Six pointed crosswhich is enclosed in a circle is a sign of the god Perun. However, modern scholars anthropologists and ethnographers find it controversial to claim that these three worlds were called that way, but do not deny that the ancient Slavs perceived the picture of the world as a triune. Slavic religious symbol of god Biaobg(Belobog). It is believed that for a woman this sign carries good intuition, a sensitive attitude, is useful for relieving pain, diseases of female organs, losing weight. Many solar signs are based on a swastika. A man decorated his clothes and home with images of birds, animals and plants, as well as special symbols that indicate natural objects and elements. Among the Slavs who lived in Antiquity, it was understood as a symbol of the eternal renewal of the world. For a person who wore such a sign, in him was a kind of protection from evil spirits. An eight-pointed star with curved limbs was supposed for girls from three years old. This symbol represented the power of Svarog. He served as a defense of the unity of the family race, the continuity of its different generations. The Slavs divided the heavenly fire and the earthly fire. But, of course, you should not rely only on the healing power of the amulet - it can only strengthen the efforts of doctors, but it is not an independent therapeutic tool. And even that little information, preserved over ten centuries, makes it clear how rich and multifaceted the culture of the ancient Slavs was. - a kollard-like sign looking in the opposite direction. Charovrat - a symbol-amulet, which is able to protect a person from the influence of Black Char. This symbol protected the bride and groom from anger and separation. That is why the ancient Slavs expressed their reverence to him through this amazing symbol. Another famous slavic amulet for women, its Rozhanitsa. More suitable for men than women. Pregnant women embroidered this amulet on their outfits and sundresses, so that lively and strong successors of the family clan were born. Our contemporaries, interested in the culture of their ancestors, are trying to recreate the culture of the ancient Slavs, therefore they are called neopagans or rodnovers. The Slavs saw in it wisdom, an understanding of the world. Immediately decide who needs the amulet: gender, age, marital status, experience. After such metamorphoses, Alatyr again took the form of a stone, and universal laws and wise knowledge were carved on it, through which the gods communicate with the human race. Also, with the help of images, the Slav could attract to his side the bereugins, creatures that later helped him. Universal amulet with the power of the sun itself. After all, the ancient Slavs rightly believed that the well-being of the people themselves directly depends on law and order. It is believed that this the amulet accompanied the woman all his life: mother put on such a charm to her daughter at the age of three years, and since then he has been her constant companion. The ancient Slavs depicted this symbol on special altars and rituals, on which sacrifices were performed in honor of the race, people and family. The tradition that has developed in antiquity has continued today: the women choose to preserve Rozanitsa, recently giving birth to a child or just preparing to conceive and have a baby. The power of their mythical divine beings to accomplish decent affairs and to protect the homeland of their ancestors. - ( ) . He combined the Kolovrat of a bright fiery color, moving together with the Multifaceted World, which combined a golden mythological Cross, symbolizing illumination, and a blue Heavenly Cross - meaning purity and virtue. Attracts worthy men, helps fulfill female destiny, Preservation of beauty. The acquisition of such a sign by a man provided him with strength, wisdom and understanding in resolving conflict issues. The Alatyr amulet was proportional: its eight rays have the same shape, which symbolizes harmony. They could hang separately, for example, around the neck or at the waist, and as part of a necklace, as well as whole sets, that is, several pieces with different symbols. Sometimes a set of amulets-charms was supplemented with a small comb. The Source symbol cleansed human energy and cured even the most serious diseases and ailments. In the ethnographic halls of museums you can see household items and utensils with a thousand-year history, on which are depicted images of the Kolovrat. The worship of the elements of nature served to turn them into amulets. Such a charm was given to soldiers. Choose the purpose of your symbol, in what form it is best to translate it to wear daily. Where does the red and blue compass needle show? As already mentioned, the whole life path of the Slavs was accompanied by amulets. Words alatyr and altar related, and mean the same thing: a sacred place. Fern flower - This symbol has healing power. He was usually depicted on the armor of brave warriors, weapons, or on the banners of fighting squads. Often the spoons were decorated with ornaments. It was believed that the Ognevitsa possesses a fertile and inexorable energy. Also a moonfish (this one looks ancient amulet like a month, whose horns are turned down, towards mother earth) decorated exclusively female household items: utensils, spinning wheels, etc. Our great-grandfathers could not do without symbols of protection in many endeavors, traditional rites. the kolovrat is one of the most respected and most powerful protective pagan symbols and is a symbol of the god, svarog. For every occasion, there were signs and charms. The keys as