The call for Todd's uncle at the end of Rabid Dog was a classic misdirection to trick the audience into thinking Jesse will be killed. The show ends with Jesse commenting to the One-eyed Bear that powers of an emperor makes people estranged. Could possibly incorporate a flash-forward into like fifty years in the future when an impoverished Mexican family winds up unearthing the fortune by accident. After realizing all of his mistakes, though, he's able to redeem himself before dying. Furthermore, the police arrive shortly after he passes out, and at least one of those first police cruisers on scene would have to have a standard issue trauma kit.

An entire SWAT force showed up literally as he fell to the ground- couldn't they get him to medical treatment, and even provide rudimentary help themselves? Seriously? When Jane's father enters her apartment to find a dress, it is clear that the apartment has the same floorplan as Jesse's next door. So estranged or divorced with kids is what I think the writers were going for, and I thought it was pretty easy to reason that based on what we saw on the screen. Tuco is a minor character compared to Gus. After this, he's now ready to co-operate with Hank to bring Walt down. Now, for Jane to be Lydia's daughter, Lydia would have to be at least 48 to 50 years old, or at least 13-some years older than Laura Fraser. BUT, that doesn't mean Walt will end up purposely using it. Cerebral Palsy isn't a genetic disorder. Walt won't be "Scarface" until the final episode. How the heck is Jesse "just entering his 60s" in 2074? As for Walt, there was a good ten minutes between when Walt was shot and when he collapses, and he had already lost a ton of blood. We should probably make that joke about twenty more times before it gets old. Heisenberg's legend lives on. And you have to realize that this is pretty much pure weapons-grade ricin extracted by a master chemist, not those shitty castor beans that get mailed to President Obama every few months. The teasers of "Live Free or Die" and "Blood Money" are a massive, Gus Fring is the Mirror Universe Barack Obama, When confronted by Hank, Walt is going to say that Walter Whitman's book was given to him by Gretchen. While Jesse does definitely escape from Jack's gang, his post-finale fate is left rather ambiguous. Its in his head. Well, he was in Breaking Bad, so he probably died. Walt intends to smoke the ricin cigarette himself. He may have a cool and collected form of it, but make no mistake, everything he does is fueled by wrath toward Hector Salamanca. Skyler will be diagnosed with lung cancer. Though Skyler may just use the money to pay off his back taxes and leave it at that. Walt didn't leave New Hampshire because Grey Matter was disowning him. The guy shoots some kid, and never feels a, This is neither Wild nor Guessing, so let's just say it's confirmed. It's quite possible that Walt accepting the payout was to finance this.

He's trying to keep it alive, he's suffering greatly because of the economy, and is already breaking the law. Cerebral palsy is believed to be caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain during delivery, usually because of the baby being born with the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck. That being said, it is heavily implied that he is going to be using the M60 on them to get the 70 million dollars they took from him back. Then one day Holly is taking a shit at Flynns place and this happens: Jossed. Both commit heinous acts, Walt especially. At the same time, Walt's DEA brother-in-law Hank finally happens to find out the truth, and goes on a manhunt to bring Walt to justice. His post-finale fate is left rather ambiguous, but he is at least free of Jack's gang. Gus planned on putting this plan into full motion once the Tio/DEA situation cooled off, but Walt managed to get one tiny step ahead of him. This makes sense considering the fact that Walt has died in the eyes of every other supporting character. There are several perfectly innocuous explanations for the apparently dire state of Walt's life in the one-year. This would also explain the reaction from Carol, Walt's neighbor, when she sees her. Jesse has developed considerable chemistry skill of his own, working with Mr. White. With the Aryans and Lydia gone, Walt fatally wounded, and Jesse now free, one of the biggest drug empires in America has been completely destroyed.

Their fates at the end of the series are karmic results of their actions throughout the series. It will involve Saul and co. desperately trying to eliminate all evidence of connection to Heisenberg's drug empire, after the deaths/captures of Walt and Jesse. ", "Mr. White, I'm Jesse's son from the future.

