Other brands, product and company names on this website may be trademarks or registered trademarks of Pythian or of third parties. Faroe Islands

Honduras Iceland There is no My Oracle Support note available about this error together with Oracle Database Backup Service. I still can't reproduce your results, and I'm doing it in a clean install with only this plugin installed and all its dependencies. Seehttps://github.com/jfrog/jenkins-artifactory-plugin/issues/247. And aways install a time service like NTP or chrony. OCI Database Backup Service Configuration Avoid 401 Unauthorized Error, martinberger.com - Kestenholz - Jurasdfuss - Switzerland, .aaaaaaaanqt5qrcbwwseeud7cjfxqcip123456789abcdefghi, .aaaaaaaac3gjl7xgpxu3wmmqh2ha123456789abcdefghi, https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/paas/db-backup-cloud/csdbb/oracle-database-cloud-backup-module-oci.html. new AuthInfo(false, scheme, pw, isUTF8) : this; res.credentials = Objects.requireNonNull(pw); // check if any authentication succeeded for first time, if (exchange.serverauth != null && !exchange.serverauth.fromcache) {. APPLIES TO: Recommendation: Remove 'dataInconsistency' of the skipErrorFile setting in the copy activity payload. The timezone CEST is correct. z_brz(skip); // No MethodCounters, out of memory. - _string_table_roots(StringTable::weak_storage(), ShenandoahPhaseTimings::StringTableRoots). Cause: Your client ID includes the invalid character colon (:). Namibia If the username or password is incorrect. +import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; +import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1; * BasicAuthentication: Encapsulate an http server authentication using, /** The authentication string for this host, port, and realm. Cause: The dataset type is Binary, which is not supported. + System.err.println("Error (new): " + path); + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {. Azure Synapse Analytics. Bhutan Botswana URL: www.nasiol.ph Is it possible on TGV INOUI to book a second leg of a ticket to extend my journey on the train? Sri Lanka public BasicAuthentication(boolean isProxy, String host, int port, - String authenticatorKey) {, + boolean isUTF8, String authenticatorKey) {. Message: Failed to retrieve sink file ('%name;') metadata to validate data consistency. Was there a Russian safe haven city for politicians and scientists? + static final String encodedAuthString = "dXNlcjpTZWxhbSBEw7xueWEu"; + static class MyAuthenticator extends Authenticator {, + public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication(). Luxembourg, Macedonia Also note that we are running this in production with god knows which other plugins (though not the authorize-project), and we don't see any issue using credentials. + _jni_roots(OopStorageSet::jni_weak(), ShenandoahPhaseTimings::JNIWeakRoots). e: [emailprotected] + System.out.println("Auth called"); + return (new PasswordAuthentication ("user", password.toCharArray())); + static void read(InputStream is) throws IOException {. Message: Failed to get access token from your token endpoint. Kazakhstan 401 indicates wrong credentials passed to restApi = new RallyRestApi(new URI(host),username,password); as if the connection is reset and different credentials are used in the middle of the run. Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.SOCKS, new InetSocketAddress("::1". + * using the platform's {@link Charset#defaultCharset() default character set}. Both are working with v3.3.x and broken with 3.4.x. Cote dIvoireCroatia/Hrvatska ShenandoahThreadLocalData::set_worker_id(thr, ShenandoahThreadLocalData::INVALID_WORKER_ID); - WeakProcessorPhases::Phase _weak_processor_phase; - ShenandoahPhaseTimings::GCParPhases _shenandoah_phase; -static const struct PhaseMap phase_mapping[] = {. us or em) however to determine the proper URL with accuracy, the easiest thing to do is to determine it from the Classic Storage service dashboard. assert(is_null(), "Cannot assign onto non-empty CodeStrings"); assert(is_null(), "Cannot copy onto non-empty CodeStrings"); *ps = new CodeString(n->string(),n->offset()); // unlink the node from the list saving a pointer to the next. Oracle provides the MOS document Step-by-Step procedure to place On-Premise Database backup on Oracle Cloud (Doc ID 2225766.1) to complement the online documentation.

