It was similar to mine the first time I played the game. In five days I've encountered 30 to 40 other ships and one of them didn't immediately fire. This item requires all of the following other items. The basis of the game is that each player lives adventures in a hostile sea, in this game we don't know what to expect, you can find players who will help you, as well as you can find where players can (and will) attack each other, even if they don't there is no apparent reason. Three or four trips should be sufficient. Either find a good crew, quit or keep being chum. Sail around looking for treasure just sitting on the beaches. The MOMENT the key appears, take it to that hiding spot (Pro tip: the best places are in bushes that are up against walls!)

Id suggest leaving the gunpowder kegs alone. Press J to jump to the feed. If you ever reinstall the game, let me know and I'll give you a hand. Your route may have included doubling back over the path you entered the zone through, NBC infected respawn fast so that could be more chances for filters if you have the time.

Then you get to high ground and scan the horizon. You have about 2 minutes so make them count. They are easily ignored, we out pace them and they can be easily kited. My iPad fights me all the time on these, and I just woke up. Edit: Just checked. I've been hauling around a large backpack in my hands like a big loot piata but I feel like having a second large backpack is almost necessary. And in that five days I've completed and turned in loot from a single raid thanks to the help of one other player. I apparently logged in a temporary zone last night so its currently gassed. You can also hide it on the island, I don't bother doing that personally. I was coming from tisy passing through zaprudnoe when i got hit. I got out of the gas after my first cut but i still got sick. If you have five items on board, would you be okay losing it if you are caught and sunk? It's not even worth playing in the state it's in. Limit your risk. They can't see any other interactions than fighting so you can't really do much. Im not taking any damage or coughing inside so Im assuming being indoors with all the doors closed is helpful. Seeing a ship anchored with sails down just screams come and get me! Its fun to watch a crew punch holes in their own galleon when we open fire on them, they raise their anchor and sail directly into the beach because our ship is positioned outside their cannons horizontal arc. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Heck, I would even be willing to add you and show you the ropes. You might use 5 epi pens and sprint constantly, you might find every NBC infected you kill drops a filter for you. @mr-tickle5

Why would I bother trying to play a game where even spawning in after a full 2 minutes of loading time isn't a guarantee? When you die and respawn on your ship, check your map table and make sure you remember exactly what fort you're working. But like I said, a few minutes. If your magazine runs dry then change weapons instead of reloading. Also, report that one guy for toxic behavior. Sometimes you may be lucky and have a crew show up and ally with you as you are working on the vault. @nero-dovahkiin with everyone home playing and the extra gold and rep this past weekend, the playerbase may have attracted a few who only want to watch the world burn. Explore shipwrecks but leave the Reapers chests alone (they signal your boats location to everyone on the map and they will know you have at least 10,000 in loot on board). If you spawn in at an outpost and are getting attacked straight away then just scuttle your ship and start somewhere else, don't give the idiots any satisfaction. Silencers, because you don't want to fight any more infected at a time than you have to. They weren't turning anything in. So even if the loot despawns, you can just use it on another active Fort. I don't think this will ever change. Getting angry about losing a few items is senseless.

