But in this article, well focus on the user experience as a desktop replacement.By the way, its also possible to directly install Debian on your Raspberry Pi (click on the link to learn more about it). Danke das produktive Feedback, kurz zu den zentralen Punkten: Die Docker Images sind auf eine Version festgenagelt, in voller Konsequenz msste man auch Images wie MariaDB und Redis forken, momentan sehen wir das nicht als ntig an, da wir aber ber unser Debian NextBox Paket die ausgerollten Images & Versionen voll in der Hand haben, werden wir das genau beobachten und eventuell doch noch forken. In addition it should be mentioned that gatekeeping for the Global Store restricts the inherent freedom of open source. Grab your free PDF file with all the commands you need to know on Raspberry Pi! For beginners especially, still having to go in the settings after this first start is a bit of a shame.Raspberry Pi OSUbuntuFirst boot experience4.5/53.5/5. In addition, the maintenance effort is not insignificant. It will require a bit of work to customize it if appearance is important to you, and also some research to find good apps for your goals. There is a search engine, but as you can see in the example, even if you are looking for something like firefox, there is a giant scroll bar with hundreds of packages available. We build a similarly robust system as Ubuntu Core by following similar concepts. It may give potential end-users instant clarity on this topic. In this second tool, almost everything is already installed, so you wont use it much. Auerdem gibt es halt europische Rechtssicherheit und europische Software.

Jetzt zu planen, alle NextClouds in 5 Jahren zu verschrotten, halte ich fr mindestens fragwrdig.

It is therefore not surprising that many consumer products based on such small systems are inadequately supplied with security updates. A comparison with Debian is difficult because it is not clear which system areas are comparable. Ubuntu has an opposite trajectory, as its pretty new on Raspberry Pi (with a stable version at least). Have you considered using the Super Long Term Support Debian from the Linux Foundation Project "Civil Infrastructure Platform"? Its really not the best experience for beginners. Good work, sounds like you made the right decision! Mit UbuntuCore htte ich dieses Produkt definitiv nicht gekauft und htte es auch niemandem empfohlen. Overall, Ubuntu is great if you want recent applications and frequent updates, while Raspberry Pi OS is often more stable with fewer upgrades. You can configure the language, keyboard layout, and timezone, but youll also need to create the first user. No sooner said than done: forked the appropriate gadget snap for the Raspberry Pi, made adjustments, posted it to the Ubuntu Global Store for building.

snap ist auch kein OpenSourcekosystem, denn es funktioniert nicht ohne Canonicals nicken. Is it worth it? Overall, expect a modern interface.

Here is what the Add / Remove Software tool looks like: Apps are sorted by category, but in each category, youll get all the packages available. Raspberry Pi preinstalled Ubuntu 20.10 Desktop and preinstalled Ubuntu 20.10 Server images are available from ubuntu.com. The choice here will probably depend on your preferences, but we can still take a look at it. We fixed it now. Thanks for sharing. Der Kunde vertraut Euch und Ihr wollt nicht das Vertrauen der Kunden verlieren, nur weil Ihr Euch schlechte Partner ins Bett geholt habt. Der aufgeklrte Benutzer kann immer noch zum original NextCloud-Image wechseln, den anderen fllt dies erst garnicht auf. Wie im Artikel beschrieben haben wir explizit auf unsere Open-Source Wurzeln verwiesen, sind damit aber nicht wirklich vorangekommen. Wenn man dann noch alles im User-Mode z. In terms of system size and flexibility, we rank Debian pretty much between balenaOS and Buildroot: We can use Debian packages and additional containerization to ensure that the device is robust and secure. Wrde mich wundern, wenn es da nicht mindestens eine Hand voll Systemhuser gibt, die das anbieten. Aber auch zu den Images gibt es immer viel Potential fr Kritik. i hope you guys have other kickstarters coming in the future. Es ist wie gesagt nichts gegen die Entscheidung selber, die sehr gut im Blog begrndet wurde und auch vollkommen ok ist. In the end, we had no other option but to turn our backs on Ubuntu Core in order to realize a NextBox that delivers on its promise. Could a license that allows later versions impose obligations or remove protections for licensors in the future? Additionally, we took care to avoid a gatekeeper that could potentially make the system unusable (or unmaintainable). Raspberry Pi 4: Ubuntu 19.10 Raspberry Pi 32-bit and 64-bit preinstalled images (raspi3) now support the Raspberry Pi 4 platform out of the box. The arguments are roughly the same as for the "Why not Ubuntu?"

