doi: 10.1016/S0306-4530(03)00091-X, 26. This implies the need to support adequate safety kits, protocols, and support for both physical and mental health of the healthcare professionals. However, previous study documented that healthcare professionals need social support from their family members, relatives, and neighbors. Fifteen respondents were included in the in-depth interview. Insufficiency of medical staff and equipment was common, resulting in excessive workload and safety hazard (36). The spread of an epidemic can cause psychological trauma for healthcare professionals (10, 35). *Please note that wage data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) or other third-party sources may not be an accurate reflection of all areas of the country, may not account for the employees years of experience, and may not reflect the wages or outlook of entry-level employees, such as graduates of our program. Ursin and Eriksen (2004) provide a further explanation on how people go through stress during a crisis. Patients require nebulized medications and intubation, both of which increase the risk of airborne infection to the nurse. Neighbors perceived that the health workers carry a higher risk of infection from their exposure to patients. During the SARS epidemic of the early 2000s, for example, healthcare workers accounted forone-fifthof infections globally. Shammi M, Bodrud-Doza M, Islam AR, Rahman MM. doi: 10.1177/10105395211011030. As the number of patients surge, MAs may need to perform more of the first stage procedures, including patient education, triage, and patient prep. When asked about workloads, Participant 12 shared with frustration. It's nothing new. We observed that the lack of coordination and skilled manpower still remains a key problem affecting the healthcare services quality in the country, which corresponds to the existing literature (47, 48). In several cases, doctors and nurses got infected because patients did not reveal that they were COVID-19-infected. Islam MT, Talukder AK, Siddiqui MN, Islam T. Tackling the COVID-19 pandemic: The Bangladesh perspective. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. T.M.

Further, healthcare professionals faced acute shortage of masks, hand gloves, and personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect themselves from COVID-19 infection (8). Nurses also assume the vital role of documenting a patients status and communicating it to other health officials. The guide consisted of questions on barriers related to workload, severity of the illness and associated stress, availability and quality of PPE, COVID-19-related challenges, and coping strategies to manage the barriers. We express our gratitude to all the healthcare professionals who participated in this study despite their busy schedule during the pandemic.

Participant 4 mentioned. The number of doctors in Bangladesh government healthcare facilities is scarce (5.26 doctors/10,000 people). When people were busy partying at the eve of Eid-ul-Fitr festival, we were working in the hospital. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. It is the capital city of the country with 20 million population and the largest international airport.

Liu H, Liehr P. Instructive messages from Chinese nurses' stories of caring for SARS patients. Botchway S, Fazel S. Remaining vigilant about COVID-19 and suicide. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company (1984) p. 150153. SR and TY drafted the manuscript. The constant thought of leaving my daughters all alone in this world is quite stressful. We used the snowball sampling technique as we were unable to find a large number of healthcare professionals who were willing to allow us sufficient time and cooperation during the pandemic. 28. Results: Seven themes emerged from the study. Some incentives were promised by the government, such as providing treatment cost in case of infection and providing an isolation room to ensure safe inhibition. Moreover, I was diagnosed as COVID-19 positive on 15th of June 2020, which demands for at least a 21 days recovery process after being further tested as being COVID-19. (2020) 62:S343. They reported of faith in God and mutual support to be the keys to adapt to adversities. Shammi M, Bodrud-Doza M, Islam AR, Rahman MM.

We conclude that the healthcare professionals need to be supported with adequate resources for both physical and mental health. The support of my close ones and trust in the almighty provides me with a sense of mental strength encourages me to stay positive any crisis. BMJ. Sundler AJ, Lindberg E, Nilsson C, Palmsin H. Cognitive activation theory of stress (CATS)es to behavioral mediNursing Open. So, I think if we start to hear the positive outcomes that we are achieving, and if we hear that the patients are getting better, theyre coming off the ventilators and they are getting sent home, that will give us all a little hope and light that we need right now., Emily came up with an idea for staff meetings called Hope Huddles, where hospital staff can support each other and celebrate good news. This site uses cookies. We also observed that healthcare professionals who had children were emotionally distressed to maintain distance from their loved ones due to a higher risk of being infected by COVID-19.