: I don't play LoL. This will depend upon how much air you have, a full filter is 8 minutes of breathing, assume you will be walking the whole time when you estimate how long you can last. Plan a route. I carry my NBC gear to the zone, drop my regular gear in a bush and go in with a nearly empty backpack for looting. Especially if you are new and want to avoid PvP. Don't worry about sorting everything here, just stuff it into bags and leave the area as quickly as you can. @mc-rossco But therein lies the problem. Eat and drink one last time and equip the NBC suit, mask in hand. Watch the seas until you know nobody is there. Why should ANYONE accept that? You also don't want to let people outside of the toxic zone know that you're an ambush target when you leave. The rest is a bonus. Sloop is by far the most powerful ship in the game, it is bad at firepower, yes, but it is the best in all other aspects. i think this game take the worst part of the people outside, i feel sorry for you bud for what's happening, you can try to find more people to play, if you stay on galleon i'm sure it will be more easy. I just woke up but wanted to suggest this to help your future voyages. An extra bag is a good consideration, you can always leave it once you're finished if you don't need it. Give the game time and you'll learn how to mitigate the threats posed by other players. Ah yes, I've had crews leave 1 alive before Haven't used that strategy in ages though. Not the Order of Souls and not the Merchant Alliance. Personally, I would recommend giving the game another shot just approach it with the understanding that its a game about competing to collect and sell treasure. Its actually quite funny imagining a crew sailing up to the cloud, finishing the waves, collecting the new key, only to walk to the door to see the chamber already opened. Yeah, but with how frequent forts pop up, its not that long your holding it. I didn't know before I looked it up and did a whole infusion but apparently you only need 25% of a bag to cure it. A buried drybag just to store and transport your equipment as a solo player may be optimal. The odds are that your jacket or pants were ruined and the number of bleeds you can accumulate are without limit. If you are fortunate then you can recover your bag and you will only have lost your NBC suit but kept the prizes. @nero-dovahkiin Hope all of that helps you next time. All four of them were there killing us. Don't get lost in the dark, it's harder to defend yourself and you could run out of filters. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. To make you feel better even long term players can have a rough outpost spawn. Yeah, as a person who also has played LoL for years, this game doesn't hold a candle to League. Can you point me in the direction of these servers? They could've been raiding your supplies, but if they're just killing you for the fun of it, then I see where you're coming from. If you still have air then hit the sandbag bunkers and industrial sheds close to your path. I wanted to start a discussion for tips on how to plan and execute missions into a static toxic zone. They are not safe zones. Consider fixing the typos as you find them. As a new player avoiding PvP they are only going to lead to problems. You can make a fortune in no time on just randomly found treasure. @nero-dovahkiin said in Seriously. I've tried a fort every single day since then if not multiple per day and failed every time thanks to people waiting for us to be done then scooping up the rewards. A chubby pirate with no teeth.He started throwing bombs and caught our ship on fire so I started to shoot him and she started to slice and dice him, he died, we sail away with their galleon chasing us while we are on fire. Don't give up on this game, the community is not so bad, there are toxic people who send messages with racism, homophobia, etc., but this is not the Sea of Thieves community. Mind if I start copypasting this to any new players I encounter here?

When you decide you want to fight back, then we can discuss the kegs. But don't plan on it. This is coming from an original LoL player. This is the first time I've ever uninstalled a game for anything remotely related to being affected by other players. As far as the 25 seconds go, that is not entirely true. Some merchant voyages require turning in deliveries at specific outposts and you may be in another crews way. Have a read up on the characteristics of the three different boats in the game so you can adjust your play style to suit the situation. I'd love to see this much action! Example would be to hit the medical hangar at the Livonia air field, maybe not the small ATC tower as it represents a larger time investment versus its number of loot spawn points. All true, but if you use it at another active fort, won't you have to deal with the waves of skeletons as you move the loot? This was the worst experience I've ever had with other players. If there is one. Doesn't the headstrap fit over the gasmask? This is a risk vs. reward game and there is a social component. It comes as easy as it goes. Spawn killing at an outpost although uncool maybe necessary, if they have to hand in specific loot at that outpost like merchant stuff or a tall tale item it's sometimes better to just sink and kill the people already there than to ask them to leave. Note to self, the new sickness can be cured just by waiting it out. @jareto102 Sure. There may be others patrolling the toxic zone's perimeter looking for an easy score. If another crew sinks your ship or steals your loot either say "GG" and try to engage in a positive discussion letting them know your new to the game and ask them to show you how to get better with PVP not all will help but some will and you probably still die a lot but this is a good opportunity to engage in PVP or give up and scuttle/change servers. Forts are basically events where you have a huge skull above your head, this skull can mean many things, in general "please come and rob me" or "I will make a lot of money, come to make an alliance and share" .

If you solo you're just chum for the bigger fish. If the players were truly being toxic and calling you names repeatedly or saying racist or defaming remarks then report them. : You don't actually want to leave the fort with the key. It's a massive beacon that rewards lots of loot. Then changed servers and it happened again. Seriously. This was the worst experience I've ever had with other players. Plan on walking, travel slow to preserve stamina and plan on X minutes of air that the filters you possess will provide. This was the worst experience I've ever had with other players. They didn't sink us.

