Figured ALLHEALS made more sense than a bread loaf, even tho I had no idea what an ALL HEAL was. Needlessly so? Great Saturday puzzle for me until I finally reached the Last little corner in the SW and discovered I wasnt up to the challenge. Because, ya know, an eel's victim. No way I will remember the 4 words I googled. My first fill for "congee" was guppy. CheckCapital of ancient PersiaCrossword Clue here, NYT will publish daily crosswords for the day.

And here it is. ? How are these synonyms? Thank you so much, Kyle! The Star Trek utopia where we eat precessed computer jello that resembles food is the real fantasy. Capital of ancient Persia Crossword Clue New York Times . = '100%'; Question: A large public utilities company approaches accenture about an enterprise platform?

The farmer is in the DELL, as presumably are the wife, the kid, the nanny, , yet the cheese stands alone.

(I did get PASTA right off, though, despite the sly misdirect. No joy. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; Even after hitting reveal. @Anon 8:26, 8:53 - First, SFR made a joke.

I knew it had to be WIZARDRY for 39A and I had the E from LEARNED. some of their drugs must be stored at a lower temperature throughout transport so they installed rfid chips to record the temperature of the container. But I gave up and resorted to the Google. Not only did I get the two lifers for my pal, I got him a third. So SUREly, 56A would have something to do with herbs, natch.Anyway, AMORAL led to "okay, SURE" which meant, like "coloratura", my SPREZZAT would end in URA.My SW downfall was with AlUM rather than ARUM. Can you Solve worlds first crossword ever? Used to play it a lot with old friends, in high school. - , Nibba Nibbi Meaning in Hindi, ? Thanks for pointing that out! Enjoyable Saturday solve.

if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'nytimesanswers_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_2',144,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-nytimesanswers_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')};We play New York Times Crossword everyday and when we finish it we publish the answers on this website so that you can find an answer if you get stuck.

In this grid, I liked how SPREZZATURAs opposite number was STREET SMART a subtle linkage there. And disgust for having taken so long. It's in the phrasing, it's in the timing, it's in one's linguistic instincts. This was composed by Billy Strayhorn with the original title "Elf". Dant kitne prakar ke hote hain naam likhiye. MetroGnome - looking flush, that is so excited from having four aces in your hand that your face reddens, would be a TELL, a give away that you are not bluffing and I should fold rather than betting more. Crossword Clue NYT, Where 23-Down was coined Crossword Clue NYT, Flushes, e.g., in poker Crossword Clue NYT, The art of appearing effortlessly nonchalant Crossword Clue NYT, Institution roughly two millennia old Crossword Clue NYT, It started in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports Crossword Clue NYT, Salvo from Old Ironsides Crossword Clue NYT, Sci-fi effects that are beyond stunning Crossword Clue NYT, Source of some nostalgia Crossword Clue NYT, Many human anatomy students Crossword Clue NYT, Unlikely to pontificate, say Crossword Clue NYT, Some ribbons and shells Crossword Clue NYT, Coming in waves, in a way Crossword Clue NYT, Barrier against burrowers Crossword Clue NYT, Office held five times by Julius Caesar Crossword Clue NYT, Program commemorated on the back of the Eisenhower dollar coin Crossword Clue NYT, Do some wedding planning Crossword Clue NYT, Word with club or queen Crossword Clue NYT, Where the cheese stands alone, in a classic song Crossword Clue NYT, Color not generated by light Crossword Clue NYT, Sushi chefs tasting menu Crossword Clue NYT, Literally, substitute Crossword Clue NYT, Midwifes focus in the third stage of labor Crossword Clue NYT, 2019 World Series winner, in brief Crossword Clue NYT, Org. Knew SPREZZATURA - that helped the center.