This would provide a minimal attack surface and thus allow for a secure system. Ubuntu MATE 16.04 has fully working bluetooth and wifi on the Raspberry Pi 3. Wie die Updatepolitik der NextCloud-Images ist, wei ich nicht, mir ist dies zuletzt bei MediaWiki aber aufgefallen. OpenBSD. Specially tailored systems, which can be built using Buildroot, for example, seem to make more sense for small hardware.

Also, users are often more used to this kind of interface (with Windows, macOS or Linux distributions on PC), so I think its great for anyone. But its not mandatory this time.

You can quickly find any app you are looking for (maybe not on the first guess, but shouldnt be too long ^^). I'm the lead author and owner of RaspberryTips.com. In this article, Ill compare Raspberry Pi OS with desktop and recommended software to Ubuntu Desktop. Specific version combinations of the containers used allow version jumps to be tested in advance and rolled out as a whole with the NextBox Debian package. The restrictive idea of Ubuntu Core shows its dark side here. Es gibt einen Gatekeeper und das ist Ubuntu und falls die pltlich keinen Bock mehr haben, dann drehen sie etwas eventuell ab.

Canonical hat in der Vergangenheit schon sehr oft gezeigt, dass ihre Entwicklungen ein Griff ins Klo sind - upstart, mir, netplan, snap. Unfortunately, Firefox is not the best web browser choice on Raspberry Pi (whatever the operating system you use), and I suppose there is a similar problem with Thunderbird (I dont use mail clients). Mehr als ein "wir prfen die Option, dass ihr ein Gadget Snap bekommt" kam leider nie zustande. Die wichtigsten Images sollten von Euch bereits verwaltet werden. So, the two main issues here at first glance are the time to boot and the default browser. Ubuntu has had an official release for Raspberry Pi for only a few years and still has major issues to fix in 2020 versions (no Wi-Fi support, no desktop version, etc.). Ubuntu offers a better user experience, especially for those who are used to it, but has some weaknesses like performances and compatibility.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'raspberrytips_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_6',159,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-raspberrytips_com-medrectangle-3-0')}; if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'raspberrytips_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',160,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-raspberrytips_com-medrectangle-4-0')};Anyway, I compare everything in this post, and youll understand how I evaluated these criteria and pick this score for each of them. Is there a PRNG that visits every number exactly once, in a non-trivial bitspace, without repetition, without large memory usage, before it cycles?

The promised 10 years of support is just "good marketing" and actually there are only 5 years of support. Der Kunde ist sonst von Euch enttuscht, denn Ihr preist es mit Sicherheit an. Vor allem hat Fedora IOT natrlich mit RPM OSTree einen extrem stabilen update Mechanismus. Gibt es dafr eine belastbare Quelle? As the wiki says: Snappy Ubuntu Core is a new rendition of Ubuntu with transactional updates - a minimal server image with the same libraries as todays Ubuntu, but applications are provided through a simpler mechanism.

Klar Debian und etwas eigenes machen ist auch vollkommen valide, wenn garantiert ist das es weiterhin aktualisiert wird.

