RMAN> allocate channel for maintenance device type disk; RMAN> delete noprompt expired archivelog all; The "allocate channel for maintenance" command is required when running crosscheck, delete and change commands. Subsequent snapshot control files that RMAN creates use the specified file name. which is important when restoring to another server. ** Shutdown ORASID123 database then startup in mount mode. Specify which instance performs an operation with the CONNECT channel parameter.

You can register more than one database in a catalog, and you can also register the same database to multiple catalogs. oracle rman backup channel server database concepts channels figure itss allocation backups docs its In this case, you need to remove the backupset entries related to these deleted files from your catalog. Choosing a compression level based on your environment, network traffic characteristics (workload), and data set is the only way to ensure that the backup set compression level can satisfy your organization's performance requirements and applicable service level agreements. ex. Configure your default output device and default tape channels as shown in Example 6-1 to use parallel database backups. If a lost write error is encountered during media recovery, the only response is to open the database with the RESETLOGS option. When RMAN must resynchronize the recovery catalog with a read-consistent version of the control file, it creates a temporary snapshot control file. '; STEP 1. Then run a delete expired backup. Sometimes you may want to omit a specified tablespace from part of the regular backup schedule. How To Backup A Control File To A Trace File, How To Backup A Control File As Binary File, How To Backup A Database Running in NOARCHIVELOG Mode, How To Backup A Database Running in ARCHIVELOG Mode, Sample Hot Backup Script With Netbackup Parameters. In tape backups, it is possible for a multiplexed backup set to span multiple tapes, which means that blocks from each data file in the backup set are written to multiple tapes. For example, connect with SYSDBA privileges to inst1_ded and then execute the following SELECT statement (sample output included): To connect to a shared server session, you connect with SYSDBA privileges to inst1_shs and then execute the following SELECT statement (sample output included): Start RMAN and connect to the target database using the dedicated service name. You are really helping many of us. Basic Syntax: backup incremental level 0 database; Backup all changed blocks with reference to the recent incremental level 1 or level 0. In addition to configuring parameters that apply to all channels of a particular type, you can also configure parameters that apply to one specific channel. When you use that specific numbered channel in a backup, the configured settings for that channel are used instead of the configured generic channel settings. Dual-mode encrypted backups are useful when you create backups that are normally restored on site using the Oracle wallet, but which occasionally must be restored offsite, where the Oracle wallet is not available. Encryption is configured for backups of the whole database or at least one tablespace. This chapter contains the following topics: Configuring Auxiliary Instance Data File Names, Configuring the Snapshot Control File Location, Configuring RMAN for Use with a Shared Server. Create the database directories for the files to be restored (/redo,/control,/undo,/data,/index,/lob,/arch, etc.). You can override the configured MAXSETSIZE value by specifying a MAXSETSIZE option for an individual BACKUP command. You should always release the maintenance channel once done. The crosscheck marks the backupset as "EXPIRED" if it couldn't find the files. RMAN cannot connect to a target database through a shared server dispatcher. Configure specific channels by number when it is necessary to control the parameters set for each channel separately. On a subsequent block read, the I/O subsystem returns the stale version of the data block, which might be used to update other blocks of the database, thereby corrupting it. NOTE: Please do not omit the validate word in the command as that is the key to simulate the restore otherwise it would attempt to restore the real thing. When you use the autologin wallet, encrypted backup operations can be done at any time, because the autologin wallet is always open. RMAN needs a snapshot control file when resynchronizing with the recovery catalog or when making a backup of the current control file. Optionally, connect to a recovery catalog. Read the Restore Prep Tasks before proceeding. Restore process requires restoring the Level 0 backup and only the latest Level 1 Cumulative. You can see the current snapshot location by running the SHOW command. The default setting is NONE. Indirect symptoms such as inconsistent tables cannot be unambiguously traced to the lost write. ORACLE_HOME=/orabin/app/oracle/product/, CATALOG_CONNECT_STR=RCAT_TEST/my_catalog_password@RCATDB, NB_ORA_SCRIPTS=${ORACLE_BASE}/admin/${ORACLE_SID}/scripts, RMAN_LOG_FILE=${NB_ORA_SCRIPTS}/log/HotBackup_L0_For_${ORACLE_SID}_${LOG_DATE}.log, CTLFILE_BACKUP=$ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/backup/control${ORACLE_SID}_${LOG_DATE}.bak, #-- check if a directory for RMan log exist, #-- check if a directory for control file backup exist. This section explains more advanced configuration options. RMAN> CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE DISK PARALLELISM 2; RMAN> set encryption identified by 'SuperSecret123!' For backups done on disk at the source and performing a restore at a different server, make sure the backup drive (NFS, or transportable storage) is mounted with the same mount point name. only; backup as backupset filesperset 10 tag full_db_backup database format '/disk1/backup/full_db_ORASID123_t%t_s%s_p%p.rman'; backup tag full_db_ctlfile format '/disk1/backup/ctlORASID123_bak.ctl' current controlfile; RMAN> sql 'alter database backup controlfile to trace'; RMAN> spool log to /home/oracle/ORASID123_backup_list.log, Copy all resulting logs (ORASID123_full_backup.log, ORASID123_backup_list.log) to /disk1/backup. Assume that you issue the following commands at the RMAN prompt: The backup of the users tablespace uses the configured SBT channel and the configured default MAXSETSIZE setting of 7500K. Because of the sensitive nature of passwords, RMAN does not permit configuration of passwords that persist across RMAN sessions. Below are the description that refreshes my memory. RMAN can restore all encrypted backups that were ever created by this database. You do not need to configure an Oracle wallet if password encryption is used exclusively. backup incremental level 1 cumulative database; RMAN> SET DECRYPTION IDENTIFIED BY 'SuperSecret123! The CONFIGURE settings for duplexing only affect backups of data files, control files, and archived logs into backup sets, and do not affect image copies. This CONFIGURE setting applies to any channel, whether manually allocated or configured, when the BACKUP command is used to create backup sets. Example, validate that all database files and archived logs can be backed up: Heres the command to validate the restore process using the current backup set: If you do not see an RMAN error that means RMAN confirms that it can use the current backup to successfully restore a database.