IMO, Gloucester's association with fish is about as well know as Natick's association with the Boston Marathon.Isn't ERSATZ + ARUM + OMAKASE + MASALA + ISFAHAN + (of course) SPREZZATURA a bit much, even for a Saturday?Villager. How far it is from Ifshtar, when it was the capital, how long Mesopotamia preceded the Persian Empire is besides the point. Wheelhouse, mostly. Phrases like Im, whatever you say I guess are flippant pushback. You can't say it ran up your leg. } Did it IN SPIRIT of solving. Our website is updated regularly with the latest clues so if you would like to see more from the archive you can browse the calendar or click here for all the clues from April 02, 2022.. @Nancy - See @Greater Falls@Anon9:56 - I love old-timey, New Agey herbalist-speak. FAST.Well. I stood alone at that cheese stand it smelled like it needed one of those "hi o the derio" thingies.I really got tired of staring at lots of white and a few black squares. Thank you for visiting our website! I was thinking ALLHEALS was something like ALLITAL or ALLATOL- like a Geritol- ITOL kind of suffix as a Cure All. lolLiked it a bunch! Anyhoo, I now apparently will get two different daily Dordles, so one more solve to add to my pleasures!

Down you can check Crossword Clue for today 2nd April2022. Isfahan has a population of approximately 1.9 million, making it the third-largest city in Iran, after, , and the second-largest metropolitan area. Felt ready to give up. Very annoyed by ARUM and AMORAL the former because its arcane dreck, the latter because it is clued just flat out stupidly, inaccurately, just a real blech.While solving my wife wanted to give up and cheat and I said, No we got this! We had never heard the term SPREZZATURA, so this did elevate the puzzle to Much Harder than Most Saturdays (for us). I definitely learned a lot of things working the puzzle today that I will probably NEVER remember. BTW, excellent book.Don't know why I had so much trouble with it. Thanx for the isfafun, Mr. Dolan dude. Needed some WIZARDRY to finish (ok, just the Check Puzzle feature.) Ugh. = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; @mathgent (10:56 AM) Wow! A reference to the final stage of labor might have been better.

This comment has been removed by the author. If you dont want to challenge yourself or just tired of trying over, our website will give you NYT Crossword Capital of ancient Persia answers and everything else you need, like cheats, tips, some useful information and complete walkthroughs. @Phil 5:01. He even calls the cluing on TELLS pretty special. Since you landed on this page then you would like to know the answer to Capital of ancient Persia. = '100%'; Just NAME IT! -- from Culpeper's Complete Herbal (1653). Well, maybe a slight smile at OPERA for Met after listening to Va, pensiero after reading psalm 135, hence the confident BabylonFull circleNo joy. But "it runs up the arm" doesn't make you think of anything.

All in all, a very frustrating and GRUELing puzzle.

Your contributions help keep this site strong, independent, and ad-free! I thought it was an eel. Anyone can do it. I didn't know any of OFL's trio of foreign words, and I would add two more: MASALA at 53A and ARUM at 47A. SCHLEP. But finish I did, no mistakes, no cheats, and proud I am, so Saturday did its job. I did finish with no cheats, but jeez what a struggle.

@bocamp & @jae - After not having the time to tackle Croce I just did the last two. Confidently wrote in Babylon for 7D, and it was all downhill after that. @wanderlust from yesterday--I meant to say wish you a happy yesterday and didn't get around to it so happy belated today. But not me. Constructor: Kyle Dolan Did not know ISFAHAN or OMAKASE, but that's just my ignorance shining through. Nike, arum (a vintage crossword puzzle answer), Teaser ad?? loved the TEASERAD clue - the last corner. I'll say something positive. Be fair when sing statistics. might have gotten ISFAHAN if the clue referenced either Strayhorn or Ellington. Having 'Pontificate' and PAPACY in the same grid was good to SEE. The moral for ALL-HEAL haters is to take some:"Government and Virtues. It's not a thing. Its also the third biggest city in a country long important in geopolitics, its not too much to ask educated citizens to know it. It's not like it's a controlled substance in concentrated form or something! Im not sure whining about answers one doesnt immediately know is providing much useful insight, but its a style. Not focusing DEATH RAYS upon it.

Boo! But ISFAHAN was a gimme for me because of the beautiful carpets. Very unexpected. @Patrick K admitted to an error, in public.

The confluence of Pontificate / PAPACY and SEE (with or without a specifier) is sufficient for the joke. Players who are stuck with the Capital of ancient PersiaCrossword Clue can head into this page to know the correct answer. :)Peace ~ Compassion ~ Tolerance ~ Kindness to all . ISFAHAN.

