, the war is presented as an action with an agentive subject (to make war). 7Moreover, Baos (2014a, p.2-4) also underlines the fact that light verbs are a particular type of collocation, i.e. , there are several locative alternative verbs, i.e. through reference tracking by an anaphoric pronoun. Indeed, both can be considered basic constructions, the only difference being their diathetic orientation. (Cic. . 4In accordance with Jespersen's (1942, p. 117) definition, by light verbs I mean in English the same as verbes supports in French, verbi supporto in Italian, verbos soporte or de apoyo in Spanish and Funktionsverben in German. This means, for example, that if we want to know how to make war is said in a corpus language such as Latin, first of all we have to verify the frequency of occurrence of bellum and proelium together with the possible supports, such as gero, facio, ago, do, habeo, fero. Quodsi ille nec se nec L. Crassum eloquentem putavit, habuit profecto comprehensam animo quandam formam eloquentiae, Pauca enim sunt quae usu iam tractata et animo quasi notata habere videamur, It is noteworthy that the same construction is also possible with, Habebam, inquis, in animo insitam informationem quandam dei., is not feasible. dare, which has synthetic equivalents such as. (Cato Agr. Find out what you can do.

The possibility of passivization is of no importance in this case, since the light verb does not govern a noun in the accusative as the second part of the construction. Instruments et pratiques, Femmes et actes de mmoire / La temporalit dans les changes, Le monde romain de 70 av. Ann. Langer, 2004, p.180-1; see also Gross, 2001, p. 203, s. , in opposition to the semantic emptiness of the verb, is clearly shown by the possibility for the prepositional phrase of occurring alone, i.e. En fait, ces constructions peuvent tre toutes considres comme des manifestations particulires dune construction gnrale V + X. Cette ide est dveloppe en considrant le cas du verbe support habeo. 7 On this see, in particular, Baos, 2014b. This happens not only when it co-occurs with a noun in the accusative, but also when the noun is in another case or is the complement of a PP, as well as when the verb co-occurs with an adverb. Something similar happens with verba facere, which can mean both to form words and to speak. Marini, E., 2014, Deux dmarches pour un lexique-grammaire des verbes support latins, in Ch. Nonetheless, if we use this notion, an attempt can be made at demonstrating that a unified treatment of various light verb constructions is also appropriate for Latin.


This is shown by the fact that it can have an equivalent synthetic form, as happens, for instance, with bello or belligero with regard to bellum gero.8 Indeed, the possibility of equivalence with a synthetic form is a crucial feature of light verb constructions, and it shows that the codifying of a single semantic idea can be made both with one lexeme, and with two or more. 12Besides the different degree of predicativity in the verb, which can be light to a greater or lesser extent, light verb constructions also differ in the degree of referentiality of the noun.

54, 4)If you have poplar leaves, mix them with the elm to make the latter hold out.. 1, 82)No sense, therefore, remains in the soul., Quare inest nescio quid et latet in animo ac sensu meo, quo me plus aequo hic locus fortasse delectet.

In Latin linguistics the idea that language is constituted by constructions is not original, and various interesting studies have been published. 21In all these occurrences, the verb habeo clearly displays its stative value, codifying an increasingly abstract Location. preposition/adverb, prepositional phrase, noun, etc.). based on syntagmatic relations, where the noun can be referential to a greater or a lesser extent, while the verb can also be specific to a varying degree. Nonetheless, the fact that, essentially modifies the verb, at least in the more integrated construction, is shown by the juxtaposition irrespective of whether there is univerbation or not in occurrences such as.

whether it effectively is an adverb, or a noun, or an adjective. 12 Something similar happens, for instance with consilium dare, which has synthetic equivalents such as (per)suadeo or moneo. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/pallas/3601; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/pallas.3601, Assistant Professor, Universit degli Studi di roma Treanna.pompei@uniroma3.it, Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International - CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/, OpenEdition Journals member Published with Lodel Administration only, You will be redirected to OpenEdition Search, Construction Grammar and Latin: The case of, La grammaire de construction et le latin: le cas de, The aim of this paper is to extend the notion of light verbs to all the constructions in which a semantically light verb is involved. This happens not only when it co-occurs with a noun in the accusative, but also when the noun is in another case or is the complement of a PP, as well as when the verb co-occurs with an adverb. 4 Jespersen (1942: p. 117) creates the expression light verbs in order to specifically refer to deverbal nouns co-occurring with an insignificant verb, such as to have or to give, for instance in to have a wash or to give a look, respectively. De orat. 32For habeo + animo, the alternative construction with sum is not feasible.