Just when Walt seems to be going to prison, Jack Welker and his crew show up and murder Hank and his partner despite Walt's pleas. He is a problem you promised to resolve. Maybe Lydia and Gus did have something going at some point. I thought they said in the show he killed himself? The M60 is going to be used against Uncle Jack and his family. "Leaves of Grass" in (almost) plain sight?? Mike is the one who tracked Walt down for Saul in "Better Call Saul". You can pretty much see where I am going with this. Its been established that Mike has no qualms wiring houses for sound, and this was for Saul. This person also pointed out that Walt's lung cancer was back, and some studies have shown that lung cancer patients are often able to heal cuts and wounds much more quickly than someone without, which means Walt's cancer probably kept the injury from being worse. The implication seems to be that Skyler and the children moved out of the house shortly after she was threatened by the Neo-Nazis, and the house remains in good condition until angry vandals come by to trash the place. After wiping out Jack's crew with a remotely triggered M60, Walt's final act is to put a bullet between Jack's eyes. Saul has changed his identity and skipped town. Walt will have (or already has had) a relapse. It certainly seems that way. Jesse, on the other hand, has suffered throughout the series and seen the consequences of his actions. Gustavo Fring is a fake identity of a CIA agent sent to Chile by the Nixon administration to overthrow the Allende government who went rogue after falling in love with Maximino. ", "Mr. White, are you mad about something?". In season 4's "Cornered" we see a single scene of where she took off to.

and her explicit desire for Walt's cancer to come back. Walt gives Jesse a gun and straight-up tells Jesse to kill him, but Jesse chooses not to after realizing that Walt earnestly regrets everything that he did to him. In the Denny's he is arranging his bacon to show his age on his birthday. That would mean that if he's still alive in 2076, he'd be at least 88 - much older than Mike. jm21 I don't think so! In both occasions the premiere of each season opens with one. The M60 is because Walt finally realizes this, and wants to level the playing field a bit. Prove me wrong. This explains his unending love of breakfast, obviously. Jossedsorta. He's proven multiple times that he's really dangerous when his back is against the wall and he has to go all in to survive. Hank probably wouldn't have recognized it otherwise, but as you may recall the lily of the valley had one of those labels used to identify plants, so that's why Hank remembers it. The latest episode ("Buried") ends with Hank about to interrogate Jesse about Walt. Given where Walt is, the only way 'up' is via replacing Gus so yes, I think that will be the main plot of season 4 with season 5 being Walt's downfall (possibly at the hands of Hank). Gus was bluffing when he threatened to kill Walt's entire family. Walt will eventually kill and replace Gus as the crime lord of New Mexico, Ted Beneke will become Walter's associate, Gus is going to die by the end of the fourth season. It is believed to be caused by complications at or around the time of birth. ", "Mr. White, those guys hypnotized me into becoming a sociopath and said that I would snap out of it when I hear the sound of a machine gun! Also, in real life, there's only a five and a half year age gap between Krysten Ritter (Jane) and Laura Fraser (Lydia). Walt returning a year later to Albuquerque from the flash-forward in episode 1 shows that he seems to realize that his cancer has already won and has stopped chemo, which makes sense considering he has hair on his head now and the doctor in season 1 explained how he had only one year max to live. At any rate, even if the spouse wasn't Lydia, I think the idea of Gus having an estranged wife is very plausible.

Jonathan Banks leaves and closes the door exactly 20 seconds after telling Aaron Paul to "count down from 20". It makes much more sense having her as a main character from the start if she'll eventually function as the Protagonist's wife. The breathing comes from the AMC Cameraman.

In it, things are suddenly going very well for Walt - He and Jesse have produced a massive amount of meth that is ready to sell, his cancer is in remission, and his friends and family throw him a party. He was 58. (Remember that Jesse had already suspected Walt of poisoning Brock, before Walt was able to convince him it was Gus.) I came here from a Google search and know this post is very old but I never knew that I either didnt pick up on it or just assumed he was alive. That of course will cause a lot of tension between Skyler, Walter and Ted. I don't see why it matters much either way. However, the stuff about the derelict house seems to be true. Largely jossed. As Walt is also a chemist, he probably knows a chemical that can slow down heartbeats (or make pulses undetectable) to further give the illusion that he is dead. However, that AA-12 shotgun should have torn everything in front of it to shreds, including Walt. Gus poisoned Brock to make it look like Walt poisoned Brock to make it look like Gus poisoned Brock. Anyone? With Walt's exit, there's a downgrade in quality, which Todd and Lydia desperately seek to fix. Gus knows Walter is a dead man and threatening to kill him would accomplish nothing, so threatening his family is the only way to go. To prevent the authorities from easily identifying them as two of the most dangerous fugitives in American history, they undergo extensive plastic surgery. Jesse will find about the lily of the valley from Hank.