+ System.out.println("finished reading"); + public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {. Message: 'deleteFilesAfterCompletion' is not support in current copy activity settings, it's only supported with direct binary copy. The hassle-free and dependable choice for engineered hardware, software support, and single-vendor stack sourcing. - ShenandoahPhaseTimings::GCParPhases spp, - ShenandoahWorkerTimings* sh_worker_times) {, - if (WeakProcessorPhases::is_serial(wpp)) {. Fix the path: '%setting;'.

"); return _offset; }, CodeString* next() const { return _next; }, - void set_next(CodeString* next) { _next = next; }, CodeString* CodeStrings::find_last(intptr_t offset) const {, - while (((c = a->next_comment()) != NULL) && (c->offset() == offset)) {, + while (a != NULL && !a->is_comment() && a->offset() > offset) {, void CodeStrings::assign(CodeStrings& other) {. A quick update: Still broken with recent Artifactory Plugin v3.6.1 (Jenkins v2.204.5, Authorize Project v1.3.0). Ukraine - weak_processing_phase_to_shenandoah_phase(phase_mapping[index]._weak_processor_phase. Dominican Republic, Ecuador Communicate, collaborate, work in sync and win with Google Workspace and Google Chrome Enterprise. Mozambique Since you mention that you have the authorize-project plugin installed, chances are that you are using some other plugins that might break things? Uttar Pradesh, India 201301 South Africa Puerto Rico Recommendation: Remove 'fileMissing' of the skipErrorFile setting in the copy activity payload. TUBITAK MAM Free Zone New Technology Building D/Z Gebze/Turkey + URL url = new URL(base + "d1/d2/d3/foo.html"); + for (int i = 0; i < LOOPS; i++) {. What are good particle dynamics ODEs for an introductory scientific computing course? TEL: +554899263663, Freshtrade777 Ltd.

Malaysia "Proxy-Authorization" : "Authorization"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); sb.append(pw.getUserName()).append(':').append(pw.getPassword()); - String s = encoder.encodeToString(sb.toString().getBytes(ISO_8859_1)); + var charset = isUTF8 ? TEL: +989133836417, Solidity Construction Company Ltd. URL: nasiol.daehoengineering.com TEL: +966542311230, e: [emailprotected] Spain Message: The toke type '%tokenType;' from your authorization server is not supported, supported types: '%tokenTypes;'. Hong Kong The Test Connection button returns the correct Artifactory version. + HttpContext ctx = testHttpServer.createContext(path, testHandler); + auth = new BasicAuthenticator(realm, charset) {, + public boolean checkCredentials(String username, String pw) {. + Objects.requireNonNull(charset); + if (realm.isEmpty()) // implicit NPE check. + * Creates a BasicAuthenticator for the given HTTP realm. + _resolved_method_table_roots(OopStorageSet::resolved_method_table_weak(), ShenandoahPhaseTimings::ResolvedMethodTableRoots), + _vm_roots(OopStorageSet::vm_weak(), ShenandoahPhaseTimings::VMWeakRoots) {. CacheEntry ca = cache.get(proxyURI, true); - exchange.proxyauth = new AuthInfo(true, ca.scheme, null, ca); - addBasicCredentials(r, true, ca.value); + exchange.proxyauth = new AuthInfo(true, ca.scheme, null, ca, ca.isUTF8); + addBasicCredentials(r, true, ca.value, ca.isUTF8); CacheEntry ca = cache.get(r.uri(), false); - exchange.serverauth = new AuthInfo(true, ca.scheme, null, ca); - addBasicCredentials(r, false, ca.value); + exchange.serverauth = new AuthInfo(true, ca.scheme, null, ca, ca.isUTF8); + addBasicCredentials(r, false, ca.value, ca.isUTF8); // TODO: refactor into per auth scheme class. + _jni_handle_roots(OopStorageSet::jni_global(), ShenandoahPhaseTimings::JNIRoots), + _vm_global_roots(OopStorageSet::vm_global(), ShenandoahPhaseTimings::VMGlobalRoots) {, --- a/src/hotspot/share/gc/shenandoah/shenandoahUtils.cpp Thu Aug 22 09:51:36 2019 -0400, +++ b/src/hotspot/share/gc/shenandoah/shenandoahUtils.cpp Thu Aug 22 09:53:19 2019 -0400. Nepal URL: www.nasiol.fi Artifactory is configured in the Jenkins settings (id artifactory-test in the examples) and useses theCredentials Plugin to access credentials. Trying to use