000016494 00000 n The reason I oppose our summer reading program is that because our schools choice of summer reading is so limited and unpalatable (at least to my older son) he has been transformed from a voracious reader to a student who refuses to read anything outside of what's required. A review of Roman, S., & Fiore, C. (2010). Give him incentive to read by treating him to the movie after he finishes the book.
, http://literacy.kent.edu/Oasis/Pubs/child_lit_tips.pdf, http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/reading, 100 Childrens Authors and Illustrators Everyone Should Know, A New Model for Teaching High-Frequency Words, 7 Great Ways to Encourage Your Child's Writing, All Kinds of Readers: A Guide to Creating Inclusive Literacy Celebrations for Kids with Learning and Attention Issues, Screening, Diagnosing, and Progress Monitoring for Fluency: The Details, Phonemic Activities for the Preschool or Elementary Classroom. i ,`n((RR c`uu ,QlG5lL?Dv-miy@8@@XXg &,p0#Dp)K>s,z.be*G;V 6r6|@S_)Ssa`-YQ5d`mx%@ R i~ What parents, teachers and child care providers need to know. ?1jgILIsOPJJ)K1+< btM,;~rQy~5QT (k W[}CS1mT-.\O)30R1kWPe`%Xh=]m-3YT~rJ6W[IiOFVSu}?{NKe#b;(pc BjU$:|=3]6Hu1MB7XYTZxRK!RTQn.~r" s{I7fDq5U~R7"j1*R_KVQ *+>-)oy_.WFrB_xQ5If*?-q9$ubW_rFVWBxWJMP~A@&KDi:=*y-:Wqwc-,zU'l19>>{d1:}+/#jt19gZ(zTd`[# Its fun, portable, can involve the whole family, and will help your child academically. 0000007254 00000 n Families play a key role in helping students avoid the "COVID-19 slide."

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Literacy learning: A family matter. C Edwards, P.A. However, you are definitely giving the teachers a good laugh when you publicly oppose summer reading. The reading achievement of average students remained steady or fell slightly over the summers. Sing songs, say short poems or nursery rhymes, and play rhyming words games with your child. Read what your child writes. Keep in mind that reading books that seem slightly below a child's reading level or books that have become "old favorites" can help a developing reader to build confidence and fluency.
In a single academic year, this decline resulted in an estimated three-month achievement gap between more advantaged and less advantaged students. Outside, the school could display the cumulative total of minutes read. Use these ideas and resources to put good books into kids hands and connect them to vibrant summer learning adventures. /Subtype/Image E-mail trasinsk@kent.edu. Children's literacy development: Making it happen through school, family, and community involvement. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Don't worry if your child does not read all of the words correctly but, rather, applaud your child's efforts to read. Read aloud to your child.
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My sons attend a magnet school in southern Louisiana where children must have high scores in an admission test or other standardized test to be admitted. A longitudinal study of high- and low-income students found that, while both groups of students made comparable gains in reading achievement during the academic year, by the end of sixth grade the achievement gap between high- and low-income students had grown to approximately three gradelevel years (Entwisle, Alexander, & Olson, 1997). (1998).
2 0 obj Summer reading loss.
Mraz, M. and Rasinski, T.V. /Length 519380 For example, when your child comes to an unfamiliar word, you might say, "Skip it and read to the end of the sentence.
Hayes, D.P., & Grether, J. Celebrate a nation of diverse readers with these. Schooling and cognitive development: Is there a season for learning?
Allington, R.L. The department editor welcomes reader comments. A collection of resources put together by iREAD to help with planning a summer reading program and/or studies on the impact of summer reading programs.
Teachers and librarians can register kids for the. Summer reading programs began in the 1890s as a way to encourage school children, particularly those in urban areas and not needed for farm work, to read during their summer vacation, use the library and develop the habit of reading. We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, provide ads, analyze site traffic, and personalize content. >> Title I and student achievement: A meta-analysis of federal results. Happy reading!!! Children can read on the way to a destination, at the park, at the beach, or while waiting for an appointment. The following elements have been identified in literacy programs that successfully engage families in participating (Neuman, Caperelli, & Kee, 1998). >> This is what we've done when left to our own devices. $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? Questions remain about the extent to which summer reading loss contributes to this gap and what educators can do to lessen its impact. Writing samples from real kids pre-K3, Why Some Kids Struggle (2003).
g(pwZg"63wqljB^Tm-.%bFT'#f*/j%aModN(N=~p1_4+~Td{'PrgU7S9Rzo:k&D:&2of1+;-rwWo'J:bs Finding a niche for reading: A key to improving underachievers' reading skills. Play word games such as thinking of different words to describe the same things. (1999). 0000015016 00000 n /OPM 1 (1998). Educators seek to establish an effective climate for family literacy programs and to elicit substantive family participation in those programs. 50 47 0000007637 00000 n 1 0 obj
educationfrom pre-school to university graduate programs. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br By raising parents' awareness of the importance of supporting their children's reading development during the summer months and by providing concrete guidelines on how to do so, teachers and students may be better able to start anew instead of starting from scratch when the next school year begins. Visit the public library. Often, it is the students who can least afford to lose the reading gains they've achieved during the school year who fall the farthest behind when they return to the classroom after a summer break away from formal literacy instruction. >> 0000015920 00000 n /OP true Its visionis for every child to be safe, healthy, and engaged in learning during the summer, and its mission, to realize that vision, is to connect and equip schools, providers, communities, and families to deliver high-quality summer learning opportunities to our nation's youth to help close the achievement gap and support healthy development. 247-260).
Families need concrete suggestions about how to support literacy development at home. The National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) is the only national nonprofit exclusively focused on closing the achievement gap through high-quality summer learning for all children and youth.
Table 1 outlines additional suggestions that teachers can make to families of early readers and more advanced readers. National Assessment of Educational Progress. A local library can, of course, help to suggest reading materials. Check for the availability ofadditional research on summer reading programsat your local library. 0000008528 00000 n 0000013792 00000 n The reasons why some kids struggle with reading, Target the Problem! /~$XjZoIik=",d9eQhxpWc%K 8j>4eRtpR+s*8k/8L*B*{F&'c(Bn.7L]3mm6|EJtmuH"7>\R\o->qK_tv}BVil^% ;y`+^;_'>,&")}f.5h_g)]g]N0t w Retrieved on August 16, 2005, from http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/reading. Meet your favorite authors and illustrators in our video interviews. A required summer reading list of three to five proven favorites for which children will be accountable when school begins again may be appropriate for some schools. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. From print awareness to comprehension, Reading 101 Course Real questions from parents and educators, answered by experts. Librarians can offer suggestions that might be a good match for a child's interests and reading level. 0
Have writing materials such as paper, markers, and pencils available. 0000015490 00000 n International Reading Association. Encourage families to make regular visits to the library and allow children to explore different reading materials. Some schools may want to initiate a variation of the Reading Millionaires program that is most often implemented during the school year (Rasinski & Padak, 2004). The passage of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (2002), including the Reading First and Early Reading First programs in 2001, has intensified the attention focused on accountability and achievement in literacy education. Watch one-on-one reading support in action with K-3 students, FAQs