If he had grown a goatee people might have caught on. The beginning of Season 5B confirms that Walt will poison someone with the ricin or at least attempt to. Here you will find discussions and speculations about the show, pictures from the show, AMA's with the cast, and anything else Breaking Bad related. Mike used to be Deputy Director of the FBI. Considering the show has been full of foreshadowing, Walter's conversation with Gus where he tells him that he would have done the same (referring to Gus forcing a bloody confrontation between the then current cartel leader and the DEA), could be a foreshadowing of Walter betraying Gus in exchange for the cartel's support, after all, by the end of season 3, the cartel is probably much more angry at Gus than at Heisenberg. Walt ceases to even be the protagonist, and just becomes a straight up card carrying villain, or worse, Walt will kill someone with ricin in the Series Finale, Alternatively, the ricin will never get really used. Walt loses his brother-in-law, the love of his family, nearly all of his money, and his reputation overnight. Jesse is trying to kill me! cutting the crusts off sandwiches (like Krazy-8), putting down a towel in the bathroom before vomiting (like Gus), having his drinks on the rocks. Jesse, on the other hand, has suffered throughout the series and seen the consequences of his actions. However, instead of being happy he seems depressed and angry. Being a woodwork teacher is more possible. She's not present during Walt's M60 rampage, but the final scene reveals that Walt poisoned her with the ricin. Uncle Jack will be the final opponent for Walt.

No skill involved, just chance. Consider what we know of Gustavo Fring. Then, as they leave, Gus falls over and has trouble getting to the getaway vehicle.

Even if there was an ambulance waiting right outside, it would have been too little too late. Either they're full-blooded sisters, and Lydia got cast out at some point (the news reports on Wayfarer 515 at the start of "No Mas" say that Jane was Don Margolis's only child), or they share one parent. Thinking of Marty Robbins country song Feleena, he dreamed of being the cowboy who rides back into town and saves the day. He makes excessive self-sacrifices for his family that they do not want, he associates with people who are unreliable and lead to disappointment (Jesse, mainly in seasons 1 and 2), he refuses help when it's offered to him, he incites angry responses from Jesse and then feels hurt and apologetic afterwards, he , etc. Lydia will get it worse than everyone else during Walt's M60 Rampage. Even in his past, he apparently turned down a lucrative business opportunity with his friends Eliot and Gretchen Schwartz over a seemingly minor disagreement, and ultimately ended up working as a high school teacher. It would also explain why she is so eager to take in Holly and is especially fond of her. The CDC FAQ on ricin says that while there is no antidote, its effects can be treated to some extent. Considering that his mental facilities seem to be otherwise fine, but he has the problems walking and the slurred speech cerebral palsy is what Walter Jr. is most likely to suffer from. This includes: Conspiring to kill Gus with the snub nose, Walt (off-screen) explaining to Jesse the plan in "End-Times" to kill Gus. This season, its suddenly no longer an issue, and not because the danger has leveled out, but because they magically forgot about the whole paranoia. But due to their falling out, perhaps over something she said or did (perhaps involving Elliot) that Walt misinterpreted as a betrayal (Gretchen implies that Walter's side of the story may not be accurate), she started hooking up with Elliot and eventually settled for him. It turns out Walt's cancer has been cured by the chemicals from the meth. Good point. Gus foresaw that activated charcoal + vomiting wouldn't be enough to prevent the poison, so he had a clandestine hospital set up. The flashback in "And the Bag's in the River" implies at least some romantic tension between Gretchen and Walter. And finally - no one, not even his closest and most trusted associates, can find any information on him at all. Jack and his crew let Walter go scott free. This is a good theory, but it is hinted at early on that Walt Jr was in an accident that caused his problems. ", "Mr. White, I don't think you locked your car. At the same time, Skyler and the kids will be given new identities earlier prepared by Saul Goodman and relocate to somewhere else (New Hampshire is my likely guess). Make peace with Skyler and see Holly again, Show Gretchen and Elliot his achievement and gain their respect through fear, Stop the Neo-Nazis production and distribution of his trademark Blue Meth, Save Jessie, who becomes suddenly happy and life affirmed, Die heroically by taking a bullet for Jesse, not from cancer, Feel redeemed and die amongst his first love - chemistry, as both characters die throwing up in bed due to a poisonous substance, and both of them are killed by Walt in a way that will not be traced back to him, Jossed; Saul's Nebraska life is shown in the first of Better Call Saul; he's living in Omaha under the name "Gene", and is indeed working at a Cinnabon store, nostalgically longing for his lawyer life, obscure anime show that nobody's ever heard of. If she chose Elliott over him, this would be probably the thing that could prompt him to leave the budding company and cut off all ties with his former friends. Gus rarely acts out whereas anger is basically Tuco's defining character trait. Hank's encounter with Jesse is quickly cut short by Saul, and while Jesse does find out who was behind the poisoning, it spurs him not to join Hank (who he still despises for beating him up in season three) but to, Note: five minutes after this, I found that one of the series' best episodes - "Fly" - was directed by. Jesse knows where the Nazis are keeping Walt's money. Available as Standard or Express delivery, 100% Secure payment with 256-bit SSL Encryption. She criticizes Walt for leaving her during a fourth of July visit to her family, which seems to make it pretty clear that they were romantically involved. And the way that Gus. According to Aaron Paul, when Mike is smacking Jesse, Jonathan Banks was really smacking him without holding back. During those years, Gus or whatever his real name was, worked with the Pinochet government as an advisor of sorts, but one day met a poor but bright man who Gus became attached to. Would be a nice allusion to tie these two roles of Jonathan Banks together, but nope. Going by "Lambert" instead of "White" (he's become a feminist and taken Skyler's maiden name). In the end, it won't be cancer or his high-risk criminal activities that do him in, but the very person who he's been trying to protect from the beginning. In fact, Walt starts the show kinda like Hal in personality, but then becomes more like. ", "Mr. White, we freed Jesse months ago. When he kills, it's because he thinks it's necessary. Granite State is also known as New Hampshire, which is where Walt's fake ID is from during the flash-forward of "Live Free or Die". With the help of Jesse, who has finally turned against Walt, they deceive him and trick him into confessing to multiple murders and coming out to the desert alone.