this service in the current Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) with a new Oracle account created recently posed some issues and complexities. - phase_mapping[index]._shenandoah_phase. + * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT, + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Kenya + char[] password = pw.getPassword(); + CharBuffer cbuf = CharBuffer.allocate(plain.length() + password.length); + cbuf.put(plain).put(password).flip(); + Charset charset = isUTF8 ? How should we do boxplots with small samples? Ho\u015f\u00e7akal D\u00fcnya"; + private static final String TEST_PW = "Selam D\u00fcnya. Guadeloupe Alternatively, if you only want to bypass FIPS and make the activity runs succeed, do the following: Open the folder where Self-hosted IR is installed. Recommendation: Remove the 'deleteFilesAfterCompletion' setting or use direct binary copy. super(isProxy ? - cache.store(au.scheme, req.uri(), false, au.credentials); + cache.store(au.scheme, req.uri(), false, au.credentials, au.isUTF8); if (exchange.proxyauth != null && !exchange.proxyauth.fromcache) {. A self-proclaimed stereotypical Canadian, Simon can be found watching hockey with his family in his spare time. The job succeeded. --- a/src/hotspot/cpu/zero/globalDefinitions_zero.hpp Thu Aug 22 09:51:36 2019 -0400, +++ b/src/hotspot/cpu/zero/globalDefinitions_zero.hpp Thu Aug 22 09:53:19 2019 -0400, // Indicates whether the C calling conventions require that, --- a/src/hotspot/cpu/zero/globals_zero.hpp Thu Aug 22 09:51:36 2019 -0400, +++ b/src/hotspot/cpu/zero/globals_zero.hpp Thu Aug 22 09:53:19 2019 -0400. define_pd_global(bool, CompactStrings, false); -define_pd_global(bool, ThreadLocalHandshakes, false); +define_pd_global(bool, ThreadLocalHandshakes, true); --- a/src/hotspot/share/asm/codeBuffer.cpp Thu Aug 22 09:51:36 2019 -0400, +++ b/src/hotspot/share/asm/codeBuffer.cpp Thu Aug 22 09:53:19 2019 -0400. Taiwan e: [emailprotected]

TEL: +919599587021, Tashgas Co. Increase the velocity of your innovation and drive speed to market for greater advantage with our DevOps Consulting Services. Message: The format settings are missing in dataset %dataSetName;. Grep excluding line that ends in 0, but not 10, 100 etc. + String charset = p.findValue("charset"); + boolean isUTF8 = (charset != null && charset.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF-8")); realm, scheme, url, RequestorType.PROXY); ret = new BasicAuthentication(true, host, port, realm, a. Alternatively, consider to use stored procedure that returns a dummy result to execute your non-query scripts. Is there any criminal implication of falsifying documents demanded by a private party? Saudi Arabia Argentina e: [emailprotected] TEL: +60162800286, Elite Detailing Car Wash EIRL URL url = new URL("http://[::1]:" + server.getAddress().getPort()); public void testSocksOverIPv6Hostname() throws Exception {. Mongolia Latvia Turn your data into revenue, from initial planning, to ongoing management, to advanced data science application. Resolve by using the REST endpoint URL as described previously. Uzbekistan [emailprotected], TUBITAK MAM Free Zone TEL: +9647705858031, Arcoplex Trading SPA This policy can be configured at Artifactory -> 'Admin' tab -> 'Security' ->General -> 'Password Encryption Policy'. + throw new IllegalArgumentException("realm must not be empty"); + this.isUTF8 = charset.equals(UTF_8); String auth = rmap.getFirst ("Authorization"); - map.set ("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=" + "\""+realm+"\""); + var authString = "Basic realm=" + "\"" + realm + "\"" +. Albania Message: Skip invalid file name is not supported for '%connectorName;' source. - sh_worker_times->record_time_secs(spp, 0, weak_processing_timings->phase_time_sec(wpp)); - for (uint index = 0; index < weak_processing_timings->max_threads(); index ++) {. URL: www.nasiol.com.br TEL:+56225823983, Pinnakaitse O - {WeakProcessorPhases::jvmti, ShenandoahPhaseTimings::JVMTIWeakRoots}. From the top right of the service page, you can also click on the Open