amulets are symbols of the preservation of the property of a person, everything that is in his home. Justin Bieber is dating a girl who is producing? This was a fairly common mythical sign among the Slavs. You can also meet and - amulets in the form of a crescent, with horns facing down. It is important that the land is fertile. An important part of the outfit of the Slav was the belt. ). A woman who wears an amulet with this sign, he gives abundance, well-being and joy in the house. The amulets of the Slavs and their significance for the ancestors was colossal, many details were taken into account. Sky Boar - the power of wisdom, the connection of past and future life. He kept houses and other buildings from fire, family associations from violent disputes and irreconcilable differences, family birth from bloody internecine wars. Suitable for both men and women. This is a mystical sign of the eternal connection between the Fire of heaven and the being of ordinary people on earth. Such a decoration was a girl at a time when the month was considered a male sign. The harmony of the present, past and future was guarded by a magical sign. This ancient symbol has such a meaning: the infinity of the universe, the passage of time and the cyclical nature of being. He concealed sacred and earthly wisdom. This symbol is still the most recognizable symbol of the Slavic pagan culture. The sign rotates counterclockwise. They performed a protective function, and were also kind of assistants. personal Old Slavonic charms (various jewelry - pendants, pendants, belts, earrings, rings); Svarozhich - Slavic defense of human life from evil, death. Ognevitsa - a female amulet from the evil eye, other people's hostility, conspiracy. It is necessary to believe in the power of the Slavic amulet, and he will retain all the positive energetic forces of man, protecting him from the negative impact of others. In modern language echoes of ancient beliefs: for example, remember the word appeared, explicit, reality. But still paramount relationship between people and nature. Perunitsa is a lightning of Perun. This sign symbolizes the spiritual connection of its carrier with its ancestors. It was used as body amulets and ritual signs of the Magi. This symbol was a patrimonial charm for the ancient Slavs. Rodnovers believe that a woman, choosing a lunar amulet for herself, enhances her female energy and female wisdom, a creative attitude to the world. It symbolized the close and kindred union of the Slavic clans. Handmade. Ideal for those who are engaged in creativity, creation, mentoring. There are a lot of varieties of charms, so the ancient Slavic symbols can be divided into: How strong are the amulets of the Slavs and their significance, is also explained by the process of their manufacture. That Lunnitsa is an exclusively female amulet. He benefited only those who honored their ancestors and performed regular sacrifices to pagan Slavic gods. A very powerful amulet, which is equally suitable for both man and woman. The Ratiborets is a symbol of courage, courage, fire. And always ancient slav accompanied by symbols and charms. You can simply buy a ready-made amulet with instructions in an online store or order in a workshop (in Moscow, St. Petersburg). The black sun is the spiritual connection of man with his ancestors and descendants. More than a thousand years have passed since the Baptism of Rus, so it is not surprising that there is so little information left about the period in history when the Slavs had not yet converted to Orthodoxy and were pagans. Later, he was revered by the Old Believers. Decoration can not be picked at random, expect only too much from him. A woman whose life path dawns on this amulet fulfills her destiny to be the continuer and guardian of the clan. Invisible threads connect us to our ancestors, therefore, the culture of the ancient Slavs should be interested if only because it is part of the history of our people. "" - slavic sun wheel - "kolovrat" means "spinning wheel" in a number of slavic languages. The word "talisman" is more than just a beautiful souvenir. The Slavs depicted this symbol on household items, so that there was always prosperity in the house. Virgin Mary's Cross - a sign similar to Kolyadnik, only its branches are looking clockwise. It is a symbol of secular as well as spiritual power. Slavic women wore a lunar moon as ornaments (a neck pendant, earrings, a pendant for an eyewear, woven into a braid) and decorated their clothes with this symbol. By itself, it was a talisman, as it was forming in a circle, encircling the waist. From these symbols, the Slavic rune of heritage is compiled. Men wore this symbol on the ornament of their clothes or in the form of a talisman on their neck. It is believed that spiritual power gives its owner tribal power, and bestows the wisdom of its ancestors. This sign was used by people as an additional protection of law and security around. The most powerful were those items that were made by the future owner on their own. Thanks to them, important decisions were made in the military and economic fields, and the gods also helped in this way in love affairs. family charm. It is believed that in this ancient symbol several runes are combined, so he gives his owner the following qualities: It is also believed that the shape of this amulet is not accidental: it resembles a uterus. Due to the interest in the culture of the ancient Slavs, symbols and signs that they considered charms became popular. In ancient times, it was believed that such a talisman could heal even a terminally ill person.