The PARALLELISM setting is not constrained by the number of specifically configured channels. If no encryption algorithm is specified, then the default encryption algorithm is 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Because the Oracle key management infrastructure archives all previous master keys in the Oracle wallet, changing or resetting the current database master key does not affect your ability to restore encrypted backups performed with an older master key. When renaming files with the DUPLICATE command, CONFIGURE AUXNAME is an alternative to SET NEWNAME command. This possibility exists because the restored backup may have been made after an earlier lost write. restoring to another server), RMAN> SET DECRYPTION IDENTIFIED BY 'SuperSecret123! You can also use the SEND command to send vendor-specific commands to a media manager. 4.

In this example, you want to send disk backups to two different disks. -d $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/backup ]; mkdir -p $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/backup, #-- get the current user id and server name, CUSER=`id |cut -d"(" -f2 | cut -d ")" -f1`, echo ==== started on `date` ==== >> $RMAN_LOG_FILE, $RMAN target $TARGET_CONNECT_STR catalog $CATALOG_CONNECT_STR msglog $RMAN_LOG_FILE append << EOF. The value set by the CONFIGURE MAXSETSIZE command is a default for the given channel.

Use the PARMS channel parameter to specify vendor-specific information for a media manager. The key is stored in encrypted form in the backup piece. /Disk1/backup of the source rman backup above, should exist in the target restore server and should contain the backup files. Oracle Net configuration varies greatly from system to system.

To repair a lost write on a standby database, you must re-create the entire standby database or restore a backup of only the affected files. To create dual-mode encrypted backup sets, specify the SET ENCRYPTION ON IDENTIFIED BY password command in your RMAN scripts. The backup is decrypted with keys obtained with a user-supplied password or the Oracle wallet. To reset the snapshot control file location to the default, run the CONFIGURE SNAPSHOT CONTROLFILE NAME CLEAR command.

RMAN issues an ORA-19916 error if you attempt to create encrypted RMAN backups using an SBT library other than Oracle Secure Backup. configure device type 'SBT_TAPE' parallelism 2 backup type to BACKUPSET; configure channel device type 'SBT_TAPE' parms 'ENV=(NB_ORA_CLIENT=mydbserver.domain.com, NB_ORA_SERV=nbmaster.domain.com, NB_ORA_POLICY=oracle_hotdb_backup, NB_ORA_SCHED=weekly)'; (archivelog all skip inaccessible delete input); #-- Backup the control file to tape with the latest backup info, #-- Backup the control file to disk with the latest backup info as 2nd copy. A tablespace contains temporary or test data that you do not need to back up. backup as backupset filesperset 10 tag full_db_backup format '/disk1/backup/full_db_ORASID123_t%t_s%s_p%p.rman' database plus archivelog; 1. Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide for details about handling snapshot control files in Oracle RAC configurations. "Configuring the Environment for RMAN Backups" explains the basics for configuring RMAN to make backups. It is highly recommended that you run tests with the different compression levels on the data in your environment. The database is in a consistent state, but all data after the RESETLOGS SCN is lost. Did he fire off the restore rcv script multiple times?. Because the performance of the various compression levels depends on the nature of the data in the database, network configuration, system resources and the type of computer system and its capabilities, Oracle cannot document universally applicable performance statistics. When restoring a dual-mode encrypted backup, you can use either the Oracle wallet or a password for decryption.