form-meaning pairs, in language.2. Baos Baos, J. M., 2013a, Sobre las manera de hacer la guerra en latn (bellum gero, belligero, bello), in J. habendumque in animo semper illud Vergilianum: adeo in teneris consuescere multum est. However, following Rosns seminal study (1981) on Early Latin, other interesting papers have been written on the subject. Indeed, animus in (6) is contrasted with (a part of) the body, in (7) it is the organ of thought, and likely the seat of memory, whereas in (8) it is the originator of intention.

Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. In fact, in (8), the value of the construction is much more abstract than in (6), there being a sort of continuum from (6) to (8). Dum veniunt amici, solus filio procul stante multa secum animo volutans inambulavit. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. 37The exact word class of satis may be open to debate, i.e. In other instances, the argument clause is introduced by. In this set of light verbs, habeo usually presents a state of affairs as a state.

. (Cato Agr. 1Construction Grammar is a theoretical approach that emphasizes the importance of constructions, i.e. ), De lingua Latina novae quaestiones, Louvain, p.859-874. 22In some cases, the propositional content of the object is represented by an interrogative (10) or a relative pronoun (11): Tempora exposui, rogavi ut diceret quid haberet in animo.

, the PP can be coordinated with another noun only in the more concrete value (6: ). Likewise, when saying to take (sb)s advice, Latin can employ both the expression consilium sequi and consilio uti, where the noun is not in the accusative because it is a non-prototypical object with the semantic role of instrument rather than patient. Towards an extension of the concept of light verb construction in Latin, http://journals.openedition.org/pallas/docannexe/image/3601/img-1.png, Catalogue of 592 journals. , J. M., 2014a, Algunas consideraciones sobre los verbos soporte en latn: sintaxis y semntica, in E. Borrell and O. de la Cruz (eds.). Nouvel tat des lieux, Lingvisticae Investigationes 27, p.343-358. Mendzar Cruz, J., 2015, Causatividad y construcciones con verbo soporte en latn: el ejemplo de poena afficere, CFC(L) 35, p.7-28. This means that languages possess a certain number of neutral light verbs, which can also change in diachrony. Thus if we take for instance a. , we have sentences like 'Er machte mit seinem Freund um 7 Uhr in der Villa Borghese einen Spaziergang' ('he took a walk with a friend of his at seven o'clock in ville Borghese'). Gall. occurs. On Construction Grammar cf., among others, Croft, 2001; Croft and Cruse, 2004; Goldberg, 2006. Cela se produit seulement quand le verbe rgit un nom laccusatif (V + SN[+acc]), mais aussi quand le nom se trouve un autre cas (V + NP[-acc]) ou est le complment dun syntagme prpositionnel (V + SP), ainsi que quand le verbe se joint un adverbe (V + Adv). 38To sum up, the aim of this work has been to put forward the idea that the notion of light verbs can be extended to all constructions where a verb being semantically light is involved. 30However, in this case the use of the construction as a verbum putandi is very limited with regard to its spread when the preposition in occurs. von., 1963, Funktionsverben im heutigen Deutsch: Sprache in der rationalisierten Welt, Studies in the Syntax of Verbal Noun in Early Latin, Jespersen (1942: p. 117) creates the expression light verbs in order to specifically refer to deverbal nouns co-occurring with an insignificant verb, such as, in this restricted sense, and thus positively leave out possible extension of this definition to other types of empty verbs, such as auxiliaries, etc. On this equivalence see, in particular, Baos, 2013a, p.36-38.

Baos Baos, J. M., 2014a, Algunas consideraciones sobre los verbos soporte en latn: sintaxis y semntica, in E. Borrell and O. de la Cruz (eds. Indeed, this was the development of a concept introduced by Zellig Harris, who, in actual fact, has always spoken of operators (on this, see Ibrahim, 1996, p.4 ff). Tusc. The basic light verb is not only the most frequent form, but is also the most neutral, that is, the unmarked form.

