In my last article, titled "What is serverless computing? Next, we'll create the firewall rule using the New-AzureSqlDatabaseServerFirewallRule cmdlet. Go to and sign up for a free 30-day trial. Microsoft Azure SQL Database uses the codebase from the newest SQL Server 2016 Product Suite for the database engine, however, there are some T-SQL differences on what you can do in Microsoft Azure SQL. You may be asked, when you click Connect, to sign into your Microsoft Account (Figure 2). The last thing to do is put them all together and pass them to the New-AzureSqlDatabaseServerFirewallRule cmdlet. You can query these databases via the SQL Server Management Studio software, just as you would an on-premise SQL database. You can see that my SQL Server is in my westresourcegroup Azure resource group, and its name is adamssql. Click on the database to see the properties. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. If you don't know the name of your Azure SQL Server offhand, you can easily get this with the Get-AzureRmSqlServer cmdlet. Get many of our tutorials packaged as an ATA Guidebook. Why not write on a platform with an existing audience and share your knowledge with the world? powershell launch azure sql provisioning database using x64 menu start Once here, youll have the option to choose an IP range. Microsoft Docs - Azure SQL Database Features. Recommended Resources for Training, Information Security, Automation, and more! With the query open, press Ctrl + Shift + E. You will be prompted for which connection you want to run that query with. Required fields are marked *. Go to the resource page of the SQL Database you want to connect to and look for an option called Set Server Firewall. Any other messages are welcome. To do it via PowerShell, you'll need your Azure SQL database server name. Although this next step might have been set for other reasons, you must have a server firewall rule setup to allow incoming SQL connections from your client to your Azure SQL database. In this demonstration, we will be using a Release Candidate 17.0. Install Azure PowerShell module using the following command: Create a variable for the target resource group name. Hate ads? To view your list of Azure Databases with your subscription, you can type in the following command in PowerShell. $ipAddress = (Invoke-WebRequest '').Content -replace "`n". You will also be asked to add a New Firewall Rule with your public IP Address listed. However, until recently, you had Pass-through authentication is an alternative to AD FS and password hash synchronization in Azure AD. Let's get each of these parameter values via PowerShell. What once meant building an entire physical server, patching it, installing software like Microsoft SQL Server, tuning it to meet performance SLAs and managing it now is as simple as a couple of keystrokes or mouse clicks to get access to a high-performance SQL database. The following Azure SQL PowerShell commands were executed from Azure Cloud Shell. Developers can leverage the cloud offering to focus on development of their new applications without having to wait days for a DBA to create a database. You'll now need the username and password you created at database creation time, as well as the T-SQL query you'd like to pass to it. You will need to install the Azure Powershell Modules in order to connect to Azure via Powershell. There are dozens of different ways to connect to Azure SQL, and unfortunately I cant go over them all, but the ones I will be covering in this post are: Before you get started, you must make sure you have a database available and can connect to it. Here you'll see how this is done. Once you supply all this, it will be saved into a connection profile which can be used to execute queries against that database. The screenshots are all from Windows 10. Trying to copy/paste that data into Excel can be a headache and cause you to waste precious time reformatting. Microsoft Azure SQL Database is a cloud DAAS (Database As A Service) that can be used to build SQL Server databases easier and on-demand. Create a sample database in the SQL server instance. Figure 2 - List Database associated with Azure Subscription. Input a SQL query to run against your database in the editor window. In this blog post, well explore the automated deployment of Azure SQL using PowerShell. You should also install the Az module to run the latest Azure PowerShell commands for creating an Azure SQL database. Cloud technology allows for the flexibility of deploying these applications in different models, with many organizations opting for PaaS for databases due to the ease of deployment and lifecycle management. Create a user with same name as service principle that you created earlier, Grant permissions to this user; in this example I will be used db_owner. One way that organizations are storing data in the cloud is by moving their databases to the cloud. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Deploy Azure Storage Static Website usingTerraform, Azure Managed Identities and ServicePrincipals, Azure Top 5 for November 08, 2021 - Jeff Brown Tech, Creating dynamic variables during a pipeline run in Azure DevOps, If, elseif or else in Azure DevOps Pipelines, Conditional Variables in Azure DevOps Pipelines, Deploy Terraform using GitHub Actions to Azure, Deploying ARM Templates using Azure DevOps Pipelines, Assign Directory Readers permission to the Azure SQL server, Set Azure SQL Server Active Directory admin as Azure Active Directory Group, Create a service principal user in the Azure SQL database. Using the instructions from the quickstart document, Ive set up a sample database called ata-demo. This gives me an output that looks like the below screenshot. To verify everything works, you can find the database by running Get-AzSqlServer -ResourceGroupName . To connect to an Azure SQL database with Visual Studio Code, youll need to install the mssql extension for Visual Studio Code.