It should be worn by children who often get sick, catch a cold, easily catch any infection. This symbol marked the divine chamber. The same symbol, as well as conditional images of the house, the log house were embroidered on clothes along the hips - this was due to what magic signswere supposed to give strength to the legs. the kolovrat represents the endless cycle of birth and death, each turn of the wheel is a cycle of life in our world. Symbols of the sun on shutters and platbands. khazar khazars history empire were medieval caucasus khazaria star coins jewish khaganate coin turkic northern ashkenazi civfanatics khanate forums ancient The cross of Svarog symbolizes the presence everywhere of the great god Svarog - the smith of the Universe among the ancient Slavs. That is, the image of the sun represents the masculine principle, and the moon represents the feminine. Among the solar symbols there are none that could be harmful. Honesty, peace, justice of actions, actions - a description of this slightly aggressive symbol. Suitable for mature, family representatives of a female who honor traditions, respect their family ties. It really was the most popular symbol in Russia. Through this symbol, the gods gave the ancient Slavs real truth, wisdom and the ability to perform only fair deeds. it represents strength, dignity, sun and fire and is a symbol of secular as well as spiritual power. A well-known symbol of prosperity among the ancient Slavs. Gives its owner incredible power, strength. Ancestors believed that he carried the protection and patronage of all ancient Slavic gods: Perun, Svarog, Dazhdbog and Khorsa. Perunica destroys dark forces and portends victory.

Absolutely all of them protect a person from evil, bad deeds, thoughts. In rare cases, it was possible to meet a symbol of sown land. In their worldview was three sides of being: Reality (the world of people), Nav (the world of the dead, nonexistence) and Rule (the world of the gods, higher beings who patronized the human race). Usually it was used by women to replenish their wisdom and learn the wisdom of their ancestors. The Theologian is the personification of infinite power for honest people. The person who chose the solar talisman for himself was sure that thanks to this sign he was under the protection of Svarog, and the heavenly patron protects him from troubles, misfortunes, evil forces and enemies. In addition to the external elements of the home, the Slavs decorated guard skates with stoves, buckets, spinning wheels and other household utensils with protective patterns. Solar signs are symbols of the sun and all light gods. The ancient Slavs believed that in the bodies of all people there is a certain Center of Power, the care of which is directly related to health. The composition of the month and the cross meant the unity of the two principles, male and female. Accordingly, this amulet was supposed to help the safe reproduction of offspring. Traditionally, chest amulets had an image of a symbol enclosed in a circle. The symbol meant eternal, endless power and patronized only honest and decent people. Vseslavets - the preservation of the home from fire, and the family from war. The aesthetic load was secondary for the Slav. The Slavs lived in harmony with nature, and this was reflected in their beliefs. A sign of fire and courage, courage and fearlessness. To choose the right amulet, you need to consider several factors: This is a female Slavic amulet, the action of which is aimed at: Lunnica is an ideal option for pregnant women and unmarried girls who are still in search of personal happiness. The solar cross gives a very strong connection with the ancestors, so it should be worn by people who have an idea of \u200b\u200btheir family tree. If the rhombus is depicted without seeds, this means that the field is not sown. This talisman is suitable for a person who wants to reveal the boundaries of his own subconscious, to gain enlightenment. To make amulets better from natural materials - threads, wood, crops, dried herbs, bone material, silver.