Which Database Is Best For Raspberry Pi? Different NextBox packages represent different levels of stability: stable, testing, unstable. Hi, Likewise, the flexibility of the resulting system is limited and a luxury such as a package manager is deliberately absent. Also, minor compatibility issues on Ubuntu are still expected, thats why I cant give a better score to this distribution:Raspberry Pi OSUbuntuRaspberry Pi compatibility5/53/5. kann man mit solchen Partnern besser arbeiten. Connecting the interfaces turned out to be a bigger problem. The best Raspberry Pi distribution for desktop usage is Raspberry Pi OS, the performances are great, and its based on Debian, so its easily customizable. Of course, it was already visible at this point that we have to adapt to this ecosystem, but we were happy to accept this in view of the rapid progress. geht der usdisks Service nicht ohne manual review in den Global Store, vielleicht hat sich das ja gendert verglichen zu dem "automount" Verffentlichungsdatum? How to help player quickly make a decision when they have no way of knowing which option is best. The possibility to add further functions (e.g. In doing so, the user benefits from the flexibility introduced with Debian: Ubuntu Core is advertised as "minimal core, minimal risk, minimal bugs". If your desktop usage includes a bit of programming or electronic circuits, Raspberry Pi OS will clearly have the lead in this case. They also dont spend as much time as the Foundation to optimize their system on Raspberry Pi, and we can see this in the results:TestResults with UbuntuTime to boot53sTime to access a website (Wikipedia)23sTime to open LibreOffice Writer11sYouTube experienceSlow browsing.A few drops in full screen and HD, but great improvments compared to older Ubuntu versions. This essentially removes the snap restrictions and allows us full access to everything you can otherwise only use with a "Brand Store". The user interface is almost perfect, with a good-looking design by default and user-friendly tools like the applications catalog and the control center. Wer garantiert, dass es Updates fr die Software gibt? The aforementioned gadget snap was successfully built, but it could not be added to the Global Store: "manual review required". Streng genommen sind wir halt auch kein "nichtkommerzielles community Projekt", vielleicht ist hier das Problem. I have done a quick survey on YouTube, it confirms my impression, but well see how it goes: Raspberry Pi OS has been around since the beginning of the Raspberry Pi computer (in 2012). With this approach we were able to successfully implement all the essential features such as DynDNS, USB access, and backups. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'raspberrytips_com-leader-2','ezslot_9',166,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-raspberrytips_com-leader-2-0')};Updates are mandatory, so you have to wait for download and installation. Als ich von der NextBox la, interessierten mich auch die Specs und als ich UbuntuCore la, habe ich die Hnde ber dem Kopf zusammengeschlagen und mir nur gedacht, wie knnen die nur. Canonical contacted us and wanted to discuss the project technically. Raspberry Pi OS keeps things simple, but it comes at the expense of the overall look. I dont give the highest score to both because I think we can do better with this. Its a bit slow on the first start, but then you have access to different categories where you can see the most popular apps with a rating and some screenshots. Interessanter Fund, der Artikel ist von Juni 2016, das Repository wurde im August 2017 geleert, enthlt nur noch die neue Readme (. I am a Linux system administrator, and I am passionate about the Raspberry Pi and all projects on this topic. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/16.04/release/ubuntu-16.04-preinstalled-server-armhf+raspi2.img.xz. Factory-Reset is essentially a script (triggered via the hardware button) which is executed and cleans up any user-data on the system, there is no 2nd (recovery) partition. Building an Ubuntu Core image went well, including the required snaps. "Blos weil das udisks2 snap nicht mehr existiert, heisst das nicht dass man nicht selbst eins hochladen kann, siehe github.com/ogra1/automount bindet automatisch eingesteckte USB platten ein die dann in /media auftauchen wo nexcloud sie findet wenn das "removable-media" interface verbunden ist". Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd. Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. rev2022.7.21.42635. Haben eine Anfrage an Kickstarter gestellt Fedora IOT mag keine Turnkey Lsung sein, ist aber flexibel genug um fast jede mgliche Konfiguration umzusetzten. Es gibt natrlich dutzende von Alternativen wie z.B. Besser wre die Hardware nach 5 Jahren zurckzunehmen und zu recyclen und dann muss gegen neue Hardware und OS getauscht werden. To upgrade to Ubuntu Core 20 later, we would have to work on a complicated device upgrade in the field. Was ist europische Software im Kontext von freier Software? You should now be able to make your choice depending on everything you have read in this comparison. The system is installed and the first overview is done! Daher wre von mir an die NextBox aus Sicherheitsgrnden auf jeden Fall die Anforderung: Jegliche Software muss zeitnah mit Fixes bedacht werden und nicht nur die Software, dessen Name auf dem Image steht. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Remember that many other distributions are available on Raspberry Pi (as listed in this article), and I know that many of you would prefer Manjaro for desktop usage, but it was not a challenger in this article, maybe Ill do the same comparison in the future with other operating systems, let me know if you are interested :). Its the same thing as on a desktop computer for those who are used to it. Ich htte es gut gefunden, wenn Ihr euch fr eine eurpische Distribution entschieden httet, z.B.