You will need to sign up for the Free Trial with a Microsoft Account. You will need to enter the same credentials you use to log into the Microsoft Azure Portal. You can also install the Azure PowerShell module locally and connect to your Azure subscription for managing resources. If you havent setup the firewall rule already, you will be prompted by SSMS to authenticate with your Azure account. When integrated with DevOps and CI/CD pipelines, these Azure SQL PowerShell commands will help automate the Azure SQL deployment process. To connect to Azure SQL Database with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio you will need the server name, user name, and password that you created when you setup the database. read. He's an automation engineer, blogger, consultant, freelance writer, Pluralsight course author and content marketing advisor to multiple technology companies. It does not matter if it is in the cloud in an Azure SQL database or in an on-premises MS-SQL server, MySQL or even inside an Oracle or Postgres database. Once Azure Active Directory User Group has been created, its time to set Azure SQL Server Active Directory admin to this Azure AD group. Once these are installed, you must also ensure that a firewall port is open, to allow your client to query the SQL database. It is now time to connect to our Azure subscription and associate our account in the current PowerShell session. The latest, SQL Server, is recommended by Microsoft for SQL administration. (LogOut/ sql It appears as though we require the addition of the specific FQDN to $params, please see my modification highlighted in green below. In the previous article, you Microsoft has made its new terminal for multiple shells and command line programs available as a Store app. If youd like to connect to Azure SQL database, youll need to meet a few prerequisites ahead of time. From here you can perform a number of different actions. Once youre there, youll be prompted to login with a Microsoft account or SQL Credentials. But in practice, this will be the subnet range or virtual network of your application tier. How does using these cmdlets differ from the following method where I pass my query to this function? When connecting to SQL servers in the cloud, sometimes typical GUI access will not cut it. Want to support the writer? Its a little easier to understand. After your database is deployed you will see the new database in your list of Microsoft Azure SQL Databases. You can find the MSI file here on Github. Choose the one you created and Code will open another panel with the results without ever leaving the screen! This cmdlet requires five parameters: Database, ServerInstance, Username, Password, and Query. Next, authenticate to Azure by running Connect-AzAccount. Microsoft SQL is used as the backend database in a large chunk of enterprise applications while the Azure cloud provides customers the choice to deploy it in virtual machines (IaaS) and also as a managed SQL service. Azure Cloud Shell provides a preinstalled environment for running PowerShell commands. I had the same issue. Next, we need a server instance. This tip looks at how to use a control file that lists the structure to use within SSMS and a PowerShell script that will automatically maintain the list of registered servers within SSMS. As of the time of this writing, there isnt any right-click functionality in this UI, so your only option to interact with the database is through the Query Editor.

If you'd like just to let the public IP address you are coming from (if the computer you're working on has a NATed IP address), you can use Invoke-WebRequest again to query an external web service and parse out the IP address. Learn PowerShell with our PowerShell guides! Connect to your Azure subscription using the following command and follow the device log in instructions: Create a target resource group name in the subscription. In our case, they will be the same since we are just allowing a single IP address. Now run the query you used earlier and watch the magic happen. Note: Update these variables with values relevant to your deployment environment. Move a whole database into the cloud quickly by following this walkthrough. Questions? For demonstration purposes, I will be using PowerShell version 4 on a Windows 8.1 client. Protects SQL data using point-in-time application consistent backups using, Quick deployment of new environments using low storage footprint writable clones created with NetApp, Data mobility across multi-cloud and hybrid deployments using, Centralized and consistent management of MS SQL volumes across multiple environments through NetApp. Again, you can do this via the Azure portal, but a couple of lines in PowerShell will do it just as easily. This code will import the Azure SQL module, set up the parameters (database, username, credentials and query) and run Invoke-SqlCmd to initiate the transact SQL query. Once you have that installed, we now have the majority of the functionality available to query Azure SQL databases. Change). At this point, we have everything in place to begin querying data from our Azure SQL Server database. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. You now need to create a user with same name as service principle that you created earlier & then grant permissions to this user; in this example I will be used db_owner.