There is possible foreshadowing that he will kill her in the flash forward. After months of relentlessly trying to discover the identity of Heisenberg, Hank figures it out simply because he happened upon Walt's book from Gale. In the end Walt is killed and Skyler goes to jail, all of their drug money being seized. But then again it might be a coincidence, as there's only so many people who work in the film and television industry. Gus' car will lead to the discovery of Walt as Heisenberg. ", "Mr. White, can you see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

since Walt is now backed into a corner and previews suggest he's gonna go Heisenberg on him. According to :"In "Green Light", Walt hears on the radio that Donald Margolis has shot himself and has been rushed to the hospital. A man PROVIDES for his family.". "Mr. White, none of what you see is real. If you play this song right after Walt says, "Goodbye, Lydia," in "Felina," the lyrics, "See you walk, walk away, Into the night," are sung as Walt walks during nighttime. I mean, Scarface didn't really end until he was punished for his one, final good deed. These vandals are unnamed but are implied to be, at least in part, angry residents ticked off at how Heisenberg's activities have affected them. She only started to smoke during this pregnancy after she was aware of what Walt was up to. The photograph on Jane's bedroom wall is a photo of poet Elizabeth Bishop. The duo even share a kiss in one episode. When Skyler is discussing Holly's imminent arrival, she mentions that the last delivery (Walter Jr.) didn't go so well. If the apartments, part of a duplex, share a common wall, they should actually be mirrored not identical in layout. Two of his employees are overweight and Saul ain't exactly thin. With Gus now having been connected to the cartel the EA will probably begin an investigation on him, possibly leading to the discovery of the car. With Walt on the run, Hank dead, and Jesse a Nazi meth slave, the drug business flourishes again for months, with Jack Welker, Todd, and Lydia at the helm. Gus the chestmaster wouldn't have relied on such a poorly thought out plan.

He had more than enough wealth to fund Maximino's entire education, start a successful Los Pollos Hermanos chain, and begin producing a quantity of meth in Mexico, all prior to their fateful meeting with the cartel. Gus knew Walt owned a Lily of the Valley plant through his extensive surveillance of the White household. Also, Gilligan basically confirmed in an interview it's Walt. Later on, a teddy bear falls into the Whites' swimming pool. Terms apply. One of many times that Jesse gets beat up.

