d. losing of electrons. List some techniques that help to keep samples random, predetermined systematic patterns (U, V, X shaped walking patterns), a different sample pattern can be used at each sampling interval, or throw rings or tennis balls along the sampling route and sample where they land, Sampled visually twice a year w/ weed surveys, commonly involve walking through a field in a random pattern & rating the degree of infestation for each weed species on a weed survey sheet, soil sampling ( not over heated of dried out), adult fungus knats, leafminers, psyllids, shore flies, thrips, whiteflies, winged aphids, & parasites, night-flying adults of moths, some beetles, lacewings, many moths, certain beetles, males of some scales, certain parasite adults are also attracted to their host's pheromones, relatively mobile adults, larvae and nymphs of invertebrate species (bugs, caterpillars, whiteflies) & also some beneficial species (big-eyed bugs, minute pirate bugs, lacewings, & spiders), adult, larvae, and nymphs of invertebrate species (weevils, caterpillars, & bugs that are free-living on foliage), take a random sample from packet or lot, then put them under conditions that will make them germinate, and see how many develop into healthy sprouts, taken out in the field in a random pattern and sent into a laboratory to be analyzed. More useful name= Plant Health Management. {Y ^ H} {Y ^ H} Integrated Pest Management - An Informed sustainable approach to managing plants, and pests by combining cultural, biological, physical, and chemical tactics in a way that minimizes economic, health, and environmental risks. reduce existing pest populations to tolerable levels, coordinate multiple tactics into a single integrated system, it is easy to forget which method or combination of methods worked and which didn't or which were used and in what combination- keeping records is critical in helping you make future decisions about managing the pest. the pest population density that causes losses equal to the cost of control measures. have capabiliy of causing a disease or roots and lower stem tissue on many species of woody plants. A fishery manager knows that her fish population naturally increases at a rate of 1.5% per month, while 80 fish are harvested each month. It is a planned pest control program in which various methods are integrated and used to keep pests from causing economic, health-related, or aesthetic injury. What is the most effective way for an IPM program to succeed?

Includes shrimp and fish. d. Which type o integrated pest management program is preferred for important turfgrass.

Primary producers (autotrophs or green plants), primary consumers (herbivores), secondary consumers (carnivores), tertiary consumers (carnivores), decomposers, A complex of interrelated food chains in a community. The process by which green plants use energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide & water into carbohydrates.

very high pops must be present to impair ability of roots to absorb water and nutreints, infectious plant disease are caused by a wide range of pathogens such as fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viruses and mycoplasmalike organisms or by parasitic plants, noninfectious diseases. growing the crop when th pest is in a growth stage where it can do the least harm or planting the crop so that the most susceptible stage of crop occurs when the pest is least abundant. b. It is important to know how all elements in the managed ecosystem affect plant growth (crop biology) & knowledge of the pest biology allows for better timing of management actions & selection of the best control options.

Occur as a result of actions taken to control a key pest. A community of organisms and their abiotic environment. caused by environmental imbalances and cannot be spread to other plants. a group of animals with an exoskeleton and three body parts. The rapid rebound of a pest population after it has been controlled, A sudden increase in the population of a secondary pest caused by the destruction of its natural enemies by a non selective pesticide applied to control a primary pest, Describe the relationship of treatment threshold to economic injury level. a. establish the amount of pest damage that occurs from given pest densities. Why is it important to know a pest's life cycle in an IPM program?

Charlotte W. Pratt, Donald Voet, Judith G. Voet. 1)naturally-derived, not synthetic, pesticide and fertilizers.