First, in this case, I want to open up the firewall rule only for the public IP address of the client on which I'm currently running. sql azure polybase data warehouse load into leveraging database below storage From Azure PowerShell, set the subscription ID of the subscription where the Azure SQL instance will be created. The SQL Server module contains cmdlets that can be used to run scripts with Transact-SQL/xQuery. The Remote Desktop port (RDP port) 3389 in Windows is a popular target for hackers. Youll be prompted for the server name, database name, username and password. SQL Server MVP Jacob Sebastian starts a new series looking at the changes in SQL Server 2008 to the management tools. Support ATA Learning with ATA Guidebook PDF eBooks available offline and with no ads! Create the Azure SQL server in the newly created resource group. Azure SQL Server: tamopsserverAzure SQL Database: tamopsdb (tamopsserver/tamopsdb), A service principle needs to be created within Azure Active Directory, Select Azure Active Directory in Azure Portal, Once registered note down:- Application (client) ID & Directory (tenant) ID found in Overview, then select Certificate & secrets, Select API Permissions and add Azure SQL permissions same as below, To Assign identity to the Azure SQL server, follow guide found here, To Assign Directory Readers permission to the Azure SQL Server, follow here here, Create a new Azure AD Group, Select Azure Active Directory -> Groups. I did everything as you described above and it has failed :/ Although, my $serverInstance and @database objects are not null I receive something like this error: Invoke-Sqlcmd : Value cannot be null.

Select Azure SQL Server -> Active Directory admin and assign the Azure AD Group. More and more enterprises are moving their line-of-business applications and databases to the cloud. Learn how to discover the TCP port for a SQL Server instance from the registry using Windows Powershell. This just offers a tidbit of PowerShell code to help. You can find all of the other information required on the Azure portal. There are several benefits to using Cloud Volumes ONTAP, including: Databases form the core of the line of business applications. The server name will be NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAPcan also be used to enhance the performance, availability, and agility of storage for such deployments. Parameter name: ServerInstance. Once you have downloaded and installed its module, bring up your PowerShell console and run Add-AzureAccount. I have the need to run a single query on four hundred databases on separate sql serversin Azure. ATA Learning is known for its high-quality written tutorials in the form of blog posts. I'll choose to use a rule named MyFirewallRule. It's now super-easy to bring up a SQL database without having to worry about bringing up a whole server and managing it. There are a number of use cases that can be adopted. Fortunately, there are a few websites that can return this information to me. Go back to your SQL Database resource page and copy the Server Name. Figure 3 - Query an Azure Database with Powershell. You will need to create a Azure account and Microsoft is offering a Free Trial as of the date of this article. This small script snippet goes to and scrapes the public IP address from the page. He mainly focuses on DevOps, system management and automation technologies, as well as various cloud platforms mostly in the Microsoft space. This becomes especially important in large-scale enterprise Azure SQL deployments. New-AzureSqlDatabaseServerFirewallRule -ServerName $serverName -RuleName 'ClientRule' -StartIpAddress $ipAddress -EndIpAddress $ipAddress. Instead of writing out the features that are available in Microsoft Azure SQL I will provide a link to the Microsoft Docs with that information. By far the most robust tool for managing a SQL Database server is SSMS. Adam also founded the popular TechSnips e-learning platform. Finally, I'll need to decide on a rule name. $params = @{ Database = MyDatabase ServerInstance = $ServerInstance.FullyQualifiedDomainName Username = UsernameHere Password = PasswordHere Query = SELECT * FROM Users } Invoke-Sqlcmd @params, Your email address will not be published. Click OK. In Cloud Shell, switch to PowerShell option from the top left drop down menu. Now that you have authenticated to the database and the firewall is set up, you can start running your queries by going to > Databases, right-clicking on your database, and selecting New Query. Follow the steps below to create an Azure SQL database and configure firewall rules to allow access to the database from other services and allowed IPs. One of them is In large-scale deployments, automation is also necessary to enable agility and is part of implementing a successful infrastructure-as-code Azurestrategy. The database parameter is the name of your database. You can also use PowerShell to read the Azure SQL server and database and use that information to pass to the query as seen below. In this article, I'll be showing you how to setup all prerequisites necessary to query an Azure SQL database in PowerShell. You can access Cloud Shell from. You can view more differences and limitations in the Azure Documentation. Figure 4 - Query a SQL Azure Database from SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Now that the Prerequisites have been completed, lets test the PowerShell script to query the Azure SQL database table. Many companies today have branches in several countries or an international workforce.