I've sunk multiple galleons back to back as a solo player, and if you just want to enjoy PvE, by the gods I'll make sure you will enjoy your time for once if you so wish it. A. you know which fort it is so you can sail back. So take ghostpaws advice and sail on. I like to go at dawn, before other players have a pick at the loot. I played DayZ for years and that started out great, very social then it gradually became very toxic with people adopting a kill on sight mentality. Remove all data from the file, and replace it with. You may be just beyond the radius of the cloud or too high above the cloud. Depending upon how much loot you were able to carry from the toxic zone you might not be able to take it all without dropping stuff. Plus bright yellow is not a good look. While I don't consider that toxic, I consider it bad sportsmanship. THIS MOD ADD TOXIC ZONE IN DAYZ, A GREEN MIST WILL BE SHOWN INSIDE THOSE AREAS.

The fort can (and most likely will) despawn all the loot inside of the vault room if you get too far away with the key on your ship. If you agro more than one at a time then start shooting. If you are struck then stay calm and finish killing the infected you're dealing with. Leave the Tall Tales alone until you have some experience with the game. I've had that on various other games before and it isn't pleasant. and drop it there. If one of your NBC pieces is ruined you're probably going to die. Game is about pirating, sure. Decide how much you are willing to lose and stick to it. We all know gas is bad and you need full NBC to get the good gear but here are some tips I've found from my experiences so far that are beyond the basic introduction to the mechanics of toxic zones. Then remember: Sea of Thieves. It forces you to unequip the strap first in order to put the mask on, I stand corrected. They'll most likely curse your name and move on. Kudos to them for being the only not terrible person. Along your planned route be swift and observant, fight infected one at a time if possible but do fight them rather than avoid unless you are low on air and leaving the zone. One of them was even playing the banjo watching us die.

Being new means you most likely don't fully understand the PVP aspect yet and as such cannot dissuade this behavior as well as others might. Five items is not much. Your goal does not require you to be in their area. Pop an epi pen and run until you're out of stamina then begin loading valuables into your bag as you continue walking out of the zone. And the fact that I can change servers and it happens all over again as soon as I spawn in tells me that this is a normal part of the game and that is toxic garbage. Microsoft, Rare, o logotipo da Rare e Sea of Thieves so marcas registradas do grupo de empresas Microsoft.Disney. You are new and it likely shows. If it really becomes a problem leave all but 1 alive. I'm used to games with a mostly toxic community though. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Facebook page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's Twitter page.

I would like to explain about this game first. There's a commendation for stealing the Chest of Legends. This was the worst experience I've ever had with other players. No you are not safe indoors. I want to suggest a different way to go if you just want to passively sail around solo and gather loot along the way.

No sabe o que est perdendo! And you had the most powerful combination in the game, two people on a sloop, use this to your advantage. Epinephrine is also very important, I like to bring two. This guide will show you how to disable the contaminated areas from your DayZ server. Plunk down that gold hoarder voyage but be okay with not completing it. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.

The chances that the enemy crew are gonna find the key are highly unlikely. Use the epi pen when you are low on air and must escape or use it at any time you think you'll be running for a good portion of the 60 seconds you get like getting around in Radunin. This isn't all that different than normal PVP but the stakes are higher. Whenever you leave the zone and return to your staging area be sure to change immediately out of your bright clothing. It is only visible to you. I am by no means a god at this game but I can show you some key things to making your voyages fun and exciting despite your disinclination to pvp. There is treasure everywhere. Find the chests on your gold hoarder voyage if you want to. : When deciding whether or not to attack another ship at an active fort or not, it was exactly this kind of advice why I advised them to attack early rather than wait and ambush - so that they wouldn't be given the time needed to hide the key. Here is a direct quote: Whether youre voyaging as a group or sailing solo, youre bound to encounter other crews in this shared world adventure but will they be friends or foes, and how will you respond? You set the limit and make two promises to yourself. When spawn into outpost its so important to stock up and get the heck out of there and to keep a close look on the horizon. Well we managed to out sail them while putting the fire out so luckily we survived the ordeal but see the disaster that can happen if not paying attention to your surroundings? You can escape fast by dropping sails and leaving if needed.

Take them on if you think you can handle them or attempt an escape and return later. : This should be pinned at the very top of the Feedback forums man. Exposing yourself to the gas for 25 seconds means you get gas poisoning. Dont spend so long here that you are going to get upset if someone sinks you. @ghostpaw said in Seriously. You won't need long rifles but two silenced pistols and something else to PVP with like AK-74 is what I'd recommend. Especially at the Fort of the Damned. Its also not that dangerous holding one if no one knows you have it to begin with. Most of the time on the rare occasion this occurs to me I can typically teach them that it is not worth it by killing them a few times and even boarding their ship and sinking it. @itz-majman said in Seriously. Put a marker on it to be safe. If you are chased by another player ship and you know it is going to go poorly, SCUTTLE YOUR SHIP.