Nouvel tat des lieux, Lingvisticae Investigationes 27, p.171-184.

View and manage file attachments for this page. 5 On light verbs in Latin see also Flobert, 1996; Hoffmann, 1996; Martn, 1996; Mendzar Cruz, 2015. clearly displays its stative value, codifying an increasingly abstract Location.

(Cic. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. ), Acta XIV Colloquii Internationalis Linguisticae Latinae, Madrid, p.373-389.

starting either from the verb or from the noun.5, 6In his various papers on light verbs in Latin, Baos, for instance, states explicitly that the most important part of the light verb construction is the noun.

Indeed, all these constructions show a similar behaviour, and can be considered as a particular expression of the general construction V + X. 8Indeed, according to Gaston Gross (2004, p. 357), for each light verb construction a distinction has to be made between a basic verb and other verbs (extensions) which codify more specifically either the lexical value or the grammatical value (such as, for instance, the aspect). 16Although the equivalence between these expressions seem to be clear, I do not know of any unified study of such constructions as regards Latin. Nat. As in its occurrence with the preposition, displays features revealing its referentiality, such as coordination, when its construction with.

Langer, 2004, p.180-1; see also Gross, 2001, p. 203, specifically on the omission of the verb tre to be in co-occurrence with prepositional phrases. Along this continuum in animo habere becomes a sort of verbum putandi.

Gross, G., 2001, Existe-t-il des verbes supports de type Etre Prp?, in C.Buridant, G.Kleiber, and J.C. Pellat (eds. (Caes. Besides sum, there are several locative alternative verbs, i.e. Indeed, the same features characterize the union of a light verb with a second part, that is, the construction (V+X), in terms of (a) paradigmatic overlapping with other light verb constructions or other analytic verbs, (b) a different degree of referentiality of the noun involved, if any, and (c) the different concrete or abstract nature of the construction, which implies different degrees of integration between the two parts. , respectively; on the other hand, only the analytic form, Moreover, besides the basic light verb, a noun can also select another unmarked light verb, even though this seems to occur less frequently. This idea is developed taking into account habeo as a light verb. 1, 100)We have an idea of god implanted in our minds, you say.. Langer, S., 2004, A linguistic test battery for support verb constructions, in G. Gross and S.de Pontonx (eds. means to have enough and co-occurs with a (partitive) genitive (25). 8, 10, 1)I put before him my circumstances; asked him what he had in his mind to do., Quod quisque in animo habet aut habiturust sciunt.

Catil. Gall. Croft, W. and Cruse, D.A., 2004, Cognitive Linguistics, Cambridge. + X, the former construction which is the normal light verb construction will not be considered, these features having already been taken into account above (2). (Caes. Langer, 2004, p.180-1; see also Gross, 2001, p. 203, specifically on the omission of the verb. 9), in the Caesarian corpus we have facio, habeo, do, committo, infero, gero and fero.

According to Rosn (1981, p.130-59), in Early Latin these are, in the following order of frequency, ; on the other hand, according to Baos (2014a, p.7, fn. Moreover, Baos (2014a, p.2-4) also underlines the fact that light verbs are a particular type of collocation, i.e. 2, 13)Every person in the world who knows Latin attaches to this word two ideas that of gladness of mind, and that of a delightful excitation of agreeable feeling in the body.. Polenz, P. based on syntagmatic relations, where the noun can be referential to a greater or a lesser extent, while the verb can also be specific to a varying degree. 33As in its occurrence with the preposition, animo displays features revealing its referentiality, such as coordination, when its construction with habeo is looser (20).

(Plaut. Indeed, this was the development of a concept introduced by Zellig Harris, who, in actual fact, has always spoken of, (on this, see Ibrahim, 1996, p.4 ff).