Service Console link to get to the details of the storage usage. - PasswordAuthentication pw. Slovak Republic, Slovenia You can then use the X-Auth-Token and X-Storage-Url values returned from the above command to create the desired storage container: And the new container can be confirmed from the Web UI, if required: Now that the REST endpoint URL has been determined and the storage container created, the rest of the deployment is straightforward and follows the documented procedures. Copyright 2022 Pythian Services Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PYTHIAN and LOVE YOUR DATA are trademarks and registered trademarks owned by Pythian in North America and certain other countries, and are valuable assets of our company. If you do not have appropriate permissions. Ho\u015f\u00e7akal D\u00fcnya"; + static java.net.Authenticator clientAuth; + static class Handler implements HttpHandler {, + public void handle(HttpExchange t) throws IOException {. + setAuthenticationPW("/old/test1/", "passingCharset@test.realm", UNICODE_PW, UTF_8); + setAuthenticationPW("/old/test2/", "failingCharset@test.realm", UNICODE_PW, ISO_8859_1); + setAuthenticationPW("/old/test3/", "defaultCharset@test.realm", UNICODE_PW, null); + // Set the passing credentials NEW client. Recommendation: Use the DelimitedText, Json, Avro, Orc, or Parquet dataset instead. Enhance your business efficiencyderiving valuable insights from raw data. private static void addBasicCredentials(HttpRequestImpl r, - PasswordAuthentication pw) {. Cameroon Install using the REST endpoint URL and use the -container option to specify the container to use: And finally, run a backup remembering to include backup encryption: When verifying the backup through RMAN, we can see the storage URL and container used in the media field: And if desired, the storage object chunks can also be viewed from the Web UI: As a reference, some of the problems I encountered when trying to set this up include: This is due to using the old URL format with a new Oracle Cloud account. + setAuthenticationPW("/new/test1/", "passingCharset@test.realm", UNICODE_PW, UTF_8); + setAuthenticationPW("/new/test2/", "failingCharset@test.realm", UNICODE_PW, ISO_8859_1); + setAuthenticationPW("/new/test3/", "defaultCharset@test.realm", UNICODE_PW, null); + ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); + testHttpServer.setExecutor(executor); + java.net.Authenticator.setDefault(clientAuth); + connectAndAuth("/test1/passingCharset.html", 200); + connectAndAuth("/test2/failingCharset.html", 401); + connectAndAuth("/test3/defaultCharset.html", 200); + // should fail once with UNICODE_PW and unsupporting character set. + NetworkConfiguration.printSystemConfiguration(System.out); + throw new SkipException("Host does not support IPv6"); server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress("::1", 0), 0); public void testSocksOverIPv6() throws Exception {. But after some more investigation, I found this note here: EBSCloudBackup.pl Failed When Performing Database Tier Upload Task (Doc ID 2588278.1) bingo! Bermuda e: j. Seeplugins-of-clean-test.txt for a complete list of installed plugins and their versions. ShenandoahVMRoots::ShenandoahVMRoots() : - _jni_handle_roots(JNIHandles::global_handles(), ShenandoahPhaseTimings::JNIRoots), - _vm_global_roots(SystemDictionary::vm_global_oop_storage(), ShenandoahPhaseTimings::VMGlobalRoots) {. - cache.store(au.scheme, proxyURI, true, au.credentials); + cache.store(au.scheme, proxyURI, true, au.credentials, au.isUTF8); throw new IOException(authname + " header missing for response code " + status); HeaderParser parser = new HeaderParser(aval); + var charset = parser.findValue("charset"); + isUTF8 = (charset != null && charset.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF-8")); throw new IOException("No credentials provided"); // No authentication in request. e: [emailprotected] - ShenandoahPhaseTimings::GCParPhases spp. - weak_processing_timings. But again the URL format provided does not work for modern Oracle Cloud accounts.