We used the follow-up questions to extract rich information during the interviews. (2020) 7:e1517:20ncet Ps1016/S2215-0366(20)30078-X, 38. During an epidemic, EMTs will often require on-going education and just-in-time training on the best practices and treatment protocols. They identified skills and behaviors nurse leaders need to effectively manage a crisis. Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak. G.E.M.R.H.A. As she stated: Spreading a little hope is everything to the doctors and nurses right now. We predict that incentives such as economic support, constant supervision, sufficient protective equipment, and adequate workforce could motivate health workers to contribute more during pandemic situations. The COVID-19 outbreak was declared as a global pandemic on March 11, 2020 (1). But in times of crisis, they deserve our utmost gratitude and support. Consequently, I am needed to buy PPE at my expenses to ensure my safety during work. Thats where Im at., Heidi Flores, an Independent ER Nurse in Los Angeles, said: This is the hardest thing Ive ever done. Kelly Sites, a Disaster Response Nurse in Northern Italy, gave this report: The hospital is a 600-bed hospital, and currently they have 500 positive Corona patients. Health Serv Res. Int J Public Health. Gerada C. Beneath the white coat doctors, their minds and mental health. When it comes to the challenges faced by the healthcare professionals of Bangladesh during COVID-19 pandemic, concerns raised from bad governance cannot be ignored. The healthcare professionals maintained regular conversations with colleagues maintaining social distance and tried to be benevolent with each other in their workplace. Front Psychology. Banerjee D, Vaishnav M, Rao TS, Raju MS, Dalal PK, Javed A, et al. Consequently, doctors remained uncertain about the line of treatment. Facing SARS: psychological impacts on SARS team nurses and psychiatric services in a Taiwan general hospital. You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. While this blog may occasionally contain information that relates to Unitek College's programs or courses, the majority of information provided within this blog is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to represent the specific details of any educational offerings or opinions of Unitek College. Covid-19 effects on the workload of Iranian healthcare workers. Nie X, Feng K, Wang S, Li Y. Besides, healthcare professionals from different age, gender, and socioeconomic background suffer from different psychological issues. (2014) 2:36674. GBD 2017 Injuries. The most recurring and significant quotes were selected to exemplify the predetermined themes. All participants were aware that there was no extra-incentive for them despite working extra hours. MOAs can also help secure adequate medical supplies (PPEs in particular) during an outbreak. Kazi Anis Ahmed. Furthermore, frontline healthcare workers are expanding their roles and assuming greater responsibilities while fighting this viral epidemic. SR, TY, TA, and MI analyzed the data. Participant 5 said. Psychoneuroendocrinology. When I started serving contagious patients during this pandemic, people of my community treated me in a way which made me feel like I was a raped woman (Crying). Some of the infected healthcare professionals of this study mentioned that though the government announced some financial incentives, they did not receive it in reality. (2020) 17:175ry Investig(30773/pi.2020.0047, 31. (2021) 12:473. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.611314, 46. They have to adopt modified protocols for pre-hospital treatment, treat and release, and fatality management based on the latest scientific information. Mass people always perceive us doctors as butchers in this country. The experiences of health-care providers during the COVID-19 crisis in China: a qualitative study. Jama. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. Miles MB, Huberman M. Qualitative data analysis: A sourcebook of new methods. A previous study also showed that excessive work pressure was responsible for mental distress, insomnia, physical weakness as well as fear of infection of the healthcare professionals (32). doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2006.00684.x. Participant noted. The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author. doi: 10.4103/jpbs.JPBS_236_19.

This means that no one has an immunity, so it can spread faster among the population. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. Though the government demanded on the mass media that every hospital has been provided with the required numbers of PPEs, the fact on the ground was different. Some of my colleagues are nervous about working with COVID-19 patients, but a lot of people are just kind of happy to be here and to help out. At the same time, COVID-19 has a reproduction rate of about 2.5 (the number of infections generated by each infected person), compared to the influenza virus rate of just 1.5. Sometimes, their maintenance of social distance became rather cruel, and this disturbed the healthcare professionals. Dhaka: Bangladish (2020). As a result, government doctors get seven days off after completing a seven-day shift with Corona patients.

BMC Public Health. (2020) 17:1729. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17051729, 32. Bodrud-Doza M, Shammi M, Bahlman L, Islam AR, Rahman M. Psychosocial and socio-economic crisis in Bangladesh due to COVID-19 pandemic: a perception-based assessment. In addition to their obligations as medical first responders, EMTs will have greater responsibilities for patient assessment (and reporting) of pandemic-related symptoms and early warning signs. I also take mental notes that this is my job, and I must do it.

29. SR, SI, HG, and PW critically reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript. Factors influencing public panic during the COVID-19 pandemic. When transporting patients, EMTs must also increase their coordination efforts with hospitals and local authorities to control overcrowding and supply shortages. Our results showed that frontline healthcare professionals in Bangladesh had an increased workload during this crisis and a potential system failure in the healthcare sector. Lack of sufficient healthcare workers, knowledge about the virus, and basic training were some of the reasons leading to excessive workload, which consequently gave rise to psychological stress. Despite the challenges of an overwhelmed healthcare system, lack of adequate personal protection equipment (PPE), and the risk of infection to themselves or loved ones, frontline healthcare workers are overcoming the adversity through bravery, determination, and ingenuity. You can also change some of your preferences. In some cases, landlords raised monthly house rents of the medical workers and evicted them from their property if they were tested COVID-positive. Besides, executing a qualitative study through telephone interviews had its own limitations, although the researchers put their best effort to respond to the situation.