Suppose two species have a silimar feature, and you are trying to decide whether the feature is homologous or convergent. a plant that will live for two growing seasons. Preventative measures discourage damaging pest populations from developing, similarly preventative methods reduce existing pest populations to tolerable levels. those practices that combine scientific research with practical knowledge to optimize production and increase crop quality while maintaining environmental integrity. Plants have defense mechanisms that allow them to either affect the pest or withstand its damage. What are the three general types of weeds? a. YY b. yy c. The Workers' Adjustment Retraining and Notification Act requires that organizations provide advance notice before closing a facility or laying off 50 or more full-time workers. The number of different species of plants, animals, & microorganisms in an ecosystem, which is important in conserving the diversity of species in nature as well as in providing a resource for future agricultural crops & animals. A. graduated cylinder B. meter stick C. stopwatch D. triple-beam balance, Which of the following represents a heterozygous genotype? b. sharing of electrons. some pre-pesticides ideas about how to control pest problems, 1)prevention-takes steps to discourage pest build-up, 2 things that happens in set action threshold. Combined use of biological, chemical, and cultivation methods in proper sequence and timing to keep the size of a pest population below the level that causes economically unacceptable loss of a crop or livestock animal or at a tolerable level. By collecting data constantly is the most effective way to_______, To use COMMON SENSE for pest management while working within the ecosystem. Why is it important that you identify the pest and know it's life cycle, the first step in pest management? Describe the role of photosynthesis in an ecosystem. healthy plants are better able to resist and withstand pests. Factors that are required for an organism's growth & survival.

c. gaining of electrons. 1)crop rotation, mechanical cultivation, biological pest control (natural predators).

long-term management of pest problems with minimal impact on human health, environment and non-target species, involve using barriers, traps, physical removal to reduce pest problem, practices that reduce pest establishment, reproduction, dispersal and survival, conscious use of living organisms for the control of pests, -correctly identifying whether a pest is likely to become a problem. Must balance the economic loss due to weeds against the cost of controlling the weeds - economic threshold, have stiff outer shell (exoskeleton, cuticle) composed largely of chitin, a natural carbohydrate polymer. What was the most common vehicle collision fire fighter death scenario in the USFA study? Flowers in dense spikes. 2 body parts: small head (gnathosoma) & pair of chelicerae & palps (organs of food acquisition) attached at the end, Elongated, flattened & wormlike with a distinct head & definite jointed legs (15+), & single pair of antennae, Resemble centipedes,but they have many more legs with 2 pairs of short legs on each body segment, no poisonous appendages.

Solve tough problems on your own with the help of expert-verified explanations. low precipitation, variable temperatures, soils rich in minerals but poor in organic material, If you were determining whether two samples of DNA came from individuals of the same or different species and looked at the variation in nucleotides to estimate the most recent common ancestor, you would be using the. An ecosystem created by agriculture. Identify the actual end product on the Calvin cycle: Two or more different atoms are combined in definite proportions in any a. symbol.

What are the stages of an incomplete life cycle? Weed - Competitive, persistent and destructive. remove large or readily visible insects by hand and destroy, or disloge pests into can containging small amount of water and detergent.

Name two enzymes involved in photosynthesis and describe their roles. contour plowing), Functional changes in basic life processes that alter the way toxicants interact with the body, - Houseflies resistance to DDT within 2 years, - Removal of natural suppression by target pest insect, Environmental Contamination & Human Health, - Pesticides retain biological activity long after their application, The pest density at which the value of crop loss equals the treatment cost, Economic Threshold (ET, Action Threshold), The population level of pests at which management action should be taken, The pest density at which controls must be applied to avert economic loss, - In order to accurately identify when pest populations have achieved the economic threshold, it is important to regularly survey the environment being managed, Any pest management activity that is designed to prevent insect pests from establishing populations that may prove deleterious to management objectives, Any pest management activity that is designed to reduce or minimize existing pest populations, The use of Natural enemies in the management of insect pest population, Traps, machines, or people to remove insects manually, To U.S. from Mexico in 1892 - $14 mill in damage, IBM's principal reason for existing is to earn a profit for its shareholders. used to collect insects collected from trees, shrubs, etc. How does the principle of independent assortment help explain Mendel's results? flowers in umbrella-shaped clusters, hollow stems. What are the goals of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)? To shed their outer body covering (exoskeleton) & growing a new, larger one, Modify their shape with each successive molt, A stage of gradual metamorphosis that usually resembles the adult insect, an immature form of an animal that looks very different from the adult.

The critical issue with IPM programs is to define a treatment threshold that will specify the population density at which control measures must be applied to prevent crop loss or damage from going beyond the the acceptable levels, or tolerable injury level.