We played for a pre-payed pool of one buck each. Love your congee riff! @TJS 10:21. I certainly appreciated the challenge today, although I never like it when a highlight answer is a complete unknown (SPREZZATURA).Im normally more accepting of it when a glue entry is unknown (OMAKASE), but I also have an utter hatred of Japanese cooking terms in the puzzle.

Unknowns and obtuse (at least to me) clues. Somewhere between the rules of Cedric the Great and Xerxes1, Babylon was in fact the administrative capital of Persia (see what I mean about looking things up in Wikipedia? Fortunately everyone knows Isfahan is the ancient capital of Persia, so at least that was a gimme. Is this a real term??) Btw, they won both games yd!Weird that I get a different Dordle (altho it says #0067). I told y'all I'm old.).

Has a workout trainin coach.M&A has a soft spot in his heart for poker. Bravo! I loved TELLS (the poker misdirect is just ) and SPRAYTAN and a few others. Question: What publication is used as the basis for most state and local requirements? 2020 - 2022 - All the game guides found on this website are property of and are protected under US Copyright laws.

Editors with NO sense of what the solvers are in it for. Had never seen ALLHEALS, but its got that ring of old-timey, New Agey herbalist-speak. @Anon 10:50 First, the point was the Babylon was, in fact, the capital of the ancient Persian Empire for a period of time, and as such, was a correct answer to 7D (Capital of Ancient Persia), constraints of the puzzle notwithstanding. It's just ugly. And ALLHEALS sounds like something someone in flowing robes and a bad wig would try to sell me at a ren faire. Culturally, poetry slams are a break from the past image of poetry as an elitist or rigid artform. Clues that don't satisfy are a lot like jokes that don't land. )Good puzzle. All heal, ALLHEAL or all-heal may refer to a number of plants used medicinally including:Prunella vulgaris, a species in the mint familyStachys, a genus of plants in the mint familyValeriana officinalis, a species in the valerian family (Wikipedia)"Prunella vulgaris, the common self-heal, heal-all, woundwort, heart-of-the-earth, carpenter's herb, brownwort or blue curls,[1][2][3][4] is a herbaceous plant in the mint family Lamiaceae.Self-heal is edible:[1] the young leaves and stems can be eaten raw in salads; the plant as a whole can be boiled and eaten as a leaf vegetable; and the aerial parts of the plant can be powdered and brewed in a cold infusion to make a beverage.

You can go around saying "ALL HEALS" until you're blue in the face, but it won't cure my sore heel.

Premeds dont study anatomynot clear how they even could. It publishes for over 100 years in the NYT Magazine. Or was it just a totally garbage clue because that's a city and thus capitalized? "Short hooking pitch" is one. But all the joy disappears when confronted with stuff like SPREZZATURA. Started this puzzle last night and could barely make a dent. (Also was @Joaquins Ishfahan natick note)Enjoyed it mostly!

Good luck and safe travels to all the ACPT-goers. And Im in the ALLcures club. There are several crossword games like NYT, LA Times, etc.

This FARCICAL answer is one of the reasons I couldn't finish the SW. Not even after cheating on SPREZZATURA.I cheated the "honorable" way. It provokes the terms it is excellent for the griefs of the sinews, itch, stone, and tooth-ache, the bite of mad dogs and venomous beasts and purgeth choler very gently." I agree with @Lewis - existing on the same wavelength as the constructor is everything. I started by gazing at the elegant grid design, OMG gorgeous. I suppose I prefer it just a tad more than ALLHEALS for no particular reason. Where to check the answer for Capital of ancient PersiaCrossword Clue? Two days in a row I have had to go sobbing to the archive to scratch my itch. NYT has many other games which are more interesting to play. I don't know what @Rex's criterion for trivia is, because to me it had virtually none compared to the usual diet we get force-fed. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); Now I know what that gloppy paste that was used to glue up the wallpaper was---congee! Come for the answers, stay for the kvetching. Enjoy the weekend, folks. Instead of "congee" which I was sure must be eel-related somehow. No, and I was rewarded with the happy music.A pleasant Saturday to all in these troubled times. I love SCHLEP.@Rex. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. Whoever ended up with the most at dinnertime [after reductions based on the borrowin parts] won the money bucks pool. @Puzzled & @birtonkd - Re:AMORAL - The other definition for pontificate is what the Pontifex does and usually we assume the Pontifex is A MORAL person (despite many historical examples of AMORAL pontiffs). In this we also provide trending questions which come out of recent recent exams. It gave me two greens and a yellow. It actually felt satisfying to complete. I started with SPREZZATURA and ISFAHAN, which were gimmes for me, and from there it went pretty quickly, though I was slow to remember DELL of all things. Finished it this morning, er, DNF'd it this morning. Not impossible and cruel. What is the answer for Capital of ancient PersiaCrossword Clue?