You will connect using SQL Authentication. Once you sign up, go to the Azure Portal ( and sign in. This database has a SQL admin (sa) user AtaAdmin and the password is Admin123. This cmdlet comes from the SQLPS module we installed earlier. Once you have the installation completed, perform the following commands to add your Azure Account You will be asked to log into your Microsoft Azure Account. They are SQLServerand SQLPS. To learn more about infrastructure as code on Azure, take a look at our posts on Azure Resource Managerand Terraform on Azure. SQL DBs used in such applications can benefit from the advanced capabilities offered by Cloud Volumes ONTAP to deliver consistent and reliable user experience. PowerShell can be used to create and manage your Azure resources. Although, as you can see using Invoke-SqlCmd eliminates the need for a lot of that code. Receive news updates via email from this site. If you dont have it installed, you can download the latest version from Microsoft or install it using a package manager. Your question was not answered? sqlcmd You can run these commands using a role that has contributor permissions at the resource group or subscription levels. Create a firewall rule to enable access to the SQL server deployed in the previous step. You can find this module on the PowerShell Gallery. The prerequisites to execute SQL queries against your Azure SQL database in PowerShell consist of three software installations and opening up a firewall port on your Azure SQL server. This fifth installment of the Check your SQL Server using Windows PowerShell series illustrates how to access SQL Server instance properties and SQL Server configuration details using Windows PowerShell. Download and install the module by running the command Install-Module Az. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please ask IT administration questions in the forums. Your email address will not be published. You'll need to know the Azure SQL Server on which you'd like to create the firewall rule, a name for the rule, and a range of IP addresses to which the rule should be open. Azure SQL & PowerShell: How to Automate SQL Deployment, Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Benefits and Best Practices, How to Automate Azure MySQL Deployment Using Azure CLI, Ansible & Azure: Automating the Basic Building Blocks of the Azure Cloud, Azure Resource Manager Templates: A Guide to Efficient Automation in Azure, Terraform on Azure: Platform-Agnostic Automation in the Cloud, Azure Quickstart Templates: How to Use Them to Make Cloud Storage Easier, Infrastructure as Code: Azure Tips to Save You Time and Headaches, Azure SQL Instance Deployment Using Azure PowerShell Commands, Step-by-Step Commands for Deploying Azure SQL Services, Cloud Volumes ONTAP for MS SQL Database in Azure, options available to deploy SQL services in Azure, The deployment can be done from Azure Cloud Shell which provides a PowerShell command execution environment. This will associate your Azure subscription with your PowerShell session. Since youre already on the Azure Portal, you can stay right here for the first demo. Regardless if youre a junior admin or system architect, you have something to share. Lets look at the PowerShell Script parameters required, Line 1:- Application Client ID that we have saved earlierLine 2:- Azure AD Tenant ID that we saved earlierLine 3:- Application password that was saved during the Application creationLine 4:- Converts password to Secure StringLine 5:- Combines required $mycreds Line 6:- Connection string; I have entered in required Azure SQL Server & database I want to queryLine 7:- The SQL query I want to run, Full PowerShell Script:- (I built this script initially from the PowerShell script found here). Lets take a look at the different options available to deploy SQL services in Azure. PowerShell can be used to create and manage Azure SQL instances and databases. Next, click on the plus icon in the Azure Database Screen. To connect to an Azure SQL database with PowerShell, youll need to install the Az PowerShell module. If you see this, you've authenticated successfully! Next, we'll need to know the name of the Azure SQL Server on which the rule will be created.