Minimal write access to the SD card by offloading write-intensive directories to the internal hard drive or SSD. Ubuntu also has a welcome wizard that will show up on the first boot. This is relevant for us to be able to realize further hardware features in the future. Download the first link in your question. But as I evaluate the default interface, I can only give a better score to Ubuntu.Raspberry Pi OSUbuntuUser interface3/55/5. Information was exchanged and we felt there was a way: without hack, with Ubuntu Core 20 and a bunch of work. On Ubuntu, the main applications are:Web browserFirefoxEmail clientThunderbirdMusic playerRhythmboxOffice suiteLibreOffice. In addition, openbalena is a self-operating alternative to the commercial balenaCloud, which is slightly limited, but already offers the most important functions as an open source solution. Other providers can learn from this openness. The main problem is that this wizard will take a long time.

We pointed out that we, like Canonical, are an open source company and do not earn enough money with the product to pay the costs for the Brand Store of $30.000 per year. Wer nichts Zahlt, ist nicht Kunde, sondern Produkt. At this point, however, we had already noticed that a so-called Brand Store is an (apparent) option for using Ubuntu Core for such a project. Assuming Canonical would eventually cease to exist or discontinue Ubuntu Core, it would be nearly impossible with Ubuntu Core for the open-source community to ensure that NextBox would continue to be usable in a meaningful way. Noch eine persnliche Bemerkung hierzu: Meiner Meinung nach ist das Problem ist hier wirklich das Gatekeeping, "sollen nach Prfung ihre Gadgets auch in den global store hochladen" ist einfach leider kein Open-Source, das ist ein gratis Bier, welches ich heute bekomme und morgen vielleicht nicht mehr. I'm trying to host my website from my Raspberry Pi 2 which I will be using as a headless server that I will ssh into. Bei Debian bleibt es aber stabil bei einer Version. Sole control by the user.

"), aber u.a. The Ubuntu distribution needs a bit more time but has safety steps included, which is great.

Macht am Besten von Anfang an ein Fork vom eigentlichen Image, damit Ihr die Kontrolle darber habt, welches Image zu Anfang installiert ist. On Ubuntu, no old-school menu and the design seems to be a main concern for the company. In principle, container orchestration is used here, in addition to a supervisor container. The advanced configuration can be done in the Raspberry Pi Configuration tool under Preferences. Announcing the Stacks Editor Beta release! It only takes a minute to sign up. The main goal of Raspberry Pi OS is not the design, and youll directly understand this on your first boot. As a French guy, I would love to see a way to configure the keyboard layout in this wizard, but its not possible (except for US/UK), you have to do it after (even if it asks to set a password in the next step). The NextBox is a hardware device with Nextcloud pre-installed, which is also aimed at users with little to no technical understanding, but who still want to run a secure system under their control. I wont give a score in this first section, but understand that, in theory, Raspberry Pi OS is the king here, and Ubuntu is the challenger well evaluate. Although the majority of the Raspberry Pi cloud/server image works like any other Ubuntu system, there are a few packages in all currently supported versions of Ubuntu that you may not be familiar with. Klar habt Ihr einige valide spezielle Anforderungen, aber vll. Well come to this in the next section, this tool is a bit slow on Raspberry Pi, but its still a great user experience, as you can quickly find the apps you are looking for, even if you dont know their names. When adding a new disk to Raid1 why does it sync unused space? bindet automatisch eingesteckte USB platten ein die dann in /media auftauchen wo nexcloud sie findet wenn das "removable-media" interface verbunden ist Which version of Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi should I download? A mix of the two will be better, but its available :).I still give a short advantage to Ubuntu, as youll probably need to install new apps in both cases, and it will be easier with Ubuntu.Raspberry Pi OSUbuntuDefault applications5/53/5Applications management2.5/55/5. I think you made the right choice and hope you will give back to Debian, they deserve it. You'd have saved everyone's time. It provides context to your rationale. You guys should check the English version of your KickStarter campaign page for NextBox - you still reference Ubuntu Core. Ziemlich genau so haben wir das auch versucht (denke das ist auch im Artikel beschrieben, sorry wenn das nicht ganz klar wird, Stich-/Suchwort: "Deja Vu! They are also a few basic games installed. By the way, the version numbers follow a rule: for example, 21.04 is the April version of 2021. Of course, Canonical never made us any promises or reliable commitments. Open-Source sollte Freedom / Freiheit bedeuten. Its a personal choice in this case, and will highly depend on how you plan to use your system. I can see in the German version that you've updated this to Debian :) Eventuell baut einen eigenen Docker-Hub auf, um auch vom eventuellen freidrehenden Docker unabhngig zu sein. We could upgrade our software to Ubuntu Core 20 before delivery, but the Nextcloud snap package we use only exists for Ubuntu Core 18.