(spem habeo, laetitiam habeo, rationem habeo. Indeed, for the second type of, Baos (2012) speaks of syntactic incorporation. or from the predicative, as is particularly clear in (20). ), ((in) animo / animo habeo, (in) numero / numero habeo, pro certo habeo, etc. Anna Pompei, Construction Grammar and Latin: The case of habeo,Pallas [Online], 102|2016, Online since 20 December 2016, connection on 22 July 2022. Trabajos en honor de Toms Gonzlez Roln. Besides. Internationalen Kolloquiums zur Lateinischen Linguistik, Heidelberg, p.200-212. Nonetheless, the fact that satis essentially modifies the verb, at least in the more integrated construction, is shown by the juxtaposition irrespective of whether there is univerbation or not in occurrences such as satisdo to give security or satisfacio to give satisfaction. may be open to debate, i.e. Indeed, in Latin we can, at the very least, presume the existence of the following constructions, instantiated, for example, through the light verb. Leg. If this pattern really is an instance of light verb construction, we can expect (a) that its meaning can sometimes be more compositional and sometimes less, as happens with ludos facere1 and ludos facere2 (2); (b) that, besides the verb habeo which is the neutral verb, i.e. On the other hand, no instances were found where the noun is topicalized, e.g. Something similar happens, for instance with, dare, which has synthetic equivalents such a, On the other hand, possible synthetic forms similar to, is both coordinated and modified when co-occurring, As for the referentiality of the noun that is the complement in the PP. , A. H., 1996, Les supports: le terme, la notion et les approches, A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. 5, 16, 2)Now there is a source of consolation hackneyed indeed to the last degree which we ought ever to have on our lips and in our mind., habendumque in animo semper illud Vergilianum: adeo in teneris consuescere multum est. The use of. Trin. Si populneam habebis, admisceto, ut ulmeae satis siet. Gall. 35I will consider here the constructional nature of habeo co-occurring with satis. , J. M., 2014b, Construcciones con verbo soporte, extensiones y elecciones preferentes: bellum parare, suscipere, trahere, conficere, Boletn de la Sociedad de Estudios Latinos, Radical Construction Grammar: Syntactic Theory in Typological Perspective. , P., 1996, Verbes supports en latin, in A. Bammesberger and F. Heberlein (eds. 14The present study aims to extend the concept of light verb construction, including occurrences of Latin light verbs that do not co-occur with a noun in the accusative, but with something else, such as a noun in a different case to the accusative, a noun which is the complement of a prepositional phrase, or even an adverb. 3After illustrating this concept, particularly with regard to Latin (2), I will deal with the extension of the category (3), exemplifying it through the case of habeo (4). According to Rosn (1981, p.130-59), in Early Latin these are, in the following order of frequency, facio, do, habeo and capio; on the other hand, according to Baos (2014a, p.7, fn. The aim of this paper is to extend the notion of light verbs to all the constructions in which a semantically light verb is involved. (Liv. in the 25.2% of instances. 9The basic light verb is not only the most frequent form, but is also the most neutral, that is, the unmarked form. Along this continuum. ), Omnia mutantur, Barcelona, p.1-28.

Jespersen, O., 1942, A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles, Part6: Morphology, Copenhagen. Wikidot.com Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. (Cic. This idea is developed taking into account. Verr. For instance, whereas in bellum gero, infero, and facio, the war is presented as an action with an agentive subject (to make war), bellum habeo means to be at war, as the following sentence from Tacitus makes clear: quippe bellum habere quam gerere malebat (Tac. Trabajos en honor de Toms Gonzlez Roln, Madrid, p.103-114. 9), in the Caesarian corpus we have. Indeed, according to Gaston Gross (2004, p. 357), for each light verb construction a distinction has to be made between a basic verb and other verbs (extensions) which codify more specifically either the lexical value or the grammatical value (such as, for instance, the aspect). In other instances, the argument clause is introduced by ut plus subjunctive, also in a correlative structure, as happens in the following example: Praedium quom parare cogitabis, sic in animo habeto: uti ne cupide emas neve opera tua parcas visere et ne satis habeas semel circumire. Admittedly, Baos (2014a, p.5, fn. extensions (2), for the more concrete value of the construction, exactly as happens for.

J.-C 73 apr. In particular, Roesch (2001), Brunet (2008) and Marini (2010) have pointed out that there are two possible approaches to light verbs, i.e. ), Par monts et par vaux, Louvain, p.197-204. preposition/adverb, prepositional phrase, noun, etc.). ), (bene / male habeo, satis / parum habeo, etc.). Of these, I intend to focus on those regarding so-called light verbs,3 and above all in extending the very concept of light verbs.