It's suggested this was some kind of sports injury. Some pieces of evidence that supports this theory: The third to last episode is titled "Ozymandias". "Mr. White, you have to help me! My basis for that is I assume if it was a suicide attempt, he shot himself in the head and thus was likely D.O.A. Matthew Broderick, Ferris Bueller himself, was considered for the role of Walter White early in the show's development. That would make a lot of sense, but Christopher Cousins (the actor who plays Ted) doesn't have any imdb credits for the first handful of S4 episodes which, it stands to reason, he ought to have (especially episode three given the synopsis states that it involves a Skyler/Saul plot, presumably money laundering themed then). It's out of shock, not surprise. Walt was making crocodile tears when he told Junior his father story, which may also have been a lie. Public knowledge of the activities of the White household would also probably lead to massive destruction or staking by the police for information, and I doubt real estates want to sell a house that had been previously linked to a meth dealer. This leads to Jesse's discovery that Gus's guys were behind the hit, and this eventually leads to Jesse souring the relationship between he and Walt and the Fring cartel. He paid for Max's education while maintaining an affair with someone who turned out to be a guerrilla drug runner, opposing the government that Gus was sent to advise.

Brain Metastases (secondary cancer spreading from the lungs) could explain his increasingly impulsive and erratic behaviour throughout season 4. There is no reason to think he is her legal guardian, he's even shown dropping her off at a house, presumably her parents'. Gluttony is indulgence, so his drug binges could definitely count. Walter never left that cabin in New Hampshire. Gus's eyesight is so bad that he can't tell the difference between people and boxes. He catches a very real stray round in the final showdown with Jack's crew, and he's last seen as the police are converging on his corpse. Besides all the damage to the house, the abandoned pool is used by a group of local skateboarders as a small skate-park. The titles of the second season episodes featuring the cold open with the pink teddy bear reveal the ending: "Seven-Thirty-Seven Down Over ABQ". When I got my diagnosis - cancer - I said to myself 'why me?'. In turn, this would lead to being a good place for teens to graffiti and to highlight the great Heisenberg. Walt craves his son's respect, to have Jr. do that would be excruciating. A theory goes that bullets of the caliber used by the M60 would've left an exit wound in Walter's body, meaning that the injury Walt received wasn't a direct bullet wound, or at the very least a ricocheted round, but rather a nonfatal shrapnel wound to his right side, that did not damage any essential organs, blood vessels, etc. Bueller?" Jesse Pinkman eventually becomes a high school chemistry teacher. The show ends with Walt's cancer cured, and him giving up drug dealing, and retiring to luxury and wealth with his family, with pretty much everyone who could tie him to Heisenberg dead. The show is still obscure to anyone who is. If they wanted to show Gus was capable of going to Toys 'R Us to buy some toys to scatter around his living room before Walt came over, then they would have. Walt coughing and popping a pill (he just has a bad cough and is taking medication for it). Confirmed, sorta. He's last seen driving through the front gate of Jack's compound while cackling maniacally, indicating that he might not be in the best mental state.

She was also a recovering drug addict and the daughter of Donald Margolis, an air-traffic controller. Despite this, though, it's not enough, and Walt doesn't get to walk away. Walt had always wanted to kill her but did not do so out of respect for her daughter. Jossed. Similar to the above WMG, Jesse goes on to be a pharmacist. His lung cancer beginning to contaminate the rest of his body, all the way up to his brain. Had Jesse actually applied himself in school, he might have become a legitimately great chemist on his own. Walt, Jesse, and some other important characters from. Unfortunately, despite being guided down a certain path, Walt and Jesse are responsible for their own actions.

Jesse is going to try and destroy Walt's money. Hanks tells Jesse about Walt's plant, and Jesse finally figures out what Walt had done. He conveys an incredible amount of conviction in that scene. He settles things with Skyler, leaves an inheritance for Junior, guarantees that the bodies of Hank and Gomez will be found, and gets revenge on Hank's killers before dying at peace. He uses this opportunity to use his subterfuge and espionage skills to subtly turn the situation in his favor, and forces the killer of his lover, Hector Salamanca to watch as he kills everyone he ever loved, just as Hector forced Gus to watch him, which leads to his death by explosion. margolis donald breaking bad marla tellez breaking bad