Theres two different ways that our dependencies are initiated, either in createInternal or as a getter on a property. When compiled, Angular uses the direct path for each provider that it imports, so for instance when we write this code: The AoTd version will look a little like this: This is so when the code is then compiled and bundled together, we can take advantage of tree-shaking and only include the parts of each module we actually use. For instance, HttpModule would be imported as something like this: Which then is referred to using import6.HttpModule instead of HttpModule. This reduces the frequency with which the class changes. with any implementation of ProductService that is passed on to it. Lets take a look at what our code actually gets compiled into (Ive kept the ES6 imports in for clarity): From here, we can see the compiled code knows about http being equal to the Http service provided by @angular/http - its added as a decorator for our class here: So essentially, the @Component decorator is transformed into plain ES5, and some additional metadata is supplied through the __decorate assignment.

Angular will generate an injector for each of our modules, so in our case it will take AppModule (our decorated class) and create an injector named AppModuleInjector. You are {{ username }}! `, @angular/core/src/linker/ng_module_factory, @angular/core/src/testability/testability. Dependency injection pattern made our AppComponent testable, maintainable, etc. Reusing the Component: Reusing of the component is becomes easier. So whats the real code look like, as we know Angular is compiled? The reason we use @Inject is because we cannot use an OpaqueToken as the type of a parameter, for instance this will not work: Here, myToken is not a Type, its a value - which means TypeScript cannot compile it. In Angular we create components, which render a template. Premium Angular courses to skyrocket your skills to the top. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Why dont second unit directors tend to become full-fledged directors? how to Get All tokens against a specific Walllet Addresse? Angular uses the Dependency Injection design pattern, which makes it extremely efficient. Setter injection: The client uses a setter method into which the injector injects the dependency. rev2022.7.21.42635. Secondly, we can also override an existing provider with a different provider whilst keeping the token the same. Its important to note that all dependencies use a token to uniquely identify them, both when theyre registered and when they are looked up. How APIs can take the pain out of legacy system headaches (Ep. Heres what our AuthService might look like: Imagine we use this service heavily throughout our application. It just works with the ProductService passed onto it. implement an interface that exposes a setter method that accepts the dependency. and pass it to the AppComponent? This way, we can use AuthService everywhere in our application - without making further changes.