Just take note that the Ubuntu Desktop image can only run on a 64-bit CPU, so older models are not compatible (unlike Raspberry Pi OS). Raspberry Pi OS will start directly with a default session. Raspberry Pi OS is a great solution for beginners on Raspberry Pi that dont want to mess with configuration and performance issues. mir wurde bei der Ankndigung bereits verrissen und netplan hat nichts neues beizutragen, im Gegenteil, man hat sofort Einschrnkungen, die man zuvor (ifupdown) nicht hatte (VLAN-Support). I dont give a score here, as it depends on you, these distributions are not intended to be used in the same conditions. Wir knnen jetzt ohne Weiteres die FAQ nicht mehr ndern. Lediglich das direkte Booten auf dem Raspi (nicht von SD Card) ist etwas komplizierter. Passwordless Login and Two-Factor Authentication, Secure Administration of Servers and IoT With SSH, Security For Cryptocurrency Exchanges And Bitcoin Startups, Automatic updates and high robustness for minimal administration effort. Ich hoffe, dass ihr damit die richtigen Leute erreicht, die vor einer hnlichen Entscheidung stehen. I still find these results a bit slow, a Raspberry Pi 4/400 should probably do better. BalenaOS is clearly on the opposite side of the spectrum in terms of flexibility, simplicity and control.

Scientifically plausible way to sink a landmass. Still, there was a constructive "we can do this" mood. Remember that Raspberry Pi OS and Ubuntu are both based on Debian, so they will often have access to the same applications, but in this part, well also focus on the default ones. One question only, why "standard" Ubuntu was not an option? You can always find ways to download and install a specific application in a recent version, but I dont want automatic updates breaking everything! Thank you for the pointer. Ich finde man muss da nicht auf die 10 Jahre fixiert sein. It would be better to adapt the default apps to the Raspberry Pi hardware, but as explained previously they just duplicate their distribution to run on Raspberry Pi, its not particularly optimized for it (not as much as Raspberry Pi OS in any case). We thought, "Wow, this is going to be good, 10 years of security updates, nice ecosystem, perfect!" Compared to Ubuntu Core, Debian is certainly very stable to run over a longer period of time, including automatic security updates.

Another 5 years are only available with the paid Brand Store. We know that Raspberry Pi OS is intended to be better optimized for Raspberry Pi, but lets see how it competes in real usage. The choice between Raspberry Pi OS and Ubuntu is often a personal choice, and this article should have answered most of your questions already. One reason for Debian instead of Ubuntu was clearly the "uncompromised open source" approach Debian goes, which is also stated in the article. The instructions for installing this image are at the same webpage. Ich habe noch keine Erfahrung mit podman, aber es klingt besser als docker. Accordingly, without our intervention, NextBox will be provided with security updates for about 5 years from today. For NextBox, the associated security mechanisms even appeared to be an advantage. One of the main goals of the Ubuntu project was to change this. Wer sagt, dass es dies bald garnicht mehr gibt und wer garantiert fr Updates? At the same time, we do not have direct control over the device. Read this article!

At the same time, we are far more flexible and there is no gatekeeper to use GPIOs for example. Show that involves a character cloning his colleagues and making them into videogame characters? Its now time to take a look at the default applications. Sauberes, sicheres UNIX, Open Source, gut zu pflegen (syspatch), einfach upzugraden (sysupgrade). Wenn Canonical will, kann es fremde Software einschleusen. Of course, the classic criticisms were already present here, especially the fact that the Global Store is the only way to get snaps onto the device. Essentially, the idea was to use our snap package to get the needed functionality into the system.