You should expect people to come. There may be a video guide coming soon. Crews interested in stealing the loot (thieves) will stop what they are doing and head to the fort to try their luck. Do not hang out at an outpost long. The skull and the ship in the sky is visible by everyone on the server. B. @targasbr I don't get your stairs advice? Get the key on the ship and take off. I don't know how the game can explain this. You definitely can wear NVGs. The forts and skeleton fleets are meant to draw in other crews. Find the best hiding spots, things like bushes, up against cannons, behind barrels. About the ships in this game, as I understand it, you entered a sloop. @jareto102 said in Seriously. : That's also true. Hi @Ghostpaw gave execellent advice. This community in Sea of Thieves is like a child's playground to the potential cesspool that is League. I agree, a giant skull in the sky is an RSVP for PvP. Still no excuse for the behavior but could be an explanation. You can even consider leaving the server and finding a more passive one if that one wasnt working out for you. You can do so from "my crew" menu. Or maybe the fact that I even did a fort of the damned raid and another player group spawn killed me and my brother, took all the loot, then had the audacity to message and say "how you feel about me selling your Athena's b****". But you best have an entire trunk full of saline kits cause your blood drops 2 arrows every cough, and a full bar every time you puke.

You cannot bandage faster than the gas will blister your skin and you will soon lose conciousness, either from blood loss or the gas sickness. You still are left holding a skeleton key to any new forts that pop up, pun intented.

I have found it to be very difficult and time consuming to collect a suit and successfully survive contamination zones as a solo nomad. Truly you need to see them first before they see you, don't be caught off guard. This was the worst experience I've ever had with other players. Low weight and low space. Go for the big loot targets, tents, military specific buildings and especially medical areas that have dense loot spawns and potential for filters and spare NBC gear.

I think its key to point out that Fort Keys are universal, excluding the FOTD. Copyright 2022 Pingperfect Ltd. All Rights Reserved. A few nights ago me and my friend were at an outpost we just spawned in at. 1 That's a fair point but the game could be more upfront with that information. @nero-dovahkiin That sucks that you feel like you had a bad experience competitive players tend to trash talk and if you were clearing a fort or leaving with loot expect others to try and take it until you actually sell each item. We'd have to finish the fort, of course, but that's a small price to pay for not having to search for that miserable key. Valve Corporation. First, that you will head to an outpost to turn items in when you reach or pass that limit. When I make a toxic zone attempt there are a few things I can prepare for outside of the suit and filters. Microsoft 2022. Make sure it isn't easily visible, but that you remember exactly where it is. @nabberwar said in Seriously. If you have another epi pen then use it, try to get your bag out of the cloud so that if you are very lucky you can run to your staging area for your original gear. This how Rare want the game to be. Bloodbags, they can cure gas poisoning if you don't have POX, take at least one even if you have POX and leave one with your original gear too.

They only added a proper tutorial 4 months ago. The dude messaging you is toxic, feel free to report him. Go for a knockdown or kill. Sea of Thieves is a shared world game, and like you said, about pirates. Once the skull disappears, everyone who is paying attention knows the vault key dropped. If someone IS waiting to steal the key from you, and they manage to sink your ship, you respawn knowing that. That's inexcusable toxic behavior.

Turn in items whenever you have the chance. Always keep a blood bag on you. I'm pretty sure people have no issues ignoring a single skeleton. But can you honestly excuse the fact that my brother and I spawned in a server and we're IMMEDIATELY spawn camped for 10 minutes. Keep filters together in your inventory to quickly see how many you have remaining. A sloop for example will outrun the other two boats when heading into the wind with its sail in the default position. You don't need to search everything, just the important spawns. Bring a compass because it's easy to get turned around, especially if you had to make an unplanned exit. Learn to enjoy your voyage. Choose the time of day wisely, you cannot use NVGs with full NBC suit. If you have any more tips please feel free to add. I hope this helps someone with making their own attempts at this. Sell more frequently and always watch for other signs of other crews.

I don't know what platform you play from (Xbox, PC, or Full Crossplay) but my experience is that on occasion I may see people attempt this. Use the in game social options: flags, speaking trumpets, text chat, Get creative with moving your loot to sell row boats, stashing and retrieving.