(Quint. extensions (2) for the more concrete value of the construction, as happens, for instance, in the following examples: No sense, therefore, remains in the soul.. It is only ten days to Votive Games that Gnaeus Pompeius is to hold., magistratu se abdicaverunt, cum ludos ludorumque causa epulum Iovi fecissent. In this set of light verbs, usually presents a state of affairs as a state. Hoc neque ipse transire habebat in animo neque hostes transituros existimabat. They are traditionally considered as verbs comprising two parts, that is, a verb and a noun, as happens in to take a walk, faire une promenade, fare una passeggiata, dar un paseo and einen Spaziergang machen. 17The useful idea of complex verbs is not particularly widespread, even among linguistics of modern languages, with the exception of German linguistics, where the definition of Komplexe Verben (V+X) is adopted for all verbs formed of two parts.11 Nonetheless, if we use this notion, an attempt can be made at demonstrating that a unified treatment of various light verb constructions is also appropriate for Latin.

von., 1963, Funktionsverben im heutigen Deutsch: Sprache in der rationalisierten Welt, Wirkendes Wort 5, p.1-46. This is shown by the fact that it can have an equivalent synthetic form, as happens, for instance, with, Indeed, the possibility of equivalence with a synthetic form is a crucial feature of light verb constructions, and it shows that the codifying of a single semantic idea can be made both with one lexeme, and with two or more.

Pompeius facturus est. 8 On this equivalence see, in particular, Baos, 2013a, p.36-38. without the support of the verb: Huic verbo omnes, qui ubique sunt, qui Latine sciunt, duas res subiciunt, laetitiam in animo, commotionem suavem iucunditatis in corpore. On light verbs in Latin see also Flobert, 1996; Hoffmann, 1996; Martn, 1996; Mendzar Cruz, 2015.

(Apul. On this see, in particular, Baos, 2014b.

The present study aims to extend the concept of light verb construction, including occurrences of Latin light verbs that do not co-occur with a noun in the accusative, but with something else, such as a noun in a different case to the accusative, a noun which is the complement of a prepositional phrase, or even an adverb. (Cic. 19)But if he did not consider himself or Lucius Crassus eloquent, he certainly had a mental picture of eloquence., Pauca enim sunt quae usu iam tractata et animo quasi notata habere videamur. 31It is noteworthy that the same construction is also possible with in animo: Habebam, inquis, in animo insitam informationem quandam dei. (Cic. Main forms: Habeo, Habere, Habui, Habitus, Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under.

Hoffmann, R., 1996, Funktionsverbgefge im Lateinischen, in A. Bammesberger and F.Heberlein (eds. 209)They know, forsooth, what each person either has in his mind, or is likely to have.. Therefore, the basic verb for bellum, for instance, is gero, although bellum can also co-occur with more specific verbs such as paro to prepare for, indico to declare and administro to carry out as well as with aspectual verbs which specify its phases such as suscipio undertake, traho to draw out and conficio to conclude.7. and above all in extending the very concept of light verbs.

the dependency of. Baos Baos, J. M., 2014b, Construcciones con verbo soporte, extensiones y elecciones preferentes: bellum parare, suscipere, trahere, conficere, Boletn de la Sociedad de Estudios Latinos 1, p.5-11. Fam. 11This means that languages possess a certain number of neutral light verbs, which can also change in diachrony.

), Philologia, Universitas, Vita. This syntactic behavior apply to all Komplexe Verben, independently of their second part category status (i.e. (Liv.

20Regarding the construction as a whole, in animo habeo means to have in mind, to have in the spirit, to have the intention to, to intend. (V+X) is adopted for all verbs formed of two parts. This is the case, for instance, with bellum infero (7.9% of items), bellum facio (4.2%), and bellum habeo (1.8%).9. 3, 20)games were held for ten days, Exploratorem hunc faciamus ludos suppositicium, / adeo donicum ipsus sese ludos fieri senserit. ), Philologia, Universitas, Vita. 7) seems to point in this direction when he mentions that although he only takes into account light verbs (, ) which co-occur with a direct object, other instances should also be considered. In fact, also in this case we can have two different degrees of integration in the construction, corresponding to two different structures: on the one hand.