Should I use this download link which is from the Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi webpage? Welchem Staat ordnest du debian denn zu?

Stack Exchange network consists of 180 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. RaspberryTips.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Ihr httet Canonical nichts bezahlt, aber dafr htte Canonical Euch einstellen knnen, wie sie es mit jedem Produkt htten machen knnen.

if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'raspberrytips_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',163,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-raspberrytips_com-leader-1-0')};So overall, updates are a bit more frequent than on Debian, but they still follow the same cycle for the major versions:Raspberry Pi OS VersionRelease DateWheezySeptember 2013JessieSeptember 2015StretchAugust 2017BusterJune 2019BullseyeNovember 2021. Obviously, the restriction of Ubuntu Core to exclusively install snaps is a double-edged sword; For our requirement profile, however, basically good and desirable in terms of security and robustness.

Scheitern gehrt bei der Entwicklung immer dazu und es ist wichtig, wie man mit dem Scheitern umgeht.

This is clearly not what we want to offer our customers. Suggestion, add the OS of you choice, Debian in this case, to the Specification list on the product page. Do I have to learn computer architecture for underestanding or doing reverse engineering?

Once again, not a bad thing if you have a good Internet connection, but a bit annoying when you are not that lucky :). Ubuntu Core 18 cannot be upgraded to Ubuntu Core 20 without already preparing it specifically (undocumented "feature"). Good read. Vielleicht war es etwas missverstndlich ausgedrckt.

It is based on Debian and comes with real 10 years support backed by funding from international companies. The solution to this are so called. On PC, youll also get better drivers support on Ubuntu than Debian, but its not true on Raspberry Pi, as Raspberry Pi OS is managed by the manufacturer. Youll often get a similar difference with most applications. Ich finde den Ansatz gut und danke fr den ausfhrlichen Artikel. And one way to do this is to use an SSD instead of the SD card (as explained in my bootcamp course). Eine Verwaltung knnte man z.

Wenn das NextCloud-Image pltzlich freidreht, knnt Ihr den Kunden nicht sagen, wir haben zwar gesagt, Ihr msst nichts tun, aber leider msst Ihr nun leider doch etwas tun und zwar bezieht nicht mehr NextCloud, sondern wechselt zu NextBox/NextCloud. Im Endeffekt ist dies eine Anforderung an Euch, denn Ihr wollt die NextBox anbieten.

The biggest challenge, however, would be to reliably update the entire system. Ask Ubuntu is a question and answer site for Ubuntu users and developers. The Raspberry Pi image for Ubuntu 14.04 is no longer maintained. Thanks for contributing an answer to Ask Ubuntu!

It implies there is a major upgrade about every two years, and security updates as soon as available in the repository. Ubuntu has made great progress in the last months to challenge Raspberry Pi OS. With the new architecture envisioned by Canonical, the first hurdles were not long in coming: Fortunately Canonical answered us that they are checking if we are allowed to place a gadget snap in the Global Store for free. (instead of occupation of Japan, occupied Japan or Occupation-era Japan). lumia Unfortunately, we couldn't find a compromise and were shrugged off. Also, the Raspberry Pi Foundation adds other updates to the mix, depending on the hardware release and issues they notice.

These systems are better suited to e.g., industrial systems and machines. Before anything else, lets do a quick reminder: Raspberry Pi OS and Ubuntu are both based on Debian, which is one of the most popular distributions in the world. UbuntuCore durch snap hat man ein Walled Garden, genauso wie mit Apple. Keep in mind that you can change the desktop environment and themes on both platforms, so its not a big deal if you dont like the default one. openSuSE. As I have worked on Ubuntu on PC for years, I can tell you that having an update or upgrade that breaks everything is really annoying, so I tend to prefer the Debian approach in this case. Once we did the step away from a very specialized (IoT) distribution, the field of possible distribution is very wide. Im using a Raspberry Pi 4 and Ubuntu can be used on it, so no major issues in terms of compatibility here. Somit hoffe ich sehr, dass snap keine Zukunft hat. linux benisnous manjaro