You can do this via the Microsoft Azure portal, but since we'll be focusing on PowerShell in this article, we'll do this with the New-AzureSqlDatabaseServerFirewallRule cmdlet inside of the Microsoft Azure PowerShell module. Here are several different ways to connect to an Azure SQL database. Function LogToSQL($QueryInput) { $connectionString =,1433;Data;Initial Catalog=#####;Persist Security Info=False;User ID={#####};Password={#####};Pooling=False;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30; $connection = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($connectionString) $query = $QueryInput $command = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($query, $connection) $connection.Open() $command.ExecuteNonQuery() $connection.Close() }. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. In Azure, you can enable automation through different tools and services, like Terraform, Azure CLI, ARM templates, and PowerShell, to name a few. To find the database name, you can use the Get-AzureRmSqlDatabase cmdlet. With Azure SQL Database, the administrative activities of databases are offloaded to Azure. Now that youve connected to an Azure SQL Database a few different ways, you should be comfortable using it either with or instead of a traditional SQL Server installation! Open SQL Server Management Studio to connect to the database name using SQL Server authentication and the SA user you set up earlier. To query a table in SQL Azure via Powershell, run the following Invoke-SQLCmd command. Next, youll need to login to the Azure Portal to make sure that your device can to connect to the database. This comes in handy for administrators who are familiar with PowerShell in a Windows ecosystem and for those organizations who want to automate the administration process through scripts. Creating the SQL database firewall rule in PowerShell requires using a few parameters of the New-AzureSqlDatabaseServerFirewallRule cmdlet. Simply assign a variable to the output, and you've got ServerInstance. Two parameters down! For the love of Equifax, please use best practices for passwords when you set something like this up in QA or Production! How to query an Azure SQL database with PowerShell, Sync PowerShell scripts between computers with Git. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio software from Microsoft for free, Getting query text from SSMS into a CSV with PowerShell, Automate Registering and Maintaining Servers in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), Check your SQL Server using Windows PowerShell Part 5, SQL Server 2008 SSMS Enhancements - Part I, SQL Server Logins (Database Scope Credentials are supported), SQL Server Auditing (Database Auditing Supported), Scale a production application based on increase demand, Provision development and test environments that will speed up development and QA/Test, Ability to out-source database management and TCO. Adam Bertram is a 20-year IT veteran, Microsoft MVP, blogger, and trainer. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The IP ranges should be restricted to the IPs from which you need to enable access to the SQL server and the SQL server name should be unique system wide. Connecting to an Azure SQL Database with The Azure Portal, Connecting to an Azure SQL Database with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), Connecting to an Azure SQL Database with Visual Studio Code (Code), Connecting to an Azure SQL Database with PowerShell, dozens of different ways to connect to Azure SQL, download the latest version from Microsoft, An Azure SQL Database (You can use your own if you like, but Ill be using the. Azure SQL Database is a managed SQL database service thats built so developers and admins dont have to perform the tedious tasks of installing SQL server, or spending hours setting up failover clusters. Log into Azure SQL database using the user you added to above group (Not Azure Service Principal, you cannot use SQL Management studio to log into Azure SQL using service principal credentials. Figure 1 - Add Azure Account after Powershell plugin installation. At the time of this writing, the module is on version 2.5. The password Im using isnt the most secure, but itll do for demo purposes.

In addition to faster deployment times, automation ensures repeatability, adherence to organizational standards, and a reduction in manual errors. You will need: Once you've got all three SQL components installed, it is now time to get the Azure PowerShell prerequisite installed; the Azure PowerShell module. Just calling this by itself brings up a graphical box that prompts you to input your Azure e-mail and password. Chances are there's a PowerShell module that allows you to hook into that data. E-mail us. Once you have the account and are in the Azure Portal, to create a database, click on the SQL Databases icon. tutorials by Chris Blackden! To query any SQL database from PowerShell, you need to have the SQLPS module installed along with a few supporting packages. ATA Learning is always seeking instructors of all experience levels. Once successful, you should then receive output that displays your user ID, subscription ID and tenant ID. Recently I had been asked to configure a script that can be used to query an Azure SQL Database table data using a service principal with PowerShell; in this blog post I am going to show how you can do this with test data being returned. To find the database name you can pipe the output of Get-AzureSqlDatabasServer directly to Get-AzureSqlDatabase. Once you select that, Visual Studio Code will run you through a wizard prompting you to enter the information of the database to connect to. Cloud Volumes ONTAP is based on NetApps trusted ONTAP technology that delivers an enterprise-class storage management experience for critical workloads such as SQL in Azure. For example, they might be using a different version than the latest release, need connectivity to local data centers, want control over DB maintenance and backup schedules, or require more flexibility in storage usage. When speaking of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tooling, most people think of Terraform. This technology allows users Getting rid of unsecure password authentication is becoming a priority for many businesses. The table below highlights a few of those differences. Before we can run the PowerShell script, there is some prerequisites that need to be completed before the script can be ran successfully. Once you have all of the criteria needed it is simply a matter of passing all of these parameters to the Invoke-SqlCmd cmdlet. Thus, it might make HashiCorp Terraform is an open-source Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool that enables deploying resources on-premises and to the cloud. Data loss prevention (DLP) is a handy feature in Microsoft 365 that shields data. PowerShell output showing successful query of Azure SQL Database using Service Principal with PowerShell. 4sysops - The online community for SysAdmins and DevOps.