Got it done in 45 minutes, as opposed to Wordle which was a doddle. Born free, as free as the wind blowsAs free as the grass growsBorn free to follow your natickThis musical interlude is brought to you by tomorrows DNF on an otherwise extremely easy puzzle. PLACENTA x ESTATE LAW is rough. "Beauty tip from 45.". No, don't tell me it's close enough. Didn't enjoy anything except the thrill of victory, I guess. I let out a little squeak of delight when I came upon SPREZZATURA. The rest, well, I prefer to be, as a certain clue mentioned, publicity shy about my failings today.What I really wanted to say is what a funny post, @Jess Wundrin' 1:28 pm! Do people use CARDTABLEs for drinks when not playing cards?

Im probably that geography trivia guy - or at least one of them - and I had no idea about ISFAHAN.

Maybe the tone-deaf clues in this puzzle threw off my phrasing, timing, and linguistic instincts. I get it - you can go out and have a good meal, drinks etc and have an evening ruined by poor service etc. Persia is quite far East of it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Pop Sensation Vintage Paperbacks and Other Cultural Detritus. It sounds harsh, but it will do you wonders. Eventually throwing in likely letters like -er, s, ing in hopes that something would open up. Many of them love to solve puzzles to improve their thinking capacity, so NYT Crossword will be the right game to play., @Zed (10:49 AM) :)I doubt I'll ever be on Croce's wavelength (there was one Friday-like, but that's it). In this case, the presence of PAPACY in the puzzle should have helped suss that one out. Had all but the last four letters of that ITALY thing, but that was it. Sorry for all the teeth-gnashing that went on for so many. Poker snafus / THU 4-14-22 / Subject of rationing Festival in Arabic / WED 4-13-22 / Parasite actor Necklace that can be made with kukui nuts / TUE 4- Anastasia's love in 1997's Anastasia / MON 4-11-22 Instagram hashtag accompanying a nostalgic photo / Poor cell connection? You will be enchanted. I was all set to really not like this one but then something serendipitous happened. PGA i play golf and use clubs but cant get the second sense of how it applies.. baseball comes closer assuming you stretch bat into a club soeven though I wanted PGA had to go with MLB, GRUEL and PASTA made PGA work in spite of myself.ALLHEALS filled in easily, i think Rex just got his academic westerncentric culture flaming a bit.Slow downs for meHad ERSATZ and tried to make breEZy something or other work1-12 looked for lower school initialisms with an M to startBut it all worked out which made for a very fun hard puzzle thanks MrDolan. ). Learnin all kinds of new stuff.Interestin @RP facts learned of lately: Gave up the booze. Masked & Anonymo4Usp.s. :)Thx, she lives in Westbank (aka West Kelowna). If you dont know SPREZZATURA you are screwed. Totally agree on ALLHEALS. (wikipedia), 21A: Where "the cheese stands alone," in a class song (, 38A: Midwife's focus in the third stage of labor (, 28D: It started in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports (. Kyle Dolan, thanks for a GlUEL (not quite cRUEL, not quite GLUEy) Saturday puzzle. @TJS - The first definition for canny over at M-W includes clever, shrewd, and prudent. Thats pretty much my understanding of STREET SMART. Pretty much what everyone said.

:)Tough.Started well in the top portion, but thereafter all was a battle!Just kept thinking 'faith solve' (thx @Lewis), and soon one idea came after another, eventually resulting in success.Will I remember SPREZZATURA, ISFAHAN & OMAKASE? ins.dataset.adClient = pid; Thx for the link! Usually a misdirection is having to use a metaphorical sense of a word instead of the literal sense.

