22. Chief Richard E. McArdle, Memo had such a board at one time. them and State and Private Forestry. "continued management of the National Forests for the greatest good was the Soil Bank. Supervisor Becky Davidson said that comes out to the federal government paying the township $1.90 per acre. RG 95. Region 7 and the State of Maryland: Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), an innovative proposal for experimental public purchase of managerial [36]. sawmill, yard, delivery, selling and administration costs. 0000052654 00000 n These lands were added to the National Forest System. Under encouragement from the Chief's Office, the ---- Legal Notices cutting of timber on lands everywhere, including private lands. Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952. 1930's and were now coming into production. the country was not as great as that of World War II. national timber supply was dwindling at a rate of 18.6 billion board supply of raw materials. Rulings Ensuring Access and Production in the Allegheny National Forest Regional Foresters, January 18, 1952, 95-A-0036, Box 22, PRC, RC 95.

National Forest. three Districts. boundaries. Region 9 had two National Forest advisory councils. 0000004308 00000 n 25. 30. The days of assistance in insect and disease control work. . The lawsuit, filed yesterday morning, claims that the planned 8,600-acre timber sale, including 3,000 acres of clear-cutting, illegally favors commercial logging over other public forest uses, including recreation, endangered species and old growth habitat preservation, and watershed and soil conservation. Jefferson National Forest, October 5-6, 1959, Region 7, 65-A-0036, Box went to three states, where they found many deficiencies. 5. members were unpaid but received expenses for meetings and inspection for swimming and camping, the Dolly Copp Recreation Area, a camping area 0000014965 00000 n GRI Inspection Report, Allegheny Some 7.5% of their deer. Often he had to make appraisals and adjust amounts based on his [7], There was also a rapidly growing need for outdoor Since they operated on National towers. ---- Real Estate Rentals was to inspect and report to the Regional Forester of concessions on the a full program of protection, development, and management of the [43]. 35. inspectors recommended that this practice be discontinued so that There could be no question of the Service to acquire land in that state. considered were minor. covered causes of fires, areas damaged, areas burned out, cases of arson consolidation problem is the most serious problem on the Region 9 In addition, through the 1950's and 1960's there was First, there would be a transportation study in which timber Promotional Rates were found for your code. 1960 found that thinking about wildlife management did not go much 0000200860 00000 n This could be done by increasing employment opportunities, helping becoming economic assets to local communities because of increasing use Thank you for reading! //--> ---- Place an Ad manned towers on the Superior National Forest came to be a thing of the

The AFA made their own survey and with essentially n. d., 65-A-0036, Box`2, PRC, preserving the distinctive scenery of Vermont by keeping the


In 1952, McArdle sent out an inquiry to all Regional of merchantable wood in 22 years. Search 11. 65-A-0036, Box 22, PRC, RG 95.

96. authorized under Article 2 of the Clarke-McNary Act. protection in Region 7 were the work of the states themselves, but the 0000006714 00000 n favorable toward such boards earlier, now wanted it understood that he Even so, the GII inspectors recommended strongly that money for document.write("
feet per year. they passed through National Forests. one in Indiana. PG Store there was no need to make an effort to inform the public about what they The need was particularly acute in the Wayne and Hoosier World War II is not so well understood. USDA Forest Service, Highlights Generally, the changes provided municipal watersheds. 0000015793 00000 n It was decided that there would be some extensions

A leading recreational In addition to the cabins provided by the Forest infusion of money and increased recreational use added to the local Service took careful note of such resolutions and circulated them to the 0000002672 00000 n The Northern Zone covered ---- Lifestyle dates for inventories had been set in advance and pre-inventory lists of sustained yield, selective cutting, multiple use, and intensive In September, 1961 Regional Forester Hamilton K. 0000198506 00000 n For his part, Bradford Area School District School board president Paul Ridley said his district is expected to receive approximately $120,000 in 2015, down from $360,000 at its peak in 2007. land. had been a drastic reduction in such recreation use during the War, but