I /hated/ this puzzle. But must admit to pride in having finished it, all on my own. Also, if you knew Mesopotamian history so damned well, you would probably have known that it was part of the greater Persian Empire for over a thousand years, and that for 200-300 of it, served as the Babylonia was the capital of the Persian Empire. otherwise, not worth the effort (and cost) for paper solving; many, many copies needed. Im sure your thoughts were instrumental in our great day. Congee is GRUEL??? @M&A, I'll take High-Low 7-card stud over Night Baseball any day!! Finally turned on the autocorrect and threw in some guesses. Take a quick tour of your encyclopedic knowledge (by which I mean do what you probably always do and look things up in Wikipedia and pretend you knew it all along) for the extent of the Persian empire through the years. Huge DNF. @Nancy "Sprezzatura is an Italian word that first appears in Baldassare Castiglione's 1528 The Book of the Courtier". (Wikipedia)What a sweet tune by Billy Strayhorn and so well played by Johnny Hodges. It just seemed that long. Question: A pharmaceutical company is using blockchain to manage their supply chain. Any one of these off clues would be okay, but the sheer density just put up roadblocks everywhere I turned.I think I'm guilty of complaining about Rex's complaining, but after the tough time I had today was really hoping for an evisceration - I think I get this whole thing now.Unlikely to pontificate is such a stretch to come up with AMORAL. You could argue that even crossword enthusiast are obliged, dim-witted though we are. Not that I really believe ALLLCURES exist outside of witchcraft books or D&D games.Plenty of good stuff in the puzzle, plenty of bad stuff.


Win some, lose some. var container = document.getElementById(slotId); And why not? Would anyone ever say "1-12" in place of "MOnthS"? Not the least of which is to enjoy beauty, like this terrific puzzle, Setting aside your heavy-handedness, and the tedium of your complaints, lets examine some of those words which caused you so much grief.First,Isfahan.

Beaten.Congrats to those who solved it.Like an earlier commenter, I got TAMS. I hear your signs, and offer this consolation: grow up. Solutions to all NY Times Crossword clues, updated every day! No me gusta. I was confusing it with AliUM. It had real *words* in it, no you-know-what-movie-franchise characters, no quota-filling obscurities, a minimum of conversational snippets of the sort relied on by Robyn Weintraub et al. Returned to it this morning and was similarly stymied. I know the spice Garam MASALA, but not the beverage. Much happier that I am to say learn names of Rap Singers or characters on bygone cartoons.

Just slog. There is excellence here.Anyway, with white space abounding, things started arriving to the grid as my brain started seeing more. If attempted humor offends you, let me be the first to apologize. Iran is set to execute two men accuse of espionage there. :)@Bob Knuts (11:42 AM) / @Joe Dipinto (11:58 AM) re: ISFAHAN@Cliff (12:15 PM) re: SLAM"A poetry slam is a competitive arts event in which poets perform spoken word poetry before a live audience and a panel of judges. I finally broke down and looked it up, otherwise Id probably still be wrestling with that fiendish SW corner. The most obvious downside to this pessimism is that it is coming at their expenses. Good old times. And for my efforts, I was rewarded with dazzling clues like the ones for for TELLS, PASTA, MANI, OPERA GOER and finally, the loveliness of SPREZZATURA - all pulled together in a grid that was a thing of beauty. All I could come up with was something like JET BLACK. SPRAYTAN I think of as SPRAY-ON TAN, so even with "TAN" that one took a while. @Ando - No, I dont know why your food store comment reminded me of orgy invitee congressman. While formats can vary, slams are often loud and lively, with audience participation, cheering and dramatic delivery. isnt this the NYT puzzle? Isfahan. But I don't think I had a streak, so no harm done. But so many I just hadn't heard of: congee, OMAKASE, SPREZZAwhatever. The NY Times Crossword Puzzle is a classic US puzzle game. PLACENTA [Knew a gal who knew a gal who named her kid that]. All heals? This crossword puzzle was edited by Will Shortz. omakases are all over the city. I finished, so I win. SCHLEP had to be SCHLEP, and if it werent, I knew Id have a DNF.I know Ive seen OMAKASE somewhere before, so it vaguely rang a bell. I think they feed it to dying people not because it is easy to digest, but because it makes the idea of dying more palatable. In terms of your Babylon rant, before you decry someone's lack of knowledge, recall that 7D was "7D: Capital of ancient Persia". 1. One of the most beautiful cities in the world.